EUROPEAN MASTER on KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY MANAGEMENT .(MKEM-Project Idea) By : Paolo Manzelli LRE@UNIFI.IT à To the potential partners interested to start for joining and growing up cluster between University and Industry , for developing an European co-operation on “MKEM” proposal. Premise : The Industrial economy loses competitiveness all over the world and Knowledge Economy Development can be a catalyst to new profitable trans-national “chain-value creation”where the focus of multi- purposes business is enclosed on the contents innovation and the dynamic management skills for building creative strategies in a context of cultural net-working innovation about continuous and flexible change of post industrial society Therefore the European Master on K-Economy , will organize a multidisciplinary study courses, to generate and to share knowledge and best practices between University and Industry as well as it is required to implement the knowledge management on the priority themes of the contemporary KNOWLEDGE &WORK - PARADIGM-SHIFT The “MKEM” will be a cognitive introduction and implementation e. management working in the innovative context of Knowledge-Social-Economy European Development. . The Knowledge-based Social Economy (KSEED) will develop on the basis of re-thinking in a future perspective three fundamental subject matters, i.e., e-economy, e-commerce, e. govern , e.learning , all based on NEW THEORY OF NET-WORKING GROWTH ,focused on the new productivity of knowledge management of "not tangible products”. Therefore the challenge of the Project idea “MKEM” is to create a cultural and cognitive infrastructural ITC co-organised by means integrated European grouping , among University and Industry, oriented to improve the transition based on networking inter-nationalisation of k- economy, and aiming to enhance new approaches on globalisation of commerce/trade, finance trough intellectual “e. work” management innovation ; thereby accelerating “e-business” and “e-commerce” and new politics of “e. governance” , for improving European Knowledge Economy expansion, emphasising Net. learning and knowledge sharing through “virtual communities co-organizations”. à Core ideas: What is the K- economy or knowledge for developing K-Society ? What we means when we talk about the K- economy !: a) we're talking about a world in which people are able to “e.work” at distance with their brains instead of their hands. (Brain-workers) for improving “Not tangible” sectors of K-economy. b) we’re looking to a world in which communications technology creates a new relationship between “competition and co-operation”, based on networking relationship and agreements for a sustainable future. c) we’re thinking that a world wide quality of k-society living innovation, where addressing the major societal needs, is more important than the industrial mass production. d) we’re like to organize skills based on sharing method to generate knowledge sustainable dynamics, as it is necessary in a world where the technological &scientific change is very speedy - Starting from the above key considerations the focus of change of K-Economy concerns the delocalization of the production systems, so that the decentralization of decision making as an inevitable consequence; this because the communications and processing power are cheap, and time to take management decisions is becoming very short, at the same time that networked extended enterprises span the globe. Therefore the “MKEM” proposal will develop a K-Economy Knowledge management into a distance Net-.Learning methodology of teaching, for empowering skills of decision makers at various levels and improving K-Economy for the contemporary European K-Society “MKEM” - MISSION: The Mission for planning the MKEM is to create an European on-line lifelong learning Master, to favour the cooperation in Knowledge Social Economy , among European Industry and University aiming to acquire the necessary equipment, concepts, skills and also develop challenging perspectives needed for the world wide competitiveness on knowledge economy sustainable development. For this mission it is considered an important challenge to produce a Master Plan to “e.training” the new generation professionals and also develop an life long learning management innovation, aiming to ensure that the European Knowledge Society can be implemented thought a cognitive construction of the research and developmental management skills of the emerging “k-economy “issues.. With those mission and goals the “MKEM”. Virtual Training enterprise can be very important for improving a new vision of “knowledge social economy growth” enhancing a new program of “KSEED “–of cognitive based activities in a way that “Non-Tangible” sector of Intellectual capital grows quickly and bigger. Principal Study subjects of the collaborative on line “MKEM” will be : 1)- e-business delocalized networking strategies; 2) -social information plans management; 3)- innovation management on organisational business communication. Note: A more definite PROGRAMME CONTENT will be co-organized and revised by the partners. à “MKEM” Plan will be organized in a Mutual e-Learning strategy into : a)- European Core Module based on excellent lessons and lectures on “K-Economy “issues for knowing international documents and European policy perspectives ; b)- National Modules will be based on sharing best practices in long-life net.learning management on ”k-economy” ; c)- on demand special- modules and units based on distributed sources of knowledge management in various fields of “Business intelligence”.; d)- Web-Publication and dissemination of Research Dissertations realized by participants. - Teaching Methods and Technology - After Core Intensive Module based on general lectures, and the organisation of the e.learning web distributed materials, participants will be co-organized in appropriate “virtual national seminar groups” co-ordinated with a tutorial assistant, where the emphasis will be focused on interactive discussion and confrontation and sharing of research materials and documents. .In addition some special international virtual classes will take place via Internet tools and teleconferencing approaches that will allow to all the participants to an international private access to specialist lectures and seminars... Bibliog.-LINK on LRE/EGO-CREANET ideas on Virtual e.Learning University:: https://www.edscuola.it/archivio/lre/blues3.html ; https://www.edscuola.it/archivio/lre/blues3.html; https://www.edscuola.it/archivio/lre/blues.ppt
N.B. -Finally I would like to receive your kind comments to this preliminary proposal
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