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a cura di Nunzia Latini


Posti di Lavoro


Due scuole (lycée cantonal ed École supérieure de commerce) nel cantone di Jura cercano un assistente (età massima: 30 anni, buone conoscenze della lingua francese).
Un'ampia descrizione si trova nel documento allegato (descriptif), assieme ai documenti d'iscrizione (formulaires).
Data di scadenza per la presentazione della domanda d'impiego: venerdì, il 23 aprile 2010.

Un liceo a Zurigo cerca un assistente (età massima: 30 anni, buone conoscenze della lingua tedesca).
Descrizione del posto della professoressa responsabile, la signora Sara Alloatti:
Sono un'insegnante di italiano e francese in un liceo zurighese.
Accanto all'insegnamento al liceo e a corsi di aggiornamento per insegnanti sull'uso delle nuove tecnologie nell'insegnamento di lingue straniere, sto scrivendo, assieme ad alcune colleghe, un nuovo manuale per l'apprendimento dell'italiano per liceali germanofoni ( www.tracce.ch ). Dopo cinque anni di lavoro stiamo ultimando l’opera, anche con l'aiuto di un'assistente di italiano assunta presso la nostra scuola e la scuola vicina. L'assistente di italiano è una persona proveniente da una regione italofona che ha, in seno alla scuola, diversi compiti didattici, dalle ore di conversazione, alle lezioni con metà della classe, alla produzione di materiale didattico, ecc.
Il contratto della nostra assistente scade a luglio 2010 e siamo alla ricerca di un/-a nuovo/-a assistente. I suoi compiti saranno principalmente i seguenti: ore di conversazione e approfondimento culturale in metà classi, ore di lezioni per studenti bilingui, produzione di materiali didattici per il libro. È di fondamentale importanza che la persona in questione abbia spiccate competenze didattiche, che voglia trasmettere a studenti germanofoni la cultura e la lingua italiana con attività che sviluppino le competenze comunicative in primo luogo e che sia seriamente interessata ad un lavoro di produzione attiva di materiali didattici in collaborazione con l'attuale team di redazione. È per questa ragione che mi rivolgo a Lei, nella speranza che Lei conosca qualcuno che corrisponda al profilo che cerchiamo tra i Suoi studenti (età massima intorno ai 30 anni, conoscenze minime della lingua tedesca). Le mando in allegato la descrizione del programma di assistenza svizzero. Per maggiori informazioni sulla nostra scuola si può visitare il sito: www.kshp.che www.ksstadelhofen.ch  (per la scuola vicina).
Informazioni addizionali si trovano nel documento allegato (Programmbeschrieb), assieme ai documenti d'iscrizione (Anmeldeunterlagen).
Data di scadenza per la presentazione della domanda d'impiego: venerdì, il 23 aprile 2010.

Assistant Professor of Italian
The Department of French and Italian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites nominations and applications for a tenure-track position in Italian literature and culture of the Middle Ages at the Assistant Professor level, starting 24 August 2009.. We seek candidates with native or near-native fluency in Italian, serious scholarly promise, and proven commitment to excellence in teaching. Candidates should be willing to teach occasional courses in English on major figures of the medieval period and to participate fully in a vibrant undergraduate and graduate program. Additional secondary interests in Italian and Romance Philology are welcome.
Applications must include a letter of interest, CV, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample. The search committee will begin its initial consideration of applications on December 1. To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by December 17, 2008. Address applications to:
Professor Anne Vila, Chair, Department of French & Italian, 618 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706. Electronic submissions will be accepted at acvila@wisc.edu with copy to clarn@wisc.edu.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. A criminal background check may be required prior to employment.
Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding the names of applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.

The Italian Studies program in the Department of French and Italian seeks a Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor in Italian for the 2009-2010 academic year, to begin September 1, 2009. PhD preferred, ABD considered. The successful candidate will be part of an energetic department committed to providing the best possible instruction to talented undergraduates. We are particularly interested in individuals with a strong background in language instruction and teaching/research expertise in modern and contemporary Italian literature, culture, or cinema. Excellent organizational skills and administrative experience are also highly desirable. Teaching load is five courses, at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.
For full consideration, send a complete application including a curriculum vitae; a letter of application describing teaching philosophy, teaching experience and research interests; evidence of teaching effectiveness, including a representative sample of course evaluations if available; a brief sample of scholarly writing; and three letters of recommendation. Send application to Allison Cooper, Chair of Italian Search Committee, Department of French and Italian, Colby College, 4690 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME 04901. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled. Preliminary interviews will take place at the MLA Convention in San Francisco. Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and members of other under-represented groups. For more information about the College, please visit the!
Colby Web site: www.colby.edu

Multiple Openings for Part-time Instructors in Italian for Fall 2008 Department of Modern and Classical Languages George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
We seek part-time instructors interested in teaching up to six or nine credit hours in Elementary and/or Intermediate Italian during the Fall 2008 semester. Applicants should have a Masters in Italian or Applied Linguistics, possess native/near-native fluency in Italian and have experience teaching content-based language courses.
Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae and names of three references either electronically to kolson4@gmu.edu, or by mail to Dr. Kristina Olson, Italian Language Program Coordinator, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN 3E5, Fairfax, VA, 22030.
Applications will be considered as they are received.
George Mason University, located approximately fifteen miles outside of Washington, D.C., is an innovative, entrepreneurial institution with national distinction in a range of academic fields. George Mason University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

The Department of Foreign Languages at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT, is seeking to fill adjunct positions in Italian for the Spring 2008. Please contact Pina Palma (203) 392-6753, Palmag1@southernct.edu

Academic-year position as Visiting Instructor or Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian, beginning August 2008. Requirements: PhD in Italian Studies preferred, M.A. accepted. Native or near-native fluency in Italian and English, and evidence of excellence in undergraduate teaching. The successful candidate will teach all levels of Italian language and culture (3 courses per semester). To apply, please submit cover letter, C.V. and statement of teaching philosophy to < http://www.bucknell.edu/jobs>. Two letters of recommendation should be sent to Ruth Robenolt (Academic Assistant), Dept. of Foreign Language Programs, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837. All materials must be received by February 15, 2008.
Bucknell University values a diverse college community and is committed to excellence through diversity in its faculty, staff and students. Questions about the position should be addressed by email to: Prof. Bernhard Kuhn at bkuhn@bucknell.edu

The Department of Foreign Languages at Iona College (New Rochelle, NY) is seeking to fill an adjunct position in Italian for the coming semester
(beginning January 22). Two courses at basic level. MA or equivalent
required. Iona College is a small Catholic college about 35 miles north of New York City and on the Metro North train line. Applicants are kindly asked to send CV by email attachment to Thomas Mussio, Chair of Foreign Languages tmussio@iona.edu.

Closing Date: February 6, 2008
One full-time, tenure-track Italian Instructor position beginning August 2008, under the direction of the International Languages Department. The person selected for this position is subject to assignment to any district facility during any hours of operation. To view the International Languages Program website, go to http://www.miracosta.edu/languages/. The standard instructional work week shall consist of thirty (30) hours of instructional time, including fifteen (15) LHE (Lecture Hour Equivalent) of instructional assignments with the remaining hours devoted to curriculum development, preparation and student evaluation, five (5) hours of student engagement (of which two (2) hours must be designated office hours as described in the Faculty Handbook), and five (5) hours of departmental activities and collegial governance.
The primary duties of the Italian Instructor will be to teach beginning and intermediate Italian classes. In addition, this person will be expected to provide leadership in the development and implementation of course curricula and other instructional materials in close cooperation with other faculty of the department; develop and help implement assessment tools; participate in the recruitment, community outreach, and the advisement and retention of students; carry a fair share of department, Academic Senate, and District committee work and participate in faculty governance. Instructor may be asked to teach beginning or intermediate classes in another language (see desirable qualifications). Teaching assignments will most likely include afternoon and evening classes at either campus and/or off-campus locations as part of contract responsibilities.
Adherence to all District policies and procedures is expected.
1) A Master's degree in Italian; OR a Bachelor's degree in Italian AND a Master's in linguistics or another language; OR a valid appropriate California teaching credential authorizing instruction in a community college; OR the equivalent.
2) Sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students.
Two (2) years of recent full-time experience (or its equivalent) teaching Italian language, culture and/or conversation courses at the community college or university level OR other experience which demonstrates a likelihood of success at doing that.
Native or near-native proficiency in Italian as well as the ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing.
Ability to teach and native or near-native proficiency in one of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, or Spanish.
Use of communicative and content-based methodologies in teaching.
Experience in curriculum development.
Evidence of a strong commitment to teach and to remain current in the field of second language acquisition, including both traditional curricula as well as alternate methods of delivery.
Evidence of an ability to develop materials and provide high-quality instruction with computers and/or other forms of advanced technology.
Experience developing and implementing programmatic assessment tools.
Demonstrated commitment to community college mission of providing instruction to students of diverse abilities, interests, and cultural backgrounds.
Application procedure:
Applicants must submit the following:
a completed MiraCosta College District academic application form*;
a cover letter addressed to the Selection Committee describing how the applicant meets the minimum qualifications and relating his/her education and/or experiences relative to the desirable qualifications;
a one-page statement of his/her teaching philosophy;
a curriculum vitae summarizing the applicant's educational background and experience;
transcripts of ALL college work including Bachelor's Degree work (legible photocopies are acceptable but transcripts must indicate that the degree has been awarded); applicants whose qualifying degree has not been awarded at the time of application must include a written statement from their advisor indicating when the degree will be awarded; foreign transcripts must be accompanied by an evaluation from a formal evaluation agency;
three (3) current letters of professional recommendation written within the last two years of the date of application, and specific to this type of position (letters must be signed and dated to be considered valid).
Applicants wishing to claim equivalency to the minimum qualifications must also submit a completed Supplemental Equivalency Request form* with the application packet.
All materials must be received by the HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE on the Oceanside campus by 4:00 p.m. on the closing date. Postmarked dates are not acceptable. Incomplete packets may not be considered.
An application screening committee will review application materials as soon as possible after the closing date. The selection process may include a written exercise, a teaching demonstration, as well as interviews. Individuals invited to interview will cover expenses for their first trip to the campus.
Applicants selected for interview will be contacted by phone. Those not selected for interview will receive a letter after the entire selection process has been completed.
Offer of Employment:
An offer of employment to the person selected for this position is contingent upon 1) successful completion of a pre-placement physical exam at district expense, 2) TB clearance, 3) proof of eligibility to work in the United States, and 4) fingerprint clearance.
Application materials:
*The application form and Supplemental Equivalency Request form can be printed by accessing our website http://www.miracosta.edu/jobs/ or by contacting Human Resources
All application materials become the property of MCC and will not be returned or applied to any other position. If you wish to keep copies of any application materials, you must make copies before submitting them.
Salary policy and fringe benefits:
Upon initial employment, full-time faculty members are placed on the salary schedule based on years of experience and education. The maximum initial placement for experience is Step 7. Faculty members are encouraged to continue their professional development through additional study, qualifying them for advancement on the salary schedule.
MiraCosta offers a comprehensive package of benefits to all full-time members of the staff and their families. This package includes medical and dental insurance, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment coverage, long-term disability, and outpatient psychological care. Faculty members are also covered under the State Teachers' Retirement System.
For current salary schedule and information on salary placement, see our Web pages at www.miracosta.edu/OfficeOfThePresident/GoverningBoard/Downloads/Appendices/Appendix%20V.C-01.pdf and www.miracosta.edu/OfficeOfThePresident/GoverningBoard/Downloads/Chapter%205/Policy%20V.C.pdf about miracosta college: MiraCosta College is one of California's 108 public community colleges and is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The college offers an associate of arts degree in both academic and career fields as well as certificates in a variety of vocational and technical fields. The most popular transfer destinations for MiraCosta students are University of California San Diego, San Diego State University and California State University San Marcos, all within driving distance of both campuses and community learning center.
Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships involving appropriate interactions and communications in person, by phone, and in writing with a variety of individuals and/or groups of individuals from diverse backgrounds on a regular, on-going basis; ability to work effectively under pressure on a variety of tasks concurrently while meeting established deadlines and changing priorities.
Primarily works in an office, instructional lab, or classroom environments; constant contact with adult students; may work at any college location during day and/or evening hours.
Primarily sedentary with frequent standing and walking, and intermittent bending or stooping; occasional light lifting, carrying, pulling and/or pushing of objects weighing 25 pounds or less; intermittent light repetitive use of hands, wrists, shoulders, and forearms while keyboarding and/or writing; travel and/or drive to a variety of locations on and off campus as needed to conduct district business.
As per the Clery Act of 1998, the campus security report can be found at www.miracosta.edu/StudentServices/CampusPolice/
MiraCosta College
Attn: Human Resources
One Barnard Drive
Oceanside CA 92056-3899
website: www.miracosta.edu
Job Line: (760) 795-6868; toll free outside the 760 area,
1-888-201-8480, ext. 6868
e-mail: jobs@miracosta.edu
fax: (760) 795-6867
TTY: (760) 757-4311
MiraCosta College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to an educational environment which affirms and supports a diverse faculty and staff.
Application Information
Postal Address: Human Resources
MiraCosta College
One Barnard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056-3899
Phone: (760)795-6860
Fax: (760)795-6867
TDD: (760)757-4311

FIT is accepting applications for adjunct faculty members in various departments.
Completed applications will include a letter of interest, vitae and contact information for three references (including names, titles, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses) and samples, if indicated. Electronic submissions preferred and should be sent to the e-mail address provided under the name of each individual school.
Hard copies may be sent to Human Resources, FIT, Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, New York City 10001-5992. Please be sure to include the position for which you are applying. Rank and salary commensurate with experience. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Appointments will begin in fall 2008.
Submit electronic applications to resumes13@fitnyc.edu.
Accessories Design; Communication Design; Computer Graphics; Fashion Design-Apparel, Fashion Design-Art; Fine Arts; Illustration; Interior Design; Jewelry Design;Menswear; Packaging Design; Photography; Textile Surface Design; Fabric Styling; Toy Design; and Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design.
International Trade and Marketing, Direct and Interactive Marketing, Fashion Merchandising Management and Textile Development and Marketing.
English and Speech (History of Film; Business Writing; Freshman Composition; Speech: Small Group, Intercultural, and Professional Communication; and American Studies); Foreign Languages (Chinese, French, Italian, and Japanese); Health and Physical Education (Ballet, Aerobics, Basketball, and Fencing); History of Art (all areas); Science and Mathematics (Developmental Math, Statistics, Finite Math, and Business Math); Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, and Cultural
Anthropology); American History; Latin American History; and Asian History.
Global Fashion Management (Supply Chain Management), Exhibition Design, and Art Market Principles and Practices (History of Contemporary Art).
Postal Address: Human Resources
Fashion Institute of Technology
Seventh Avenue @ 27th Street
New York, NY 10001-5992
Fax: 212-217-5616
Email Address: resumes13@fitnyc.edu

The Italian Program at the University of South Florida invites applications for an adjunct instructor of Italian language for the Spring semester 2008.
Responsibilities include teaching two courses of Beginning Italian I at 9am and 10am from Monday to Thursday starting January 7, 2008 and, based on performance, the possibility of a reappointment for the following semester(s).
Experience teaching Italian at college level is required as well as great interpersonal skills, collegiality, ability to work in a team, enthusiasm, availability, and commitment to teaching in an innovative undergraduate curriculum and in a collaborative climate.
Language instruction at the University of South Florida emphasizes student-centered learning and a communicative approach to language teaching.
Candidates should hold a Master in Italian or in a related field or the Italian Laurea in Lettere/Lingue or in a related field, and be US citizens or hold a green card or work permit.
Qualified candidates should submit their application electronically to:
Dr. Patrizia La Trecchia
Department of World Languages
College of Arts and Sciences
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, CPR 107
Tampa, FL 33620 - USA
Office: (001) 813-974-2783
Fax: (001) 813-974-1718
Email: Patrizia.LaTrecchia@cas.usf.edu
The application must include:
1) Letter of application; 2) Current curriculum vitae; 3) Recent teaching evaluations;  4) Names and contact information of three referees who can speak of the candidate's teaching abilities, qualifications, interpersonal skills, and professional conduct.
The University of South Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications from persons of color, women, and members of other under-represented groups.
For more information about the University of South Florida and the College of Arts and Sciences, please visit the University of South Florida website www.usf.edu

Per gli interessati ad un pacchetto per l'insegnamento dell'italiano come L2 di circa 24 ore nelle scuole dell'obbligo delle provincia di Modena (Comune Mirandola) e ad uno di 8-12 ore presso CTP di Mirandola mi contatti, potrei proporre curriculum alla mia cooperativa in vista di una mia quasi certa sostituzione per trasferimento all'estero.
Le ore al CTP sarebbero a partire dalla seconda settimana di Gennaio e quelle nelle scuole dall'ultima di Gennaio.
marzia filippini marzia_f@hotmail.com

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. seeks candidate(s) for appointment as part-time instructor(s) in Italian language.
Responsibilities include teaching up to three courses per semester.
equired qualifications: great interpersonal skills, collegiality and availability, ability to work in a team, knowledge of the American High Ed. System; enthusiasm/interest in teaching communicative, learner-centered, Italian language and culture courses; a Master in Italian or in a related field with a minimum of 18 graduate hours in Italian, or Italian Laurea in Lettere or in a related field.
Previous experience in teaching Italian at the college level is preferred.
Applications should be sent electronically to lucamante@cua.edu and must include the following:
1. Letter of application;
2. Current curriculum vitae;
3. Recent evaluations;
4. Names and contact information of three (3) references who can speak to the candidate's teaching abilities, qualifications, and professional conduct.

Selezione pubblica, per titoli ed esami, per l'assunzione a tempo indeterminato di due esperti linguistici di cui uno di madre lingua tedesca ed uno di madre lingua inglese per le esigenze del Centro linguistico (GU n. 97 del 7-12-2007) Scad. 7 gennaio 2008

Institution: www.gonzaga.edu 
University in Florence
Location: Florence, Italy
Category: Admin - Student Affairs and Services
Application Due: Open Until Filled
Type: Full Time
Specifically, the Student Life COORDINATOR will work with the Associate Dean of Student Life and the administration of Gonzaga in Florence in providing information and guidance to student participants on the program, especially related to formal travel events, appropriate student behavior and pensione living.
Application Information
Postal Address: Human Resources
Gonzaga University
414 E. Sharp Ave.
Spokane, WA 99258-0080
Online App. Form: on site

Position: Italian Studies Assistant Professor
Salary: Unspecified
Institution: <http://www.nyu.edu>New York University
Location: New York
Date posted: 11/5/2007
New York University
Department of Italian Studies
The Department of Italian Studies at New York University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position, to begin September 1, 2008, pending administrative and budgetary approval. Applications will be accepted in all fields including visual and material culture, 1600 to the present.
Send c.v., cover letter and three letters of reference, no later than December 1, 2007, to Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Chair, Department of Italian Studies, New York University, 24 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011.
NYU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

Les universités de Saint-Etienne, Naples (Federico II) et Stuttgart ont été sélectionnées pour la mise en place d'un master Erasmus Mundus intitulé Maclands (Master of Cultural Landscapes). Cette formation ouverte à des étudiants communautaires et non communautaires forme à la conservation des différents types de Patrimoine. Les étudiants qui doivent parler Français Allemand et Italien suivent le cursus suivant : 1er semestre à Saint-Etienne, 2ème à Naples 3ème à Stuttgart, 4ème selon leur choix. Pour entrer dans ce master une licence (ou équivalent) est obligatoire.
Connais-tu des étudiants qui seraient intéressés par cette formation de haut niveau ? Une formation intensive dans les trois langues sera dispensée. Les inscriptions seront closes pour les communautaires fin mai 2008.

Tutor Community Translation
General Information
The Mary Ward Centre offers high quality adult education and community services, covering the areas of Arts, Crafts, Basic Education, Computing, Music, Languages, Health, Personal and Professional Development, Humanities and Communication Studies. In 2004 it was awarded Beacon College status by the DfES, and was the first adult education college in the country to have this distinction. The Centre is housed in two interconnecting listed Georgian houses overlooking Queen Square. The atmosphere of the Centre is relaxed, friendly and purposeful. Students come from all walks of life, and their education, work and life experience varies enormously. Some students do not have English as their first language.
The Languages department offers courses in French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Hindi, Cantonese. We have a successful record in offering courses in Community Interpreting and Translation courses in partnership with Croydon Adult Learning and Training (CALAT) and the Workers' Educational Association (WEA).
The Community Translation Principles and Practice course for which we now seek a tutor, has recently been restructured to include a large blended (online) element and we are looking for a dynamic and committed tutor who will push this forward. A similar post is also available at CALAT and there would be advantages to having the same tutor teach the course in both colleges.
Please note that the successful candidate will be required to undergo a Criminal Records Bureau check.
Job Description
The tutor will be expected to:
1. Prepare a suitable course to meet the needs of the students in the class and within the framework of centre policy and practice
2. Teach the course.
3. Act in a reliable and professional manner at all times.
4. Devise methods of working which suit all students.
5. Assess student progress throughout the course and give feedback to
6. Carry out administrative tasks required of the tutor (for example, record-keeping and end-of-course evaluation).
7. Evaluate her/his work in order to provide a basis for future development.
8. Attend occasional staff meetings and demonstrate a commitment to in-service training
9. Offer advice and support to students wishing to progress to future training or work.
Person Specification
The successful applicant will:
1. Have substantial experience of working as a translator in public services
2. Demonstrate awareness of the issues faced by community translators working in the field.
3. Have gained the OCNLR certificate in Translation at level 3 or other level 3/level 4 Translation qualification.
4. Have proven experience in adult education, or relevant experience in leading groups of adults from a variety of different backgrounds.
5. Have a recognised qualification in teaching adults, or be committed to acquiring the appropriate qualification within the specified timeframe.
6. Know how to structure and deliver a course through blended learning (classroom sessions, e-learning and online tutorials), and know how to assess students' work.
7. Be able to reflect on and improve their own teaching practice.
8. Demonstrate understanding of the ethos of adult education.
9. Have a commitment to the Centre's Equal Opportunities policy which is stated below:
‘The Mary Ward Centre is committed to providing an adult education service which offers equality of opportunity. We believe that people have a right to an adult education service which promotes social justice and is free from unfair discrimination on any grounds. We are committed to opposing these forms of discrimination both in the delivery of our adult education service and in our recruitment and employment practices.'
The current standard rate of hourly pay for all Mary Ward tutors is £25.21 per hour although this does increase with a recognised teaching qualification.
How To Apply
Application forms are available from the Mary Ward Centre. Please send in your completed application form, including the supporting statement saying how you meet the Person Specification by 5pm on Monday 17th December 2007.
Further information is available from Helen Cottington, Head of Department- English and Languages, telephone number: 0207 269 6031 or Michael Turkheim, Departmental Administrator, telephone number 0207 269 6033.

The Department of Foreign Languages at Kennesaw State University, located in a beautiful suburban area near Atlanta, GA, seeks candidate(s) for appointment as part-time instructor(s) in Italian language to begin June 1, 2008.
Responsibilities include teaching up to two classes per semester. The first section we will have available is a beginning Italian course to be held during the Summer semester, T/TH 11:00AM-1:45PM. One/two additional beginning classes will most likely be available in the Fall '08 semester.
Required qualifications: enthusiasm/interest in teaching communicative, learner-centered, beginning Italian language and culture courses; a Master in Italian or in a related field with a minimum of 18 graduate hours in Italian, or Italian Laurea in Lettere or in a related field. Ph.D.s or ABDs in Italian/Italian Studies are welcome, and previous experience in teaching Italian at the college level is preferred.
Applications should be sent electronically to fsantini@kennesaw.edu and must include the following:
1. A brief letter of application; 2. Copies of all undergraduate and graduate transcripts (official copies sent directly to KSU from the degree granting institution will be required prior to hiring); 3. A current curriculum vitae; 4. Names and contact information of three (3) references who can speak to the candidate's teaching abilities, qualifications, and professional conduct.
If you know of any qualified individuals who may be interested in this position, please feel free to forward this ad to them.

Per CORSI DI FORMAZIONE da svolgere su tutto il territorio dell’Emilia Romagna e della Lombardia selezioniamo DOCENTI, in possesso di Partita IVA, per le seguenti aree tematiche: Lingua inglese - Lingua spagnola - Lingua italiana per cittadini stranieri - I candidati sono invitati a mandare il loro Curriculum Vitae a infomo@umanaforma.it o a mandare un fax al 059/345947, specificando la materia di docenza e le aree territoriali sulle quali si è disponibili ad operareSede CentraleVia Colombara 113 - 30175 - Marghera (VE)041/2587311info@umana.it

Training Management Services è un ente di formazione e consulenza sui processi HR nato dalla volontà di un gruppo di professinisti del settore della formazione con l'intento di creare una struttura di gestione ed erogazione di progetti formativi complessi.
Ad oggi la struttura conta circa 30 addetti presso la direzione di Milano e la sede di Roma che si occupano dell'organizzazione e della gestone di circa 120 interventi formativi al mese in oltre 20 diverse città italiane ed impiega mediamente 50 diversi docenti professionisti che si occupano sul territorio dell'erogazione dei corsi.
All'inizio del 2007 già più di 10 aziende hanno affidato la gestione delle attività formative in outsourcing a TMS; a queste aziende si affiancano organizzazioni istituzionali, territoriali e private che collaborano sui diversi fronti della formazione e della consulenza nei settori dell'information technoloy e delle risorse umane. http://www.tms.it

Stiamo selezionando un insegnante di italiano L2 per corsi ad accesso gratuito indirizzati a ragazzi in età 11-16 nella provincia di Bologna.
I corsi si svolgeranno di pomeriggio. Richiediamo importante esperienza pluriennale documentabile.
Contratto CoCoPro/Prestazione professionale con partita IVA. Per prendere in considerazione i CV è necessaria liberatoria per il trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. 196/03).

operante nel settore Risorse Umane
Sede di lavoro EUROPA USA ASIA
Esiste l' opportunità di lavorare come Insegnante d' inglese, Italiano, religione, ginnastica o di altre materie in molte sedi Europee, Asiatiche e Latine.
Nella maggiorparte dei casi si tratta di insegnare a bambini delle scuole elementari o medie.
Esiste inoltre la possibilità di essere piazzati come Interpreti di madrelingua Italiana in Aziende sopratutto del Regno Unito che hanno spesso rapporti commerciali con Clienti ed Aziende Italiane.
Un' altra opportunità è rappresentata dal lavoro di mera traduzione di testi, documenti di avvocati o commercialisti, documenti ospedalieri, ect. Spesso si offre lavoro a Traduttori freelance che possono operare direttamente da casa loro consegnando le traduzioni via email.
Infine troviamo talvolta offerte di lavoro per Giornalisti sportivi e di spettacolo.
Per consultare l' ultima offerta di lavoro per Insegnanti ed Interpreti scrivici subito e potrai leggere IMMEDIATAMENTE anche offerte di lavoro per altri 30 settori lavorativi e per i Paesi di tutto il Mondo.
e.mail: info@lavorofuori.net

(da LA REPUBBLICA) Cerco personale
Il Colby College (Maine negli Usa) invita ad inviare candidature per un posto di Assistente in Lingua e Letteratura Italiane. Si richiedono esperienza sul Modernismo italiano e nell'insegnamento di lingua, cultura e letteratura italiane a tutti i livelli.
Per informazioni dettagliate leggete l'offerta di lavoro, ovviamente parlare inglese fluentemente è un must
CONTATTI 031 231465

Lecturer in Italian
School of Modern Languages
Salary Grade 8 - £32,796 to £40,335 per annum
Available from 1 September 2008
Ref: A3492
Applications are welcome from all fields of Italian Studies. Candidates should have native or near-native competence in both Italian and English, and be prepared to teach Italian language and culture at all levels. They should hold a doctorate and be able to demonstrate potential as academic researchers in their chosen field.
Downloadable application forms and further particulars are available from www.le.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/a3492p.html . If you require a hard copy, please contact Personnel Services - tel: 0116 223 1341, fax: 0116 252 5140, email: recruitment3@le.ac.uk.
Please note that CVs will only be accepted in support of a fully completed application form.
Closing Date: 16 November 2007
Promoting equality of opportunity throughout the University

IB Diploma Programme Examiner
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a recognized leader in the field of international education, encouraging students to be active learners, well-rounded individuals and engaged world citizens. Founded in 1968, the IB currently works with 1,720 schools in 122 countries to develop and offer three challenging programmes to more than 200,000 students aged 3 to 19 years. Further details are available on the IB's public web site (www.ibo.org).
Become an IB Diploma Programme Examiner
As a consequence of continued growth in the number of candidates entering the IB Diploma Programme for the 16 to 19 year age group, the IB is seeking applications from professional educators worldwide to become assistant examiners.
Becoming an IB examiner will help your Professional Development; you will receive invaluable training to prepare you for your new role, learn from our senior examiners and gain an insight into the IB assessment process.
Assistant examiner positions are available for the May 2008 examination session. We are especially keen to hear from you if you have experience in one of the following areas:
English A1 (Literature)
German A1 (Literature)
Spanish A1 (Literature)
English A2 (for fluent speakers)
English B (English as a foreign language)
French B (French as a foreign language)
Spanish B (Spanish as a foreign language)
Swedish A2 (for fluent speakers)
Italian ab initio
Japanese B
Business & Management
History (particularly History of Americas)
Geography (especially French and Spanish Speakers)
Environmental Systems
Theatre Arts
Visual Arts
Previous experience of examining is desirable, but not essential. All applicants must have e-mail and access to the Internet in an environment that is suitable for marking examination material.
For further details and an application form, please visit www.ibo.org/examiners. Completed application forms should be sent to the address below, quoting the reference JOBS-07. Any enquiries should be sent by e-mail to examrecruit@ibo.org.
Examiner Training and Recruitment
International Baccalaureate
Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue
Cardiff CF23 8GL
Deadline for applications: 15 December 2007

University of Lugano
Professor in Advanced Scientific Computing
Faculty of Informatics
The successful candidate will have the task of creating a research and teaching group in scientific
computing / computational sciences. The group should bring the competences of informatics in software,
modeling, analysis, and simulation to scientific computing, with particular emphasis in simulation of
biological and chemical pheonomena. The group is expected to consist of one full professor and two
postdoctoral researchers. The group will be the main center of research and teaching in advanced
supercomputing and will establish a close working relationship with the Swiss National Supercomputing
The research activities of the candidate must cover one or more of the following areas:
Software-oriented modeling, analysis, and simulation of physical phenemena for execution on
supercomputers. Parallel software engineering of scientific computing problems and applications,
including finite state modeling of biological systems.
Mathematical and algorithmic models to solve scientific, social scientific, and engineering
Parallel software development paradigms, languages, compilers, and libraries.
Systematic software development and understanding methods such as visualization applied to
scientific software.
Analysis of complex systems with a view to simulation of scientific and social phenomena.
Modeling of complex systems emergent behavior. Combination of techniques from computer
science and systems theory.
Basic requisites:
Venia Legendi, or the Habilitation, or an equivalent PhD;
Substantial publication record;
Scientific and teaching expertise in scientific computing;
Expertise in supercomputer architecture and parallel software engineering;
Fluent English. A good knowledge of German, French or Italian is desirable.
Job profile and duties:
to teach at different levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD);
research activity in the mentioned field;
to co-ordinate PhD students and assistants' activities;
to promote scientific research at the Università della Svizzera italiana within the expertise field, also
in association with the Swiss National Supercomputing Cetner;
to attend Faculty Council meetings and related ad-hoc committees,
Teaching load:
The teaching load for a full professor consists of 6 hours weekly in each 14-week semester (winter and
summer), for an annual total of 168 class hours.
Professors reside in Ticino (Italian-speaking part of Switzerland). Presence at the university is of at least
four days a week.
Salary and contract:
Salary is within a range to be defined, dependent on experience and academic qualifications. The terms of
contract are defined by the University Statutes.
USI aims to increase the percentage of women in research and teaching. Therefore female academics are
especially encouraged to apply.
Application file:
The following documents are to be sent to the address below:
application letter addressed to the Dean of the Faculty,
a detailed CV/résumé and publication list, together with copy of any relevant degree diploma, and
teaching and professional experience records,
list of the 5 most representative publications (copies if publications not easily accessible),
names and addresses of 3 referees.
The University reserves the right to appoint by invitation or not to make an appointment.
Closing date for application is December 15, 2007. Please send your complete application file to the
Faculty Dean:
Prof. Mehdi Jazayeri
Dean, Faculty of Informatics
Università della Svizzera italiana
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13
6904 Lugano - Switzerland
E-mail: Cristina.Zanetti@lu.unisi.ch

Italian- Assistant/Associate Professor, tenure track. Generalist in Italian literary and cultural studies. Ph.D. by August 2008. Native or near-native command of Italian and English. Commitment to assume responsibility for curricular planning, developing, and coordinating undergraduate language program with emphasis on language and culture.
Evidence of excellence in teaching including successful integration of language learning technology required and effective implementation of National Standards desired. Knowledge of applied linguistics. Demonstrated evidence of scholarship and research. Send C.V., three letters of recommendation, transcript, and a statement of teaching philosophy by November 15, 2007 to Prof. Pina Palma, Dept. of Foreign Languages, Southern Connecticut State University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515. MLA Interviews

Italian: Post-Renaissance
Italian- Assistant/Associate professor, tenure-track. The department of Foreign Languages seeks an individual with a post-Renaissance specialization in Italian literary and cultural studies. Native or near-native command of Italian and English required; Ph.D. by August 2008 preferred. Commitment to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Italian language, culture, and literature. Willingness to teach history of Romance Languages. Evidence of excellence in teaching, including successful integration of technology.
Demonstrated record of scholarship in the specialist field. Send C.V., three letters of recommendation, transcript, and a statement of teaching philosophy by November 15, 2007 to Prof. Pina Palma, Dept. of Foreign Languages, Southern Connecticut State University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515. MLA Interviews

The Italian section of the Department of Modern Languages at Utrecht University invites applications for a position as assistant professor in Italian Studies. In this part-time (40%) position with tenure you will teach part of the courses offered in the BA and MA program in Italian Studies, particularly courses in the field of modern and contemporary Italian culture and literature. You will also participate in the course program of several collateral MA programs, notably the Research MA in Literary Studies. You are
an established specialist in modern and/or contemporary Italian culture and literature with an international research profile. As a fellow of the Research Institute for History and Culture, your current and future research projects match the overall agenda of the Utrecht Research Group in Textual Culture. You have a good track record in academic services and will act as a co-ordinator in various academic programs and committees.
We offer a part-time tenure-track position of assistant professor (40%), starting 1 December 2007, with a salary range - depending on track record - from EUR 2.279 to EUR 4.761 gross per month with a full-time position.
Applications, including a detailed CV with bibliography and an outline of current and future research projects, can be sent to Ms Ingrid Wagenaar, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Section Human Resources, Kromme Nieuwegracht 46, 3512 HJ Utrecht, The Netherlands. Applications in electronic format are welcomed at: PenO@let.uu.nl <mailto:PenO@let.uu.nl>. Deadline for applications is 12 October 2007. Interviews with selected candidates are scheduled for 30 October 2007.
For more information: http://www.uu.nl/uupublish/homeuu/werken/vacatures/2171main.html

Florida International University is seeking applications for a full-time instructor in Italian language and culture beginning in Fall 2008. Candidates should have a Masters degree in linguistics, Italian pedagogy, or other related field, and native or near-native fluency in Italian and English. Teaching duties include language instruction at all levels and developing the Italian program. A current and valid permit to work in the United States is required at the time of application. Candidates must apply through the university website at https://www.fiujobs.org. Look for Faculty: Italian Instructor. Attach cover letter and CV to online application. Also send three letters of recommendation to: Search and Screen Committee for Italian position, Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199. Postmark deadline is November 30, 2007. FIU is an affirmative action/equal access/equal opportunity employer.
If you have any questions please contact Dr. Pascale Bécel at (305) 348-1944

The position is now accessible at www.jobs.slu.edu. We apologize for the delay. Interviews will be held at the December MLA convention.
Saint Louis University, a Catholic, Jesuit institution dedicated to student learning, research, health care, and service, is seeking applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Italian in the Dept. of Modern & Classical Languages (www.slu.edu/colleges/AS/languages/index.html), to begin August, 2008.
PhD by time of appointment. Specialization: 18th-20th century. Experience teaching all levels of Italian language and culture, including integration of language-learning technology.
Teaching load: 15 contact hours per academic year (approx. five courses). Service duties in Italian Division (e.g. Italian Table, Italian Club, program development) and on the departmental, college and university levels. Research agenda and publications expected; inter-disciplinary research orientation an asset. Salary commensurate with experience.
All applications must be made on-line at http://jobs.slu.edu by Nov. 9; include cover letter and CV. Send three letters of recommendation and a digitalized audio-visual file of a sample of teaching in a language class by post to:
Dr. Reinhard Andress, Chair
Dept. of Modern & Classical Languages
Saint Louis University
221 North Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63103-2007

The Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Florida State University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Italian beginning August 2008.Ph.D. required in linguistics, applied linguistics, and/or Italian language and literature. The successful candidate for this position will be coordinator for the language program in Italian. The successful candidate will have native or near-native fluency in Italian, experience with the use of technology in the language classroom, and the ability to teach all levels of language and culture. Demonstrated commitment to teaching and promise of strong scholarly research are required.
Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and 3 letters of references (or professional dossier) to Professor William Cloonan, Department Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32306-1540. Screening of applications will begin December 1, 2007 and continue until the position is filled. Interviews at the December MLA Convention.

Tenure-Track Position in Italian - Kenyon College
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Kenyon College seeks to fill a Tenure-Track position in Italian starting fall 2008.
Ph.D. in hand is expected, area of specialization is open. The successful candidate will have native or near-native command of Italian and English. Evidence of commitment to scholarship and excellent teaching and organizational skills are required. The course load is 3/2, predominantly language teaching, in a small, growing Italian program.
Kenyon College is a highly competitive liberal arts college of approximately 1650 students.
The college is located in the beautiful village of Gambier, 50 miles northeast of Columbus, Ohio.
Kenyon prides itself on its reputation as an excellent teaching environment enriched by small classes, close contact with highly motivated and engaged students, and an excellent faculty of dedicated teacher scholars. To learn more about Kenyon College, visit www.kenyon.edu.
Kenyon College offers competitive salaries and a generous benefits package, including spouse and domestic partner benefits.
To apply, please send letter of application, CV, graduate work transcript, three letters of recommendation and evidence of strong teaching record to:
Patricia Richards, Chair, Italian Search Committee
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Review of applications will begin Friday, November 16, and continue until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted at the MLA convention in Chicago.
The completed dossier must arrive at Kenyon by November 16 for candidates to be considered for interviews at MLA.
Kenyon College is an equal opportunity employer. It is the College's policy to evaluate qualified applicants without regard to age, ancestry, disability, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, political belief or activity, or status as a veteran.

TENURE TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITION IN ITALIAN, BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1, 2008. Colby College invites applicants for the Paganucci Professorship of Italian Language and Literature at the assistant professor level. Expertise in Italian Modernism and experience teaching Italian language, culture and literature at all levels. Native or near-native abilities in Italian and English, an excellent teaching record, and significant scholarship in the specialist field. We are seeking someone with organizational talent and leadership qualities who will assume significant responsibility for curricular planning and student advising, and will become involved in the college community at-large. PhD by September 2008 preferred; ABD considered. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2007 and will continue until the position is filled. Preliminary interviews will take place at the December 2007 MLA meeting in Chicago.
Application must include: letter of application, vita, statement on teaching and research, and three letters of recommendation. Please send dossier to:
Adrianna M. Paliyenko, Chair
Dept. of French & Italian
Colby College
4670 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, ME 04901-8846
Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and members of other under-represented groups. For more information about the Department and the College, please visit the Colby Web site: www.colby.edu

CET Academic Programs announces a position opening in Catania, Italy: Sicily Resident Director. This person will oversee CET's Mediterranean Studies program and the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies program in Catania.
Basic requirements are listed below and a full position description can be found at the "General Information" or "About CET" section of our web site, www.cetacademicprograms.com. Or, you may follow this direct link: http://www.cetacademicprograms.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Abroad.ViewLink&Parent_ID=4A34D7A5-9632-2EB4-75C45AF04774D703&Link_ID=8D18A407-AA19-E58D-F414FB8C709D786E
Title: Sicily Resident Director
Location: Catania, Italy
Requirements: BA in a relevant field (MA preferred), near-native Italian skills, at least two years of professional or academic experience in Italy.
Start date: December 2007.
How to apply: Instructions on how to apply are listed on the full position description posted at the "General Information" or "About CET" section of CET's web site, www.cetacademicprograms.com

Dalhousie University - Italian
Applications are invited for a three year full-time limited term appointment in Italian commencing July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2011, at the Lecturer or Assistant Professor level. This position is subject to budgetary approval.
All candidates should have a Ph.D. or Ph.D. in hand, as well as native or native-like fluency in Italian, and have a working knowledge of CALL. The selected candidate will teach at all levels of the Italian program, including courses in grammar, conversation, composition, literature, culture and civilization. Other duties will include helping with the administration of the program and assisting in the development of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) programmes.
Applications, which must include an updated curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests and philosophies, and three confidential letters forwarded by the referees, should be sent to
Dr. Betty Bednarski, Chairperson,
Department of French,
Dalhousie University,
Halifax, N.S. B3H 4P9.
All materials must be received by November 30, 2007.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Dalhousie University is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons and women.

Il Colby College (Maine) invita ad inviare candidature per un posto di Assistente in Lingua e Letteratura Italiane. Si richiedono esperienza sul Modernismo italiano e nell'insegnamento di lingua, cultura e letteratura italiane a tutti i livelli.

Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer in Italian
School of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts, Humanities and Education
(0.5 contract)
£26,093 - £40,204 per annum pro rata
Post Ref.No. M0326
The Languages and International Studies academic team within the School of Arts and Humanities is responsible for the development and delivery of a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Modern Languages, European Studies and International Relations.
You will be expected to contribute to the teaching and development of the Italian curriculum in the context of the BA (Hons) Modern Languages and the University Language Programme.
Educated to first degree level or equivalent, and with native or near native competence in Italian, you will teach both language and thematic modules. Experience of teaching the language to ab initio students would be an advantage.
The successful candidate is expected to be in post by 01 January 2008
For an informal discussion regarding this position, please contact Professor Marianne Howarth, Dean of School of Arts and Humanities on marianne.howarth@ntu.ac.uk, or by telephone on (0115) 848 3404.
Closing date: Friday 21 September 2007
Further details and application forms are available at www.ntu.ac.uk/vacancies or by telephoning +44 (0)115 8486522 (24 hour answering service).
Please quote appropriate Post No. when applying.
CVs will only be accepted in support of a fully completed application form.
We are actively implementing equality of opportunity policies and seek people who share our commitment.

Insegnamento dell'italiano nel Sud California (USA)
L'Ente Gestore ‘Fondazione Italia' (mrcassi@fondazione-italia.org) segnala agli interessati il sito dell'organizzazione Amity (http://www.amity.org), autorizzata dal Dipartimento di Stato americano a preparare la documentazione con la quale insegnanti stranieri possono ottenere il visto J-1 (Cultural Exchange) che consente di insegnare nelle scuole americane.

I would like to bring to your attention a new, permanent 0.5 Lectureship/Senior Lectureship in Italian at Nottingham Trent University, details of which can be found on www.jobs.ac.uk. At the moment of writing the post should appear on the website tomorrow (Monday, September 10th; if it is not there on Sept. 10th it will be in the next few days - please keep checking!). The deadline for applications to reach NTU is September 21st (or thereabouts), the start date is January 1st, 2008 (or as soon as possible thereafter).
It is an extremely positive sign, and an indication of NTU's commitment to Languages that, in these times of 'vacche magre', NTU is investing in the future of Italian (two more 0.5 posts have already been advertised, one in German and one in Spanish); it is my sincere hope that this 0.5 post can eventually become a full time post.
We are looking for someone enthusiastic and committed. If you are that person, please do apply; if you know someone who is, please bring the post to their attention, and encourage them to apply. I look forward to many applications. Thank you.

La scuola per l'Europa di Parma sta cercando con urgenza docenti di madre lingua inglese per le cattedre di matematica,scienza (fisica, biologia, chimica), geografia e storia nella sezione anglofona secondaria ( 11-18 anni) e anche un docente madrelingua inglese per la scuola elementare. Verranno stipulati contratti annuali come per i docenti della scuola italiana , ma contratti sempre rinnovabile. Hanno anche bisogno di docenti di madrelingua francese per le supplenze.
Se qualcuno è interessato o conosce degli insegnati qualificati, siete pregati di contattare la scuola per l'europa di Parma.
43100 PARMA (PR)

San Francisco cerca insegnanti di lingua italiana. L'appello della Presidente Comites Romana Bracco San Francisco - Romana Bracco  Presidente Comites di San Francisco ha diramato una nota nella quale  spiega la necessità di trovare docenti di lingua italiana.  Il Comites,  afferma la Bracco sta seguendo da molto tempo la situazione relativa  all'insegnamento della lingua e cultura italiana a tutti i livelli, ma in particolare quello elementare e medio, dove i giovani studenti possono  stabilire le basi per la conoscenza della lingua. "Vorremmo  ora segnalare a tutti voi una circostanza creatasi recentemente  nell'augurio che vi sia una possibilità di soluzione del problema. Si tratta di tre locali scuole pubbliche, la Lowell High School in San Francisco, la South San Francisco High School e la Burlingame Intermediate School dove la lingua italiana viene insegnata da molti anni e , nel caso di Burlingame, grazie all'opera  della associazione culturale Panorama Italiano. Vi sono tre posti di lavoro per insegnanti bilingui e in possesso dell'abilitazione all'insegnamento (credentials) negli Stati Uniti o acquisita in Italia". Romana Bracco sottolinea il lavoro che negli anni è stato fatto per portare la lingua italiana ad  essere recepita dai "programmi scolastici locali ed ora, per mancanza di insegnanti, forse le scuole in questione dovranno eliminarlo come  materia di insegnamento" Facciamo appello a voi, conclude la Presidente Bracco "perchè vi mettiate in contatto con noi se pensate vi siano  delle insegnanti d'italiano qualificate per l'insegnamento alle elementari e medie interessate a far domanda di assunzione alle predette scuole. Inviateci un e-mail al nostro indirizzo: sanfrancomites@aol.com

Bando di selezione pubblica per titoli e colloquio per la formazione di una graduatoria di merito di aspiranti alla costituzione di rapporti di lavoro a tempo determinato per Collaboratori ed Esperti Linguistici di madre lingua russa

La Provincia di Trento promuove la lingua italiana Avviso di selezione per l'assegnazione di 44 licenze annuali, con relativi servizi di tutorato e comunita' on line, riservate a emigrati trentini all'estero e a loro discendenti, per la frequenza, attraverso Internet, di corsi di lingua italiana - livello principianti, erogati dal Consorzio ICoN (Italian Culture on the Net).
Notice of selection for the allocation of 44 annual awards, with related tutoring and on-line community activities, reserved for Trentino emigrants abroad and their descendants, for participation, through the Internet, in Italian language courses - beginner level, delivered by the ICoN Consortium (Italian Culture on the Net).
Convocatoria para la asignación de n. 44 licencias anuales, con relativos servicios de tutoría y comunidades en línea, reservadas a los emigrantes trentinos en el extranjero y a sus descendientes, para asistir, a través de Internet, a los cursos de lengua italiana - nivel principiantes, erogados por el Consorcio ICoN (Italian Culture on the Net).
Avis de Concours pour l'attribution de 44 autorisations annuelles, avec les services de tutorat et de communauté en ligne correspondants, exclusivement réservées aux émigrés du Trentin résidant à l'étranger et à leurs descendants et leur donnant accès, via l'Internet, à des stages de langue italienne - niveau débutants - dispensés par le Consortium ICoN (Italian Culture on Net).
Ausschreibung zur Vergabe von 44 Jahreslizenzen für die Internet-Teilnahme an Italienisch-Anfängerkursen mit Onlinebetreuung durch einen Tutor und virtueller Klassengemeinschaft für Trentiner Auswanderer und deren Nachkommen, durchgeführt von dem Konsortium ICoN (Italian Culture on the Net).
Concurso: 44 vagas para cursos anuais de língua italiana - nível de principiante - com professor e comunidade on-line ministrados pelo Consórcio "ICoN" (Italian Culture on the Net) para emigrantes trentinos no exterior e seus descendentes.

Department of Modern Languages
Saint Mary's College
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5100
Italian instructor,
Full-time position for fall semester beginning August, 2007, with strong likelihood of continuation in the spring 2008 semester. M.A. or ABD in Italian required. Native or near-native fluency in Italian and English, to teach three (3), 4-credit Introductory Italian courses. Normal teaching load is 12 hours. We seek a dynamic, energetic teacher familiar with the communicative approach to second language instruction and the use of technology in second language acquisition.
Send letter of application, complete dossier with three letters of recommendation to Dr. Renée Kingcaid, (kingcaid@saintmarys.edu) Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5100 as soon as possible. Applications will be acknowledged by department letter.
Saint Mary's College has a strong institutional commitment to diversity and seeks applications from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups, those who have had multicultural experience, and those who can demonstrate a commitment to diversity. Saint Mary's College is a premier Catholic, Liberal Arts College for Women. As such, the College requires foreign language study as part of its general education curriculum.
We encourage applicants to visit the Saint Mary's College website for general information on the College, the Department of Modern Languages as well as the specific website of the Italian program.

Selezione pubblica, per titoli e colloquio, per il reclutamento di un esperto e collaboratore linguistico di madre lingua giapponese, da assegnare al centro per la didattica linguistica al fine di addivenire alla stipula di un contratto di diritto privato di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato part-time della durata di due anni. (GU n. 44 del 5-6-2007)

CONCORSO (scad. 9 luglio 2007)
Concorso pubblico, per esami, per la copertura di un posto di collaboratore ed esperto linguistico per la lingua spagnola, con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo indeterminato con un monte ore annuo di settecentocinquanta ore. (GU n. 45 del 8-6-2007)

Columbia University in the City of New York
Department of Italian - Lecturer in Italian
The Department of Italian at Columbia University has one or more openings for a renewable position beginning in the 2007-2008 academic year.
_QUALIFICATIONS:_ At minimum, an M.A. degree or foreign equivalent in Italian language or linguistics, Foreign Language Education or a related field is required, plus two years professional teaching experience. Native or near-native proficiency in Italian is also required. Candidates with preparation in pedagogy or second language acquisition
will be preferred; expertise in adapting technology to language instruction highly desirable.
_JOB DESCRIPTION:_ The successful candidate will be appointed to teach six courses a year. The candidate should be prepared to teach Italian language at all levels and to be involved in day-to-day teamwork with colleagues teaching the same courses.
_TO APPLY:_ Candidates should send a letter of application, a /curriculum vitae/, and the names of three recommenders to the address below. (Additional materials may be requested at a later date.)
Chair, Italian Search Committee Columbia University Department of Italian
502 Hamilton Hall, Mail Code 2827 New York, NY 10027
_APPLICATION DEADLINE:_ Review of applications will begin immediately and continue for at least 30 days from the date of posting, until the position is filled.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

JOB POSTING - Department of Modern Languages Bishop's University
Subject to final budgetary approval, the Department of Modern Languages at Bishop's University invites applications for a 10-month sessional appointment in Italian Studies at the rank of Instructor from September 1st, 2007 to April 30th, 2008. Applicants must have an M.A. in Italian, with preference given to candidates who are currently engaged in further studies (Ph.D. in progress). Candidates must be able to demonstrate native or near-native fluency in Italian and English. A good command of French is a definite asset, along with strong evidence of scholarly promise as well as the qualifications and willingness to teach a broad spectrum of courses in language (all levels), literature, and culture. The candidate should also be motivated to participate actively in program development, including study-abroad initiatives.
The deadline for submissions is July 16, 2007. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy and teaching evaluations) and three letters of reference to Stephen Sheeran, Dean of Humanities, Bishop's University, 2600 College St., Sherbrooke, QC, J1M 0C8.
This position is advertised under conditions of equal opportunity employment and in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements. Priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
For additional information regarding this position, please contact Robert Brown, Chair, Department of Modern Languages (rbrown@ubishops.ca).
Dr. Enrico Vicentini
Vice-President - Canadian Society for Italian Studies
c/o Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto
Carr Hall, 100 St. Joseph Street
TORONTO, ON M5S 1J4, Canada
Tel.: (416) 461-2644 - FAX: (416) 396-2371

Lecturer in Italian.
One-year appointment beginning Fall 2007 to teach primarily lower-level language. Excellent chance to obtain a 3-year , renewable, appointment after first year. Teaching load of 6 courses per year at a salary of $37,000.
MA. required, Ph.D. preferred.
Applicants should submit letter of application, vita, and two letters of recommendation, including one from someone who has observed the candidate's teaching to. Review of applications will begin immediately but the search will remain open until needed positions for 2007-08 are filled
All materials should be sent to Larry King, Interim Chair; Romance Languages; CB #3170, 238 Dey Hall; Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3170. A description of the Department is at http://roml.unc.edu. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Servizio civile nella Caritas diocesana di Roma: bando di concorso per 42 posti in progetti a favore degli immigrati, delle comunità zingare, nell’assistenza domiciliare agli anziani, nell’animazione alla pace ed alla mondialità ed in progetti di solidarietà internazionale in Mozambico, Congo, Libano e Brasile.
Scadenza domande il 12 luglio 2007 alle ore 14.00.
ROMA, 13 giugno 2007 – La Caritas diocesana di Roma partecipa al bando di concorso per la selezione di 42 ragazzi e ragazze da impiegare in progetti di servizio civile in Italia ed all’estero (Gazzetta Ufficiale del 12 giugno 2007 – Serie Concorsi ed Esami n. 42).
Possono partecipare al bando giovani di cittadinanza italiana che abbiano compito 18 anni e che non abbiamo ancora compito 28 anni alla data di scadenza del concorso.
I sei progetti promossi dalla Caritas diocesana di Roma ed ai quali si può partecipare presentando domanda entro il 12 luglio 2007 prevedono la disponibilità di 42 posti, 33 in Italia ed 9 all’estero:
4 posti progetto Salute globale, nei centri dell’Area Sanitaria della Caritas;
17 posti progetto Dall’accoglienza all’integrazione nelle attività dell’Area Immigrati della Caritas in iniziative di integrazione dei cittadini stranieri;
4 posti progetto Perché non siano esclusi presso la Missione Rom e Sinti;
4 posti progetto Facciamo pace? presso il Settore di educazione alla pace ed alla mondialità in iniziative di animazione e sensibilizzazione;
4 posti progetto Aiuto alla persona in servizi di assistenza domiciliare agli anziani;
9 posti nel progetto Orizzonti e confini – Percorsi di solidarietà internazionale (3 in Mozambico, 2 in Congo, 2 in Libano e 2 in Brasile)
Le domande di partecipazione dovranno pervenire alla Caritas diocesana di Roma – Settore Educazione alla Pace ed alla Mondialità entro le ore 14.00 del 12 luglio 2007.
Il bando completo con i dettagli dei singoli progetti e le modalità di presentazione delle domande sono disponibili nel sito www.caritasroma.it
Per informazioni:
Caritas Diocesana di Roma - Settore Educazione alla Pace ed alla Mondialità
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 6/a - 00184 Roma
tel +39.06.6988.6383 fax +39.06.6988.6250

Faculty of Humanities, Law and Social Science
Department of Languages
Salary Grade 6: £21,050 - £23,692 per annum pro rata
(Fixed-term to 11 July 2008, Term -time only)
French (one fulltime post and one 0.5FTE post) - Ref: RW507
Spanish (one 0.5FTE post) - Ref: RW508
Japanese (one 0.5FTE post) - Ref: RW509
Italian (one 0.4FTE post) - Ref: RW510
You will teach and assess language classes across the university on a variety of programmes and at a range of different levels from beginners to advanced level. You will be required to develop language support materials through WebCT, have demonstrable teaching skills and be able to work as part of a team. You should be able to demonstrate that you have an interest in the use of technology in language teaching.
Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Sharon Handley (s.handley@mmu.ac.uk).
For an application form and further particulars, returnable by 19 June 2007, please contact Personnel on 0161 247 6464, quoting the appropriate reference number or e-mail y.jones@mmu.ac.uk.
Alternatively you can download these documents from our website http://www.jobs.mmu.ac.uk .
Interviews will take place during the first week in July.
MMU values diversity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

The College of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Jen Catholic University is seeking to fill a fulltime position in the Department of Italian Language and Culture, commencement date, August 2007, for an initial period of 1 year, with possibility of extension. Applications are invited from all fields of Italian Studies. Priority will be given to applicants who may enter at assistant professorship level or above. Full details of the post may be accessed in English at:
http://www.person.fju.edu.tw/Invite/95/%B8q%A4j%A7Q%A4%E5%A8t_1_%AD%5E%A4%E5%AA%A9.htm  Please note that candidates who have no knowledge of Chinese are only required to fill in the English form and that for those applying from outside Taiwan, copies of your thesis and/or published works may be submitted in the second phase.
Informal enquiries may be made to the acting Head of Department, Antonella Tulli: ital0004@mail.fju.edu.tw  or to Brian Reynolds: 047188@mail.fju.edu.tw

Department of Italian Studies
School of Humanities
Centre for European Languages and Cultures
The Department of Italian Studies is looking to appoint a Lecturer in Italian from 1.9.07. You will be expected to contribute to the department's strong research profile (5* in the last Research Assessment Exercise) at a level commensurate with the post. The post is open to researchers with a specialism in literary studies or language studies (especially translation studies) orcultural studies.
You will have a first degree in any area related to Italian Studies, a PhD in a relevant area of research and a near-native command of Italian and English. You will be willing to take on teaching both within the department and more widely within the Centre for European Languages and Cultures.
Starting salary £32,795 to £39,160 a year (potential progression on performance once in post to £44,074 a year).
Closing date: 8 June 2007 Ref: http://www.punit.bham.ac.uk/vacancies/furtherParticulars.htm?refNo=A44134
Details from 0121 415 9000 or www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs 
HR, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT.
A University of Fairness and Diversity.

Lecturer in Italian
school of Modern Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Arts
£ 29,139 - £ 32,796 per annum
REF 13298/HRP/A1
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Italian commencing in September/October 2007. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates with research interests in any field of Italian studies. Outstanding achievement and/or potential as a researcher, and ability and willingness to contribute to the
department's teaching over a range of topics in Italian language, literary and cultural studies, are essential.
The successful candidate will have:
* PhD or equivalent in an area of Italian studies (completed or near completion).
* Excellent command of written and spoken Italian (native or near-native proficiency).
* Substantial and measurable research experience in Italian.
* Publication record in the field of Italian commensurate with experience
* Experience of undergraduate teaching/tutoring in Italian studies
Informal inquiries may be directed to the Italian Section Convener, Dr. Éanna O'Ceallachain, email E.O Ceallachain@Italian.arts.gla.ac.uk
in@Italian.arts.gla.ac.uk  or telephone 0141 330 5145.
For application pack, visit www.gla.ac.uk or write quoting Ref No: 13298/HRP/A1 to the
Recruitment Section,
Human Resources,
University of Glasgow,
Glasgow G12 8QQ.
Closing date: 1st June 2007.
Interviews for the post will take place during the week beginning Monday 25th June 2007 (probably on Monday 25th or Wednesday 27th June).

Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor of Italian - One year Appointment.
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures in the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Central Florida is searching for a full-time, nine-month, regular
faculty position at the rank of Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor to begin August 8, 2007. We invite applications from scholars of modern and contemporary Italian Literature and culture. Candidates should have: (1) an ABD (Instructor) or Ph.D. (Assistant Professor) in Italian, (2) demonstrated excellence in teaching at the college level, (3) near native fluency in Italian and a high level of English proficiency.
Submit a one-page letter of application, current C.V., and three current letters of recommendation, including one from someone who has observed your teaching. If possible, a
videotape of a class that you have taught recently would be appreciated. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Women and
minorities are especially invited to apply.
Applications should be sent to:
Paolo Giordano, Chair
University of Central Florida
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
PO Box 161348
Orlando, FL 32816-1348.
The University of Central Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

University of Pennsylvania
Department of Romance Languages, Williams Hall 521.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Lecturer in Italian
The Department of Romance Languages invites applications for two full-time positions in Italian to teach three courses a semester. Ph.D. desired but a minimum of M.A. or equivalent required. Native or near-native fluency in Italian and English. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching, and experience teaching
all levels of language and culture.
Initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of reappointment up to five years, contingent on satisfactory performance.
Please send a letter of application, CV, three letters of reference, evidence of excellence in teaching and any other relevant materials to: Italian Lecturer Search Committee,
Department of Romance Languages, 521 Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305.
Electronic submission of application welcome to kmcmahon@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
Applications will be accepted until position is filled. The University of Pennsylvania is an equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

SUNY New Paltz Vacancy
Applications are invited for consideration for appointment to the following position:
Department: Foreign Languages
Budget Title: Lecturer
Local Title: Lecturer in Italian
Salary Level: To be determined
Duties: The Department of Foreign Languages seeks a full time-lecturer in Italian, one year appointment with the possibility of extension. Demonstrated excellence in
teaching, proficiency in language teaching technology (CALL) and departmental service also required. The successful candidate will teach 24 credits (8 courses) per year.
Qualifications: Must have Master degree in Italian or Italian Education, and native or near-native fluency in Italian.
Contact Information: Please note search # F06-57 on all materials submitted in connection with this search. Submit letter of application, CV, transcript, and three letters of
recommendation to:
SUNY New Paltz
Giorgio Melloni, Chair, Search # F06-57
Dept of Foreign Languages, JFT 414
600 Hawk Dr.
New Paltz, NY 12561
Deadline: Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled.
Other important information about this vacancy: SUNY New Paltz is an AA/EOE/ADA employer

Department of Italian Studies
Tenure -stream Faculty Position Available
Assistant Professor in Italian Linguistics
The Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure-track position in the field of Italian linguistics. The appointment will be at
the rank of Assistant Professor and will begin on July 1, 2008. Closing date for applications is December 1, 2007. We are seeking an innovative and productive scholar whose major
field of research includes the history of the Italian language and Italian dialectology. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in Italian language and
linguistics, and graduate courses in historical grammar and dialectology. The Department of Italian Studies has a research-intensive doctoral program, to which the successful
candidate will be expected to contribute immediately.
Demonstrated excellence in teaching and research are required. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Information on the Department of Italian
Studies may be obtained at http://www.utoronto.ca/italian/.
Applications should include: a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a sample of academic writing, a teaching portfolio, and a short description of current research plans.
Arrangements should be made for the submission of at least three letters of reference. Application packages and letters of references should be sent to the Chair of the Search
Committee, Appointment in Italian Linguistics, Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto, 100 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1J4, Canada. The University
of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, aboriginal persons, persons
with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.
Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. One or more members of the search committee will attend the AATI and MLA meetings and will be available
to meet interested individuals.

University of Pennsylvania
Department of Romance Languages, Williams Hall 521. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Lecturer in Italian
The Department of Romance Languages invites applications for two full-time positions in Italian to teach three courses a semester. Ph.D. desired but a minimum of M.A. or equivalent required. Native or near-native fluency in Italian and English. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching, and experience teaching all levels of language and culture.
Initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of reappointment up to five years, contingent on satisfactory performance.
Please send a letter of application, CV, three letters of reference, evidence of excellence in teaching and any other relevant materials to: Italian Lecturer Search Committee, Department of Romance Languages, 521 Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305.
Electronic submission of application welcome to kmcmahon@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
Applications will be accepted until position is filled. The University of Pennsylvania is an equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Lecturer in Italian
school of Modern Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Arts
£ 29,139 - £ 32,796 per annum
REF 13298/HRP/A1
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Italian commencing in September/October 2007. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates with research interests in any field of Italian studies. Outstanding achievement and/or potential as a researcher, and ability and willingness to contribute to the department's teaching over a range of topics in Italian language, literary and cultural studies, are essential.
The successful candidate will have:
* PhD or equivalent in an area of Italian studies (completed or near completion).
* Excellent command of written and spoken Italian (native or near-native proficiency).
* Substantial and measurable research experience in Italian.
* Publication record in the field of Italian commensurate with experience
* Experience of undergraduate teaching/tutoring in Italian studies
Informal inquiries may be directed to the Italian Section Convener, Dr. Éanna O'Ceallachain, email E.O'Ceallachain@Italian.arts.gla.ac.uk
or telephone 0141 330 5145.
For application pack, visit
www.gla.ac.uk or write quoting Ref No: 13298/HRP/A1 to the
Recruitment Section,
Human Resources,
University of Glasgow,
Glasgow G12 8QQ.
Closing date: 1st June 2007.
Interviews for the post will take place during the week beginning Monday 25th June 2007 (probably on Monday 25th or Wednesday 27th June).

Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor of Italian - One year Appointment.
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures in the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Central Florida is searching for a full-time, nine-month, regular faculty position at the rank of Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor to begin August 8, 2007. We invite applications from scholars of modern and contemporary Italian Literature and culture. Candidates should have: (1) an ABD (Instructor) or Ph.D. (Assistant Professor) in Italian, (2) demonstrated excellence in teaching at the college level, (3) near native fluency in Italian and a high level of English proficiency.
Submit a one-page letter of application, current C.V., and three current letters of recommendation, including one from someone who has observed your teaching. If possible, a videotape of a class that you have taught recently would be appreciated. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Women and minorities are especially invited to apply.
Applications should be sent to:
Paolo Giordano, Chair
University of Central Florida
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
PO Box 161348
Orlando, FL 32816-1348.
The University of Central Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Department of Italian Studies
School of Humanities
Centre for European Languages and Cultures
The Department of Italian Studies is looking to appoint a Lecturer in Italian from 1.9.07. You will be expected to contribute to the department's strong research profile (5* in the last Research Assessment Exercise) at a level
commensurate with the post. The post is open to researchers with a specialism in literary studies or language studies (especially translation studies) or cultural studies.
You will have a first degree in any area related to Italian Studies, a PhD in a relevant area of research and a near-native command of Italian and English. You will be willing to take on teaching both within the department and more widely within the Centre for European Languages and Cultures.
Starting salary £32,795 to £39,160 a year (potential progression on performance once in post to £44,074 a year).
Closing date: 8 June 2007 Ref: http://www.punit.bham.ac.uk/vacancies/furtherParticulars.htm?refNo=A44134>A44134
Details from 0121 415 9000 or http://www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs>www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs HR, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT.
A University of Fairness and Diversity.

Department of Italian Studies
Tenure -stream Faculty Position Available
Assistant Professor in Italian Linguistics
The Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure-track position in the field of Italian linguistics. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and will begin on July 1, 2008. Closing date for applications is December 1, 2007.
We are seeking an innovative and productive scholar whose major field of research includes the history of the Italian language and Italian dialectology.
The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in Italian language and linguistics, and graduate courses in historical grammar and dialectology. The Department of Italian Studies has a research-intensive doctoral program, to which the successful candidate will be expected to contribute immediately. Demonstrated excellence in teaching and research are required. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Information on the Department of Italian Studies may be obtained at http://www.utoronto.ca/italian/.
Applications should include: a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a sample of academic writing, a teaching portfolio, and a short description of current research plans. Arrangements should be made for the submission of at least three letters of reference. Application packages and letters of references should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee, Appointment in Italian Linguistics, Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto, 100 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1J4, Canada.
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. One or more members of the search committee will attend the AATI and MLA meetings and will be available to meet interested individuals.

SUNY New Paltz Vacancy
Applications are invited for consideration for appointment to the following position:
Department: Foreign Languages
Budget Title: Lecturer
Local Title: Lecturer in Italian
Salary Level: To be determined
Duties: The Department of Foreign Languages seeks a full time-lecturer in Italian, one year appointment with the possibility of extension.
Demonstrated excellence in teaching, proficiency in language teaching technology (CALL) and departmental service also required. The successful candidate will teach 24 credits (8 courses) per year.
Qualifications: Must have Master degree in Italian or Italian Education, and native or near-native fluency in Italian.
Contact Information: Please note search # F06-57 on all materials submitted in connection with this search. Submit letter of application, CV, transcript, and three letters of recommendation to:
SUNY New Paltz
Giorgio Melloni, Chair, Search # F06-57
Dept of Foreign Languages, JFT 414
600 Hawk Dr.
New Paltz, NY 12561
Deadline: Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled.
Other important information about this vacancy: SUNY New Paltz is an AA/EOE/ADA employer

The Department of Modern Languages & Literatures at The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)invites applications for a lectureship position (non tenure-track) in Italian, beginning in Fall 2007 with possibility of annual renewal. Responsibilities include teaching 3 courses per semester, supervising introductory and intermediate language courses, and serving as advisor to the Italian Club. Applicants must have native or near-native fluency in Italian and English, hold an MA in Italian, and have teaching experience in US academic institutions. The ideal candidate will have evidence of teaching excellence, expertise in foreign language pedagogy, and experience with the use of technology in the classroom. Please send letter of application, CV, and 3 letters of recommendation to: Dr. Joan Grimbert, Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064. Please send electronic copies of CV grimbert@cua.edu and lucamante!
For more information on our program, please consult http://modernlanguages.cua.edu/courses/ital.cfm Applications will be accepted until position is filled.
Stefania Lucamante
Associate Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature
Dept. of Modern Languages and LIteratures
206 McMahon Hall
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064

The College of Charleston invites applications for an adjunct Instructor of Italian for the 2007-2008 academic year. The instructor will teach four courses of Italian each semester at the elementary and intermediate level.
Candidates should hold at least an MA with specialization in language pedagogy, second-language acquisition or related fields. Native or near-native fluency in Italian, knowledge of computer assisted instruction, and experience in undergraduate teaching are required.
Send cover letter, CV, brief description of teaching philosophy, graduate transcript, and three letters of reference to Dr. Massimo Maggiari, Director of the Italian Program, College of Charleston, 66 George Street Charleston, S.C. 29424-0001. Electronic materials may be sent to maggiarim@cofc.edu with subject line "Italian Search." Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
The College of Charleston is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to developing diversity.

Term Adjunct in Italian
Queen's University Department of Spanish & Italian invites applications for a one-year renewable term adjunct position in Italian. Qualifications for this position include a Ph.D. or ABD status, native or near-native fluency, and a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching. Experience in teaching grammar at all levels as well as literature would be considered an asset. The position is scheduled to begin August 1, 2007 and salary will reflect qualifications and experience. Applications should be postmarked by May 11, 2007. Letter of application together with curriculum vitae and three letters of reference should be sent to Professor Jan Mennell, Head; Department of Spanish & Italian; Queen's University; Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6.
The academic staff at Queen's are governed by a collective agreement between QUFA and the University which is posted at http://www.qufa.ca/ . The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queen's is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Kim ROBIN italian-studies co-list owner with George Ferzoco personal address: kimrobin1265@gmail.com
list owners' address: italian-studies-request@jiscmail.ac.uk

Lector in Italian (0.6 FTE)
Department of European Languages and Cultures
£22,332 - £25,889 p.a. pro rata
Fixed Term until June 2008 (renewable)
An opportunity has arisen within the Department of European Languages and Cultures for a Lector in Italian. The successful candidate will be involved in the teaching of Italian language at all levels, from beginners to degree standard.
The postholder should have a degree, or equivalent, in a relevant subject, native-speaker ability in Italian and experience of Italian Language teaching in Higher Education (preferably in a UK context).
The appointment is from 1 October 2007.
Please note you can apply on-line for this post at: http://www.personnel.lancs.ac.uk/vacancydets.aspx?jobid=A851 
Alternatively please contact Personnel Services, quoting reference A851, answerphone (01524) 846549.
Should you wish to discuss the post informally, you should contact Michela Masci, m.masci@lancaster.ac.uk ; tel. 01524 593007.
Closing date: 30 April 2007
Graduate Teaching Fellowships 2007/8
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
The School's postgraduate community is one of the largest and most diverse in the UK, enjoying state-of-the-art facilities and excellent support within a high-quality research environment.
Graduate Teaching Fellows will be required to undertake a PhD programme of study AND to teach for 6 hours per week full time or 3 hours part time.
Seven GTFs are available in 2007/08 in the following language areas:
Academic Reading in French (0.5); French; Italian; Linguistics & English Language; Polish (0.5); Russian and Spanish.
Please quote reference number GTF/2901
The closing date for receipt of applications for the GTF competition is 14 May 2007.
For further details, including the procedure for applications, please email the Postgraduate Administrator: sara.duncalf@manchester.ac.uk 
Professor in Management and Organization
Faculty of Economics
University of Lugano
The University of Lugano (Switzerland) invites applications from candidates of international research
standing for Associate or Full Professor in Management and Organization.
We are seeking an individual in any area of Management and Organization. The new professor will
be expected to contribute to our undergraduate and Master s programs, supervise doctoral
students, participate in the running of the Faculty and University and conduct research in the area
of management and organizations.
Professors reside in Ticino (Italian-speaking part of Switzerland). Presence at the university is at
least four days a week.
Application letter addressed to the Dean of the Faculty with curriculum vitae, list of publications,
copy of the 5 most representative publications, and the name of three referees should be send to
the address below
Prof. Mauro Baranzini
Dean, Faculty of Economics
Università della Svizzera italiana
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13
6904 Lugano - Switzerland
Tel +41 58 666 46 07
Fax +41 58 666 46 47
E-mail: gisele.nodiroli@lu.unisi.ch
Application received by May 1 st , 2007 will be given priority.
The University reserves the right to appoint by invitation or not to make an appointment.
The University of Lugano specifically encourages female candidates to apply with a view towards
increasing the proportion of female professors.
For more detailed information, please contact Prof. Erik Larsen ( erik.larsen@lu.unisi.ch ) or Prof.
Alessandro Lomi ( alessandro.lomi@lu.unisi.ch ).

E' stato pubblicato sul Burt, il bando per la selezione di 5 assistenti di lingua italiana da occupare in scuole australiane (http://www.mclink.it/com/inform/art/07n05331.htm).
Le domande vanno presentate entro e non oltre le ore 12 del 9 aprile 2007 alla Regione Toscana (Settore attività internazionali, Ufficio Toscani all'estero).
Il bando è consultabile sui siti www.rete.toscana.it/toscanamondo

International Relations Division of the Regional School Board of Lombardy Europa dell'Istruzione Project
Rete delle scuole autonome della Lombardia
Carlo Cipollone
Ufficio Scolastico
Consolato Generale d'Italia
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02110
Tel +1 (617) 722-9409
Fax +1 (617) 722-9407
e-mail: ufficioscuole.boston@esteri.it
Giuseppe Strada
ITCG Luca Pacioli - Crema
Via Seminario, 7
26013 Crema, (Cremona) Italy
Tel. +39 (0373) 8082 / 86044
Fax +39 (0373) 86193
Email: paciolicrema@tin.it 
2007-2008 Academic Year
The Rete delle scuole autonome della Lombardia offers a program of study, training and cross-cultural experience for the 2007-2008 academic year to native speakers of English. The program is open to individuals
who are completing or have recently completed (within the last 18 months) university studies in Italian language and culture, and is also open to students who are currently enrolled in M.A. or Ph.D. programs in
Italian language and culture in North-American universities. While the program is intended for enrolled students or recent graduates whose course of study is Italian language and culture, it is also open to
enrolled students or recent graduates in other disciplines who would like to have an intercultural experience of study and training in Italian schools. The program is part of the Europa dell'Istruzione project which promotes linguistic and intercultural exchange within Europe and across the globe.
The terms of the program are as follows:
1. The selected candidates will plan a program of study and training that is in keeping with their university curriculum and their own cultural and linguistic goals. The program shall be carried out at an appointed school.
2. The selected candidates must be covered by medical insurance. [1]
3. Reimbursement for expenses will come to a net total of 500 Euros a month, and can be offered in non-monetary form such as provision of lodging.
4. The school which hosts the appointed candidates will designate a tutor who will see to their reception and integration, and who will serve as their principal resource and point of reference. The tutor will
help the students to locate housing (apartment, room, or room with a family). The identity of the tutor will be communicated to the selected candidates, or to their university, before their arrival in Italy.
5. The selected candidates commit themselves to attend a program of 12 hours per week of training in English language instruction and to 13 cumulative hours per week of various other activities, namely, independent study, creation of projects, conversation with students, office hours, excursions, meetings with a tutor, and reports, in the school to which they are assigned. The schedule is arranged with the tutor designated by the directors of the program.
6. The selected candidates may be able to attend courses in the local universities. The courses should be consistent with the above mentioned activities and are subject to agreement of the interested
7. The duration of the program will be from 3 months to a school year (between October and May). The duration is to be settled before the student's departure, according to the needs of the schools and the
candidates themselves. The departure date should also conform to the directives of the Italian Consular Officers in regard to the acquisition of a visa.
8. Absence on the part of students-whether for reasons of personal or family health, or to take university exams-must be justified and may not in any case exceed 15 days.
9. At the end of the program in the designated school, the School Principal will issue a certificate indicating the dates of the scholarship, noting any periods of absence. The assigned tutor will assess the intern's work.
The criteria for the selection of candidates are as follows, in order of importance:
1. Personal motivation
2. Letter of recommendation from a professor, addressing the motivation and character of the applicant
3. Experience of teaching any language to non-native speakers (preferably, experience teaching English to foreigners)
4. Status as current Italian majors or minors, recent graduates in Italian (within 18 months), or status as M.A. or Ph.D. students currently specializing in Italian language and culture
5. Completion of at least 3 semesters of Italian at university with a minimum grade of B, or equivalent knowledge of Italian
6. Experience of study or work abroad, or participation in cross-cultural activities and projects in North America
7. cumulative GPA of 3.25 or equivalent
8. Intention, confirmed by professor, of undertaking graduate study in Italian in a masters or doctoral program
Documents to submit with application:
1. A short essay, of between 800 and 1000 words, in Italian or English on the theme "Italy and Your Country: Confronti." The essay may address questions such as: What similarities and differences have you
noticed, or do you expect to find, between the American and Italian culture? How do you think you could contribute to the cultural, intellectual, and linguistic enrichment of an Italian student of English? Why do you wish to apply to this scholarship in Italy?
(PLEASE NOTE: A high level of proficiency in Italian language and culture will be a preferential criterion for the selection of the candidate.)
2. A letter of recommendation from a professor.
3. An official transcript of university grades, updated to the most recent term of study.
4. A copy of the university diploma (B.A. or higher).
If the number of applicants who are enrolled or recently graduated students is lower than the number of scholarships available in Lombardy, students from other disciplines can then be admitted. The criteria for
selection will be the same, except for points 4 and 5. However, completion of at least 1 semester of Italian at university with a minimum grade of B, or equivalent knowledge of Italian will still be required.
How to apply:
The essay "Italy and Your Country: Confronti," accompanied by a brief cover letter (please include complete address, telephone number, and secondary address), must be sent via e-mail by the student directly to:
Prof. Carlo Cipollone ufficioscuole.boston@esteri.it
no later than midnight (Eastern Standard Daylight Time) on 21 April 2007. The other documents should be postmarked 21 April 2007 and mailed by standard mail to:
Carlo Cipollone
Ufficio Scolastico
Consolato Generale d'Italia
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02110
Tel +1 (617) 722-9409
Fax +1 (617) 722-9407
e-mail: ufficioscuole.boston@esteri.it
Candidates will be evaluated by a committee organized by the Rete delle scuole autonome della Lombardia (Prof. Catia Benelli, Prof. Benedetto Di Rienzo, Prof. Paola Severgnini, Prof. Giuseppe Strada) in collaboration
with the Educational Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Boston (Prof. Carlo Cipollone) and the Italian Department at Middlebury College (Prof. Nicoletta Marini-Maio). The committee will make a ranked list of
preferable candidates, and scholarships/internships will be assigned until there are no more left.
In order to avoid bureaucratic delays (in the acquisition of a visa, etc.) the committee will begin the selection process immediately. To this end, candidates are asked to send application materials as soon as possible. Successful candidates will be notified by the selection committee by 26 May, 2007.
[1] N.B.: In order to obtain a visa, Italian law requires that assistants prove that they have health insurance.
Health insurance can be either American or Italian. If the student chooses Italian insurance, he or she should be informed that basic health insurance (called INA) can be acquired upon payment via postal order, for a cost of approximately 70 to 80 euros per year. This kind of insurance covers all emergencies and any medical services for which a visit to an emergency room or urgent care clinic is necessary.

List memebrs may be interested to note the advertisement of a permanent Lectureship in Italian Studies at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland UK, with a closing date of 30 March 2007.
Further particulars and application forms are available on-line at:
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr C. Nocentini (c.nocentini@ed.ac.uk)

Professor of Italian Language and Culture
Leiden University The Faculty of Arts, Italian Language and Culture
Leiden, 2300 RA (The Netherlands), 38 hours per week
Job description
Providing education in the field of Italian Language and Culture, in particular Italian linguistics;
Conducting research in the field of Italian Language and Culture, with particular attention to the diachronic analysis of language phenomena in relation to their historical and cultural context, using modern linguistic approaches;
Responsibility for education in Italian language and culture in a broad sense within the section;
Initiating, stimulating and supervising doctoral and postdoctoral research;
Obtaining external funding for education and research;
Fulfilling management tasks within the Italian Language and Culture Department, the Gerard Tuning Institute, the research institute LUCL and the Faculty of Arts;
Required education/skills:Doctorate
Excellent research abilities in the field of his or her appointment, as demonstrated by an extensive list of publications which have appeared in nationally and internationally eminent publications relevant to the specialist field or in reputable periodicals;
Demonstrable language-theoretical, diachronic and philological expertise, thorough knowledge of Italian in its various historical periods, and knowledge of and experience with the study of texts from older stages of the language. In addition he/she must be prepared to place the analysis of language phenomena in a wider historical and cultural context. The successful candidate also has an affinity with the discipline of Italian literature;
Thorough knowledge of Italian in its various historical stages, as well as knowledge of one or more Romance languages;
Excellent teaching skills and broad experience as an instructor within the academic environment;
The ability to set up and supervise projects for academic reform;
The ability to obtain external funds for education and research;
Demonstrable administrative and management skills as well as the willingness to play an active role in the administrative and managerial activities of the Department and/or the teaching institute, the relevant research relations and the Faculty of Arts;
Stimulating, enthusing and uniting abilities as well as strong social skills;
Job type: Research / Advising
- Professor, senior lecturers, lecturers(Scientific discipline: Language & Culture)
Leiden University
The Faculty of Arts, Italian Language and Culture
Conditions of employment
Employment basis: Permanent
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional Information
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:
About the organization (http://www.leiden.edu/)
About the department (http://www.italiaans.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=94&c=85&garb=0.906963675003546&session=)
About the function (http://www.vacatures.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=1&c=1449)
You can apply for this job before 28-03-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
Faculteit der Letteren
Cleveringaplaats 1
Prof.dr.G.E. Booij
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden
E-mail: g.e.booij@let.leidenuniv.nl
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber 7-076.

Multiple Openings for Part-time Instructors in Italian for Fall 2007
Department of Modern and Classical Languages
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
We seek part-time instructors interested in teaching up to six or nine credit hours in Elementary and/or Intermediate Italian during the Fall 2007 semester. Applicants should have a Masters in Italian or Applied Linguistics, possess native/near-native fluency in Italian and have experience teaching content-based language courses.
Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae and contact information for three references either electronically to kolson4@gmu.edu or by mail to Dr. Kristina Olson, Italian Language Program Coordinator, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN 3E5, Fairfax, VA, 22030.
George Mason University, located approximately fifteen miles outside of Washington, D.C., is an innovative, entrepreneurial institution with national distinction in a range of academic fields. George Mason University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

La scuola di lingue "Centro Italiano" di Mosca, cerca insegnanti di italiano madrelingua.
Requisiti minimi necessari: laurea umanistica e/o corso di formazione in didattica delle lingue straniere; esperienza minima di insegnamento.
Sonia Pasqual

Cerchiamo con la massima urgenza Docente di Lingua Italiano per stranieri, con esperienza consolidata, per corsi aziendali, disponibile per zona Como.
Inviare CV al numero di fax 039-6854580 o all'e-mail info@bloomsburylanguageservices.com
specificando titolo di studio, esperienze e recapiti telefonici con orari di reperibilità, indirizzo di domicilio ed e-mail.
Bloomsbury Language Services s.r.l.
Piazzale Cadorna, 10 - 20123 Milano
Tel ++39+349+2614087
Fax ++39+039+6854580

The Department of Classics & Italian at Mount Holyoke College invites applications for a Visiting Lecturer in Italian language for one year with the possibility of renewal. Teaching load will be five courses/ year. Courses will be at the Elementary and Intermediate level. Please send letter of application, CV and two letters of recommendation to Professor Geoff Sumi, Chair, Classics & Italian, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075.
Review of applications will begin immediately.
Mount Holyoke is an undergraduate liberal arts college for women with 2,000 students and 200 faculty. It is located about 80 miles west of Boston in the Connecticut River valley, and is a member of the Five College Consortium consisting of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts.

Un'agenzia americana cerca un insegnante di italiano disponibile per lezioni individuali una volta o due la settimana dalle ore 12.00 alle 13.30 - 14.00 presso l'ufficio del cliente. La tariffa proposta è di 21 USD/ora.
Gli interessati possono scrivere direttamente all'agenzia al seguente indirizzo
Karen McDougall kmcdougall@global-lt.com

The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at top-ranked Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a full-time Lecturer position to start Fall 2007, with a possibility of renewal. Responsibilities: Teach language, literature and culture courses at levels 1-4 (3 per semester). Departmental service is expected. Qualifications: MA in Italian, however ABD or PhD preferred. Demonstrated excellence in teaching at the university or college level (minimum one year). Expected: Native or near-native fluency in Italian, a dedication to teaching language courses at all levels, and a willingness to engage in program and departmental service. Experience with the application of current technologies in the foreign language classroom. Ability to teach film an asset but not required. Please submit a letter of interest, teaching philosophy, CV, three recent letters of recommendation, and recent teaching evaluations to: Rebecca Messbarger, Director of Undergraduate It!
Italian Studies, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Campus Box 1077, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130. Review of candidates will begin April 1 and will continue until the position is filled. Washington University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and we especially encourage applications from women and members of minority groups.

Drew University invites applications for two part time positions at the level of instructor for the fall of 2007.
One instructor will teach two courses of Elementary Italian and coordinate the Elementary Italian courses (4 sections), the other one will teach one intermediate class and an advanced course on Italian cinema.
Candidates should hold at least an MA with specialization in language pedagogy, second-language acquisition or related fields. Native or near-native fluency in Italian, knowledge of computer assisted instruction, use of FL technology and excellence in undergraduate teaching are required.
Send cover letter, CV, brief description of teaching philosophy and the names and contacts of three referees via e-mail only to Emanuele Occhipinti at eocchipi@drew.edu  with subject line “Italian Search” by March 30th. Review of applications will begin immediately.
Drew University is a private, highly selective University consisting of the College of Liberal Arts, the Drew Theological School and the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies located in northern New Jersey, 30 miles west of Midtown Manhattan. The university is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to developing diversity.

Lectureship in Italian Studies at the University of Manchester. The closing
date is 12 March to commence August 2007. The salary range is #26,666-#41,545 pa and the post is open to all fields.
Further particulars and application forms are available on-line at: www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/jobs/academic
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Prof. Stephen J. Milner Stephen.J.Milner@manchester.ac.uk

The French and Italian Division at Texas Tech University invites applications for a full-time position as Instructor of Italian. Appointments for this position will be for one year, renewable upon successful performance, beginning first semester of academic year 2007-2008.
The teaching load is four courses per semester. Among the qualifications required for appointment is a Master’s degree in Italian or 18 graduate hours in Italian. Candidates must demonstrate interest and excellence in Italian language at the college level. Duties include an active role in the promotion of Italian on campus. Native or near-native fluency in Italian is required.
Send letter of application, CV, transcripts, 3 letters of reference addressing teaching competence and teaching evaluations to: Italian Search, c/o Ms. Kari Gates, Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures Department, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-2071.
We will begin reviewing applications on March 16, 2007, but will continue to accept applications until the position is filled. Selected candidates will be contacted for phone interviews.
Texas Tech is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer will a strong institutional commitment to diversity.

One Year Lecturer in Italian Language
Smith College invites applications for a one-year lecturer position in Italian beginning in the Fall 2007. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or be A.B.D. in Italian Language and Literature, or hold a Masters in Second Language Acquisition. Native or near-native proficiency with expertise in language teaching and pedagogy required. Knowledge of computer assisted instruction desirable. The successful applicant will be expected to teach five courses a year in Italian language at all levels, be involved in day-to-day teamwork with colleagues teaching the same courses and be willing to learn about and implement new technologies. We are committed to our program and expect everyone to participate fully in all Italian Department activities, including regular contact with students.
Send cover letter and c.v. via e-mail to the Italian Department Chair, Giovanna Bellesia, at gbellesi@email.smith.edu subject line “One Year Italian Position.” Three letters of reference and a copy of your transcript must be mailed or faxed (413 – 585-3415) to Jeanne West, Administrative Assistant, Department of Italian, Hatfield Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled.
Smith College is a member of the Five College Consortium with Amherst, Hampshire and Mount Holyoke Colleges and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Smith College is an equal opportunity employer encouraging excellence through diversity.

The Romance Languages Department at Colorado College invites
applications for a one-year temporary position in Italian beginning in Fall 2007. Assistant Professor, with strong experience and interest in teaching language, literature and culture at all levels. Ph.D. preferred or A.B.D. and native or near-native proficiency in Italian and English required. Evidence of superior teaching, commitment to undergraduate education and scholarship required.
Colorado College is committed to increasing the diversity of the college community and curriculum; candidates who can contribute to that goal are particularly encouraged to apply and to identify themselves and their relevant experience. Equal opportunity
employer. Colorado College welcomes members of all groups and reaffirms its commitment not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation or disability in its educational programs, activities and employment practices.
For more information about Colorado College see www.coloradocollege.edu
Letter of application and dossiers (curriculum vitae, three letters of
recommendation and sample of teaching evaluations) should be sent by March 30th, 2007 to:
Professor Salvatore Bizzarro
Department of Romance Languages
The Colorado College
14 E. Cache la Poudre
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Sono la responsabile formazione di una scuola di italiano per stranieri; cerchiamo abbastanza urgentemente docenti da inserire nel nostro organico a collaborazione.
Contattare se avete una disponibilità piuttosto ampia sia pomeridiana che di mattina.
Grazie della collaborazione.
Simona Minervini

TWO ITALIAN POSITIONS have been authorized in the Dept. of Romance Languages at the Univ. of Pennsylvania.
1. Assistant Prof. on tenure track
The Department of Romance Languages invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Italian, beginning fall 2007. Native or near-native fluency in English and Italian and PhD in Italian or Italian Studies required. Specialization in film preferred with related strengths in contemporary and 20th-Century cultural studies, Italian, and Italian-American literature. Excellent and innovative teaching skills required, with interests across an intellectual and historical range suited to an Italian Studies program housed in a Department of Romance Languages and affiliated with an interdisciplinary Center for Italian Studies. Committed to program development a must. Please send cover letter, dossier, and three letters of recommendation to
Professor Victoria Kirkham
Chair of Search Committee
Department of Romance Languages
521 Williams Hall
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
For more information on our program, please consult
Applications should be received by Dec. 11, 2006.
2. Lectureship as Italian Language Director
This position is responsible for overseeing the administration of a growing multi-sectioned language program under the guidance of the Director of Language Programs in Romance Languages. Responsibilities include curriculum development, design of teaching materials, assisting in the training, supervision, and mentoring of graduate student TAs as well as full-and part-time lecturers, in addition to teaching five courses a year at the undergraduate level.
Ph.D. in Italian desired, but minimum of M.A. or equivalent required. Native or near native fluency in Italian and English.
Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching, prior coordinating or administrative experience, familiarity with applied linguistics and second language acquisition, and expertise in teaching with technology.
Initial appointment is for one year with possible renewal pending satisfactory performance review.
Please send letter of application, CV, three letters of recommendation, evidence of excellence in teaching and any other relevant materials to:
Italian Lecturer Search Committee
Dept. of Romance Languages
521 Williams Hall
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Applications will be accepted until position is filled.
The University of Pennsylvania is an equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Laurentian University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Italian Studies commencing July 1, 2007. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Italian Studies (in the area of modern literary studies), a demonstrated commitment to teaching and potential for research as well as native or near-native fluency in Italian. Duties include teaching Italian literature, culture and language courses at all levels in a four-year B.A. programme.
As well, there will be some contribution to the Interdisciplinary M.A. in Humanities Programme.
Applications will be reviewed commencing in January 2007 but will be accepted until the position is filled.
Applicants should provide a covering letter clearly indicating the AD number (#24), a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a summary of research interests, a research proposal indicating equipment needs and three letters of reference addressed to:
Harley D'Entremont
Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6
or by email to asr@laurentian.ca
Further information may be found at www.laurentian.ca

Location: Warwickshire
Date posted: 20 Nov 2006
Closing date: 15 Dec 2006
Warwick is one of Britain's leading universities with an enviable reputation for educational opportunities, first rate research and its commitment to the local community.
The University Values Diversity History of Art
Salary negotiable
Ref: 34579-106
You will contribute to teaching and research in the Department, and will have an outstanding record of publication. You may have a research and teaching specialism in one of the following areas: (a) Venetian/Italian Renaissance art or Architecture, (b) exhibition culture or the display of art (especially in the C20th or C21st).
Practitioners considered.
Contact name: PersonnelServices
Contact email: recruit@warwick.ac.uk
Telephone: 024 7652 3685
Contact details from original ad (please read carefully) Application packs are available from Personnel Services on 024 7652 3685 (24 hour answerphone), by email: recruit@warwick.ac.uk, our website below or www.jobs.ac.uk/warwick. An application form MUST be completed if you wish to apply for this post.

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Italian
Faculty of Arts
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Department of Italian
Any queries should be directed to Head of Department: Dr. Claire Honess, C.E.Honess@leeds.ac.uk
This post, based in the UK's largest School of Modern Languages and Cultures, is available from 1 August 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter. Applications are invited from candidates with a PhD in Italian and with a good track record of publications conducive to participation in the forthcoming R A E.
We welcome applications from candidates with specialisms in any area, but expect to give preference to those with interests in twentieth-century and/or contemporary Italian culture, including one or more of cinema, cultural studies or literature. You will be expected to develop and sustain an active programme of research in your specialist field and to contribute fully to the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes of the Department and School.
Lecturer- University Grade 8 (£31,525 - £38,772 p.a.) or Senior Lecturer - University Grade 9 (£39,935 - £46,295 p.a.)
Informal enquiries to Dr Claire Honess, Head of Department; tel 0113 343 3631, email c.e.honess@leeds.ac.uk
To apply on line please visit
http://www.leeds.ac.uk/ and click on 'jobs'.
Alternatively application packs are available via email recruitment@adm.leeds.ac.uk or tel 0044(0)113 343 5771.
Job ref 317053 Closing date Friday 1 December 2006
Further Particulars at http://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/ShowVacancies.aspx?Category=Academic
Italian departmental website:

OB ANNOUNCEMENT - Assistant Professor of Italian University of Pennsylvania Department of Romance Languages
255 S. 36th Street
521Williams Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The Department of Romance Languages invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Italian, beginning fall 2007. Native or near-native fluency in English and Italian and PhD in Italian or Italian Studies required. Specialization in film preferred with related strengths in contemporary and 20th-Century cultural studies, Italian, and Italian-American literature. Excellent and innovative teaching skills required, with interests across an intellectual and historical range suited to an Italian Studies program housed in a Department of Romance Languages and affiliated with an interdisciplinary Center for Italian Studies.
Committed to program development a must. Please send cover letter, dossier, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Victoria Kirkham Chair of Search Committee Department of Romance Languages 521 Williams Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
For more information on our program, please consult http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/roml/italian/italian.html
Applications will be accepted until position is filled.
The University of Pennsylvania is an equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Portland State University
Portland, OREGON 97207-0751
Assistant/Associate Professorship in ITALIAN, tenure-track, beginning September 2007. Qualifications: Ph.D.; strong commitment to teaching and scholarship; experience in proficiency-oriented language instruction; evidence of strong scholarship; record of academic leadership; native or near-native fluency. Duties: teaching undergraduate language and literature courses, building undergraduate program, providing leadership for interdisciplinary program in Italian Studies, fostering community relationships. Send letter, resume and three letters of recommendation to Italian Search Committee, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207-0751. Applications will be accepted until December 8, 2006.
Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the MLA conference in December. Portland State is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity institution and, in keeping with the President's diversity initiative, welcomes applications from diverse candidates and candidates who support diversity.
Angela Zagarella
Instructor of Italian Language and Culture Portland State University
Foreign Languages and Literatures P.O. Box 751 Portland, Oregon
ph. (503) 725-9576
dept(503) 725-3522
fax (503) 725-5276

Europe's largest subtitling company, Broadcast Text International, is expanding and offering you a first step into the world of media.
Enthusiastic and self-motivated team players required for large international subtitling company based in West London. The in-house positions involve subtitling of programmes into Italian, Norwegian or Swedish for major international broadcasters. We are looking for people with translation studies and a background in translation, therefore proofreading and translation experience is essential. The successful candidates will enjoy challenging opportunities but must work well under pressure.
You will learn to produce subtitle templates, do proofreading and perform quality control on a variety of television and home-entertainment programmes.
Broadcast Text encompasses nine offices in Europe, and is the fastest growing subtitling company in the world. In 2005 we produced over 50 000 hours of subtitling.
Contact name: BroadcastText International
Contact email: office@broadcasttext.com
Contact details from original ad (please read carefully)
For further information, please contact Mr Robert Christiansen, e-mail: office@broadcasttext.com or 020 8814 7530.

Europe's largest subtitling company, Broadcast Text International, is expanding and offering you a first step into the world of media.
Enthusiastic and self-motivated team players required for large international subtitling company based in West London. The in-house positions involve subtitling of programmes into Italian, Norwegian or Swedish for major international broadcasters. We are looking for people with translation studies and a background in translation, therefore proofreading and translation experience is essential. The successful candidates will enjoy challenging opportunities but must work well under pressure.
You will learn to produce subtitle templates, do proofreading and perform quality control on a variety of television and home-entertainment programmes.
Broadcast Text encompasses nine offices in Europe, and is the fastest growing subtitling company in the world. In 2005 we produced over 50 000 hours of subtitling.
Contact name: BroadcastText International Contact email: office@broadcasttext.com
Telephone: .
Contact details from original ad (please read carefully) For further information, please contact Mr Robert Christiansen, e-mail: office@broadcasttext.com or 020 8814 7530.
Please send your application by email only to: office@broadcasttext.com

Institution: http://www.selu.edu Southeastern Louisiana University
Location: Hammond, LA
Application Due: 12/08/2006
Type: Full Time
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at Southeastern Louisiana University invites applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Spanish and Italian, beginning August 2007.
Preferred Qualifications: Native or near-native competency in Spanish and Italian, and a solid command of English.
Responsibilities: Teaching basic and upper-level language courses, including the opportunity for part time summer employment either on-campus or with study abroad programs.
Other duties: Conducting research for professional presentation and publication, advising undergraduate language students, maintaining adequate office hours, and performing other service as required by the department and the University. Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. in Spanish or Italian or related field by August 1, 2007. If the major field is Spanish, the candidate must hold 18 hours of graduate studies in Italian; if the major field is Italian, 18 hours of graduate courses in Spanish are required. Candidates should demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate pedagogy. Ability to develop and instruct online courses is desirable. Applicants must be committed to working with diversity. Salary is based on a nine-month appointment and is commensurate with qualifications and professional experience. To ensure consideration, applications materials must be received by December 8, 2006. A teaching demonstration may be required of those invited for an interview. Teaching portfolios, web work or other materials that demonstrate ability are welcomed.
Send letter of application, indicating teaching experience and research interests, detailed vita, statement of teaching philosophy, names and contact information for three references, and copies of all transcripts (originals required upon employment) to Dr. Lucia Harrison, Head, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Southeastern Louisiana University, SLU 10719, Hammond, LA 70402. For information, call 985/549-2152 or email lharrison@selu.edu Southeastern is an AA/ADA/EEO employer.
Application Information
Postal Address: Dr. Lucia Harrison
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Southeastern Louisiana University
SLU 10719
Hammond, LA 70402
Phone: 985/549-2152
Fax: 985/549-3088

Position: Assistant Professor of Italian
Salary: $60,000 to less than $70,000
Institution: http://www.yale.edu/italian Yale University
Location: Connecticut
Application deadline: 11/15/2006
Italian: The Italian Language and Literature Department at Yale University invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Renaissance and Baroque literature, beginning July 1, 2007. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Italian literature. Teaching will include undergraduate and graduate literature and culture courses. The ability to contribute to an interdisciplinary curriculum (history, art history, theatre, etc.) is highly desirable. Yale University is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. Yale values diversity among its students, faculty, and staff and especially encourages applications from women and underrepresented minorities. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference by November 15, 2006, to Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Italian Language and Literature, Yale University, P.O. Box 208311, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8311. Review of application will take place in late November to select candidates for interview at the 2006 MLA convention.
E-mail : ann.delauro@yale.edu
Phone : 203-432-0595
Fax : 203-432-2164
Ms. Ann DeLauro
Administrative Assistant 2
Italian Department
Yale University
PO Box 208311
New Haven, CT 06520

Abstracts are invited for the following panel, to be held during the 2007 AAIS (American Association for Italian Studies) conference, from May 3 through May 6, 2007:
L1, interlinguistic strategies, translation and the teaching of Italian
This panel seeks to explore the role of L1, translation and interlinguistic strategies in the Italian language classroom. Theoretical or descriptive papers on studies involving both specific language pairs and multilingual settings will be particularly welcome.
Topics may include:
* Reflections on the use of student mother tongue in the classroom
* Translation as a pedagogic tool
* L1 to L2 (Italian) transfer
* L2-L2 transfer (especially between another Romance language and Italian)
* The "Italian only approach"
* Monolingual versus bilingual textbooks
Presentations will be 20 minutes in length plus 10 minutes for discussion and questions.
Please submit a 300-400 word abstract in Italian or English, a short biographical note and contact details by November 27th, 2006 to:
Dr. Alessandro Zannirato
Panel Chair
Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of German and Romance Languages and Literatures Gilman 407 3400 N Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 Tel. 410 516 7230

La Fondazione L'Albero della Vita onlus ricerca operatori specializzati in mediazione culturale ambosessi per impiego part-time/full-time in attività scolastiche di educazione interculturale e laboratori di insegnamento Italiano come L2 per minori stranieri. Richieste specifiche competenze culturali, pedagogiche, didattiche, buona ESPERIENZA nel settore, disponibilità immediata.
E' possibile inviare CV con fotografia a laurabartoletti@alberodellavita.org specificando nell'oggetto: /EDSCUOLA/INTERCULTURA/ROMA

un posto di collaboratore ed esperto linguistico di madrelingua amarica;
un posto di collaboratore ed esperto linguistico di madrelingua giapponese;
un posto di collaboratore ed esperto linguistico di madrelingua portoghese;
un posto di collaboratore ed esperto linguistico di madrelingua inglese

Language Tutor
Italian School of Humanities, Centre for Modern Languages
(30% of full time to be worked over a term time only period of 30 weeks)
Required to consolidate and further develop the resourcing and teaching of Italian language courses. Teaching will be mostly between the weekday hours of 5.00-9.00pm. You will be qualified to degree level, have the equivalent of a least five-years' full-time experience of teaching Italian to adults and preferably possess a language-teaching qualification. You will also have an excellent command of spoken and written Italian, and be committed to a broadly communicative approach to language teaching.
Starting salary in the range of £24,161 to £31,525 a year pro-rata (potential progression on performance once in post to £33,465) pro-rata.
Closing date: 15 September 2006
Reference: A44025 http://www.punit.bham.ac.uk/vacancies/furtherParticulars.htm?refNo=A44025
Details from ' 0121 415 9000 or www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs 
HR, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
A University of Fairness and Diversity

- Ufficio Scolastico -
Comunico che allo stato attuale risulta ancora da coprire un posto di insegnamento di Matematica e Scienze in italiano nel "Colegio Michelangelo - Liceo Italiano", una scuola privata di Tumbaco-Quito che attende di ricevere dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri il decreto di riconoscimento della "Parità" a partire dal 1º settembre 2006, almeno fino alla 3ª media per questo primo anno 2006/2007.
E' un "istituto globale" perché sono presenti tutti gli ordini di scuola, dalla scuola dell'infanzia al liceo scientifico.
Sono già stati individuati due docenti italiani per altre discipline, ma rimane appunto da coprire - almeno per il livello di scuola secondaria di 1º e 2º grado - l'area matematica-scientifica in italiano.
Il compenso offerto è di 700 dollari mensili (circa 550 euro), uno stipendio di tutto rispetto se confrontato con quello dei docenti del posto (250/300 dollari mensili).
Per il primo anno viene offerto anche un volo di andata e ritorno e l'alloggio.
Il candidato deve avere un titolo di laurea nel settore matematico-scientifico, e preferibilmente il titolo SSIS, l'abilitazione all'insegnamento nella stessa area ed un minimo di esperienza didattica. E' necessaria altresì una buona padronanza della lingua spagnola.
Le persone interessate sono invitate ad inviare URGENTEMENTE il proprio curriculum all'indirizzo
Resta inteso che questo Ufficio declina ogni responsabilità sull'esito dei contatti e sul rapporto di lavoro che dovesse scaturire tra la scuola ed il docente selezionato, essendo appunto una scuola privata.

Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Field of Italian Studies
Faculty of Law
We are looking for a specialist in Venetian Studies to act as a national editor on an AHRC Resource Enhancement Scheme project relating to primary source documents of significance in the history of copyright from five jurisdictions. The project leaders are Professor Lionel Bently, of Cambridge University, and Professor Martin Kretschmer, of Bournemouth University. The Venetian editor, who will be one of five national editors (the others working on sources in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States over the period preceding 1900) will be responsible for the sourcing, selection, transcription, translation, and editorial annotation of documents relating to the grant of printing monopolies in Venice in the 15th and 16th centuries. The appointment is full-time and starts on 1 March 2006. The Venetian editor will be employed for 9 months, during which time the 20 most important documents to Venetian copyright history need to be prepared and supplied to a specification to be agreed.
The position of a national editor requires:
archive research: the ability to locate, read, transcribe (or arrange for transcription) and negotiate terms of use for primary documents reaching back to the 15th century
editorial skills: the ability to justify selection decisions in conjunction with the project leaders, and an editorial board of about ten international experts; the ability to conduct a bibliographical search on the impact and citation of the selected documents in at least English and French; the ability to outline the historical (legal, cultural and socio-economic) context of the selected documents;
digital technology: the willingness to work to the technical specifications of a digital archive project, including using appropriate scanning and photographic technologies, and basic XML (for which some training will be provided).
translation skills: all documents and editorial work needs to be discussed and presented to a native English standard (we may be able to assist in this respect).
The successful applicant will be given a 9 month, fixed term, contract from the University of Cambridge on grade RA1A (Starting point 8) (plus pension rights) (or a one year contract pro rata). In addition, funds will be provided to assist with archive research expenses (eg travel/subsistence), scanning and translation.
There is likely to be a full editorial meeting in January or February 2006 in Cambridge (expenses paid), either in the week beginning 16 January or w/b 6 February.
Further particulars may be obtained from:
Mrs Anne Phillips
Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law
Faculty of Law
University of Cambridge
(tel: 01223 330081; e-mail:ap233@cam.ac.uk), to whom a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a completed PD18 (available with the further particulars) should be sent by 5 December 2005. Applicants are requested to ask two referees to write directly and in confidence to Mrs Phillips by the same date.
Interviews will take place on 14 December 2005.

University or Organization: Rice University
Department: Center for the Study of Languages
Job Rank: Full Time Lecturer
Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition
Required Language(s): Italian (ita)
Rice University seeks a full-time Lecturer to teach Italian language courses in its Center for Study of Languages. Candidates should demonstrate a sound understanding of modern communicative approaches to language-teaching and learning, including task-based proficiency-oriented instruction, and show a record of good teaching. Other desirable qualifications for this position are: the ability to develop and teach Italian courses for special purposes and an understanding of the uses of modern technology, including multimedia applications, for the purpose of teaching and learning languages. Applicants should demonstrate at least near-native fluency in Italian and hold an MA degree or its equivalent. The appointment is at the rank of Lecturer, beginning on 1 July 2006. Salary will be commensurate with credentials and experience. Rice offers good institutional support for professional development and state-of-the-art technological facilities are available.
Please send a letter of application clearly addressing the above position requirements, C.V., transcript, three letters of recommendation (or name, addresses, emails and fax numbers of three persons willing to provide a recommendation), and teaching portfolio (or sample syllabi) to the address below.
The deadline for applications is Monday 12 December 2005. Applicants must have proof of legal authorization to work in the United States. Rice
University is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Address for Applications:
Program Coordinator
Center for the Study of Languages, MS # 36
Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005
Application Deadline: 12-Dec-2005
Contact Information:
Program Coordinator
Email: csladmin@rice.edu
Phone: 713-348-5844
Fax: 713-348-5846
Website: http://langcenter.rice.edu

0.4 Lectureship in Modern Languages with English as a Foreign Language Support
Salary £7,730 - £14,033 (pro rata of £19,326 - £35,084)
As an internationally renown Higher Education institute for the teaching of hospitality, tourism and sport management, we attract students from around the world. Our commitment to providing excellent student support services means that we now seek an additional member to join our modern languages team to contribute to the teaching of modern languages and English language support across the College. Applicants should possess a relevant first degree and have the ability to offer teaching expertise in French and Italian, along with the ability to contribute to the support of students in English language. Ideally, you will possess appropriate teaching experience, including the creation of Modern Language teaching materials.
The successful candidate can expect first class teaching resources, IT facilities and the opportunity to play an innovative role in the continued development of student support. Other benefits include excellent staff development opportunities and the College's private health care policy.
Telephone 0121-243-0127 (Voicemail) or write for an application pack and further details to: -
The Personnel Unit, Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies, Summer Row, Birmingham B3 1JB. E-mail recruitment@bcftcs.ac.uk. Closing date: Friday 28th October 2005.
We are an equal opportunities employer.
A College accredited by the University of Birmingham

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor
European Art 1300-1600
Art History Department
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Art History Department
European Art 1300-1600
Salary is Open / Full Time - Academic/Must have PhD.
Assistant, associate, or full professor, tenure-track or tenured. Starting September, 2006. Salary commensurate with experience. Seeking specialist in European art, 1300-1600 (emphasis on Italy), with publications and teaching experience, to participate in a vigorous undergraduate and graduate curriculum, which includes lecture courses, seminars, and interdisciplinary programs delivered to 200 undergraduate majors and 75 graduate students (18 graduate students are currently specializing in Italian Renaissance). The position requires a commitment to research, teaching and the general development of the program on all levels. Candidates must have the PhD, significant publications, and teaching experience. Please send cover letter, CV, and the names of three references to: Chair, Search Committee in European Art, 1300-1600, Department of Art History, Voorhees Hall, 71 Hamilton Street, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1248. Information about the Department available online http://arthistory.rutgers.edu.
Application Deadline October 31, 2005
Rutgers is an EO/AA Employer
NOTES: International Candidates Will Be Considered. Employer will assist with relocation costs. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with rank and experience

Lecturer A (Fixed-Term 12-Month Maternity Cover)
Department Of Italian
Durham University

Per ulteriori informazioni, clicca su:


Senior Lecturer/Lecturer English

Applications are invited for the above posts from candidates with suitable
qualifications and extensive teaching experience in ESL/EFL and/or the
above foreign languages, and preferably with a background in academic
research and international or refereed publications.

Applicants with extensive relevant language-related experience (such as
work in communications and media agencies, translation, publishing, or use
and management of self-access centres, e-learning and other
language-related projects) will also be considered. Experience and skill in
Creative and Professional Writing and/or a recognized professional
qualification will be an advantage.

Selected candidates will be required to teach on:
General Proficiency courses (such as Elementary/Intermediate/Advanced
English/Arabic/French/ German/Italian/Mandarin/Spanish courses) and/or
Specialist English courses such as English for Academic/Specific Purposes
courses (eg English for Bio-Technology, Computer Science, Engineering,
Health Science, Pre-Med, Business, Management, Diplomatic Communication,
Education, Classroom Communication, etc) and/or
Specialist Arabic courses such as Arabic for Academic/Specific Purposes (eg
Arabic for Syariah, Usuluddin, etc)


Lecturer: Minimum MA/MEd/MSc with at least 3 years relevant teaching
experience in tertiary teaching and research. Senior Lecturer: Normally a
PhD [or in certain cases MA/Med/MSc] with at least 5 years relevant
experience and a proven record in teaching, research and administration.


The appointment will be on a permanent basis for citizens of Brunei
Darussalam. For non-citizens, appointment will be by contract for a period
of three years which is renewable subject to mutual agreement.

The annual salary range as follows: Lecturer: BD$33,720 - BD$50,880; Senior
Lecturer: BD$55,200 - BD$62,400.

Academic allowance as follows: Lecturer [without PhD]: BD$300.00 per month;
Lecturer [with PhD]: BD$500.00 per month; Senior Lecturer: BD$600.00 per

Exchange rate for Brunei Dollars to 1 unit of foreign currency as of 11
March 2005:

US$ -1.6308; GBP - 3.1446; Euro - 2.2066; A$ - 1.3046; C$ - 1.3673; NZ$ -

Foreign currency to 1 Brunei Dollar:

Swiss Francs - 0.7075; HK$ - 4.7101; Japanese Yen - 63.56.

Other benefits: Bonus [1 month salary for Senior Lecturer/Lecturer] after
each 12 months of satisfactory service. Gratuity [25% of last drawn salary
x 36 months at the end of the contract]. Education allowance and children's
passage. Subsidized housing [staff contribute BD$130 per month]. Free
medical and dental services. Interest - free car loan. Annual leave of 48
days. Passage and removal allowance.

At present there is no personal income tax in Brunei Darussalam.

Completed application forms together with copies of academic certificates
and comprehensive curriculum vitae with the names and addresses of three
referees should be sent to: Registrar and Secretary, Universiti Brunei
Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE 1410, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM.

Application forms can be downloaded from our website at
<http://www.ubd.edu.bn>www.ubd.edu.bn. They are also available from
Association of Commonwealth Universities (52514), 36 Gordon Square, London
WC1H 0PF, UK (email <mailto:adverts@acu.ac.uk>adverts@acu.ac.uk; fax 020
7380 6776; tel. 020 7380 6706). Applications must reach Universiti Brunei
Darussalam by 25 June 2005. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
and informed of details regarding interviews.

The School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University
wishes to appoint a Level C (Senior Lecturer)/ Level B (Lecturer) in
Italian Studies. The appointment will be on a continuing basis,
following successful completion of a probationary period.
Effective date: 01 February 2006.
Salary range: Level B Aus $57,936 - $68,801p.a.; Level C Aus $70,973 -
$81,836 p.a.
Level B candidates should be prepared to coordinate and teach at
undergraduate level; supervise Honours or postgraduate students; develop
course material; participate in School and Faculty committees. Level C
candidates are expected, in addition, to play a major role in
scholarship, research, professional activities and planning and
committee work.

Candidates should have a PhD, native or near-native competence in both
English and Italian, a demonstrated research and teaching record,
excellent organisational skills, and experience as Honours and higher
degree supervisors. Additional desirable requirements are: demonstrated
experience in the use of information and communication technology to
support teaching; application of critical and cultural theory to the
teaching of Italian Studies; a demonstrated capacity to work creatively
with the scholarly and general communities.

Ref No.: AO55970
Applications close: 1 July 2005

Additional information (including format of applications) can be found
on the School website:

All prospective applicants must obtain the selection pack from
prior to submitting an application.

Applications to be sent to
Dr Colin Thornby, School Manager
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Building 11
Monash University, Victoria 3800 AUSTRALIA


Dr Thornby and Professor Brian Nelson (Head of School) can also be
contacted for further information.

Late applications or applications via facsimile will not be accepted.

Mirna Cicioni
Dr Mirna Cicioni
Italian Studies Program
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Monash University, Clayton Campus
Victoria 3800, AUSTRALIA

Tel. 61-3-9905-2212
Fax 61-3-9905-5437

Lectureship (Contract Post) in Italian

Department Of Italian, University College Cork, Ireland
Applications are invited for this three-year full-time post. Specialists in
any area of Italian literature will be considered, but the successful
applicant will be capable of teaching language at all levels and elements
as required from the Department's core literature course, and of
contributing to its taught Master's programme. The ability to contribute to
the teaching at undergraduate level of Medieval and/or Renaissance
literature may be an advantage. The ideal candidate will have completed or
be close to completing a PhD in Italian literature and will be a native
speaker or have near-native knowledge of Italian. The appointee must also
be prepared to participate in administrative duties.

Information about the Department can be found at

Informal enquires to the Head of Department, Dr Mark Chu

N.B. Questo concorso è aperto solo ai candidati che hanno già ottenuto o
che sono vicini a ottenere un dottorato di ricerca in letteratura italiana.

Salary scale (new entrants): ?32,579 - ?52,924 p.a.

Closing date: Friday, 1 July 2005 [Late applications will not be accepted].

Application forms must be completed and are available, together with
further particulars, on our website at:
<http://hr.ucc.ie/employment.php>http://hr.ucc.ie/employment.php or from,
Department of Human Resources, University College Cork. Tel: + 353 21
4902671 / Email: <mailto:recruitment@per.ucc.ie?subject=Lectureship:
onjobs.ac.uk>recruitment@per.ucc.ie / Fax + 353 21 4276995

University College Cork is an Equal Opportunities Employer.






Salary: Lecturer A £23,643 - £27,116 p.a.; Lecturer B £27,989 -
£35,883 p.a.; Senior Lecturer £37,558 - £42,573 p.a.

Applications are invited for a Lectureship/Senior Lectureship in
Italian historical and/or cultural studies and for a Temporary (10-
month) Lectureship in Italian studies in the School of Languages,
Linguistics and Cultures. The School is one of the largest and
most successful such groupings in the UK, enjoying outstanding
RAE scores, strong external grant income and a good record of
postgraduate and undergraduate recruitment. Italian Studies,
which secured a 5 in RAE 2001, has a significant role to play in the
School's development. Candidates with research interests in any
area of Italian historical and/or cultural studies are encouraged to
apply for the Lectureship/Senior Lectureship. The successful
candidate will contribute to the development of research and
teaching in the field, offering imaginatively conceived courses at
postgraduate and undergraduate level in keeping with her/his
research expertise. The successful candidate for the Temporary
Lectureship will contribute to teaching in Italian cinema and modern
Italian literature.

Informal inquiries for the Italian posts may be made to the Head of
Italian Studies, Mr Robert Hastings
(robert.a.hastings@manchester.ac.uk or 0161 275 3126).
Clive Griffiths,
University Adviser on Student Affairs.
Tel. (0161) 27 53127
Secretary (0161) 27 53187

Professor of Languages

School of Asian and European Languages and Cultures

At Victoria University of Wellington, the Professor of German is due to
retire at the beginning of 2006. The professorship will be filled in one of
the Asian or European languages taught as major subjects in the School of
Asian and European Languages and Cultures.

Therefore, Victoria University of Wellington invites applications for the
positions of Professor of Chinese, Professor of French, Professor of
German, Professor of Italian, Professor of Japanese and Professor of
Spanish, with a view of filling one of these positions. The appointee will
serve in the School of Asian and European Languages and Cultures and should
have a substantial publication record, an active research agenda and a
commitment to excellence in teaching. Applicants with research and teaching
specialization in language, translation, literature and/or area studies
will be considered.

The appointee will be an outstanding scholar, a dedicated teacher able to
give academic leadership, and a capable administrator. The appointee will
be responsible for the development of innovative teaching and research
programmes, as well as representing the discipline to the University and
the wider community.

Information about the Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and
Spanish Programmes is available on the School Web site:

Applications close 1 September 2005.

Please quote ref HSS 521.

For further information, please visit www.jobs.vuw.ac.nz or contact the HR
Advisor, Humanities and Social Sciences; tel: +64-4-463 5840 or e-mail:

Victoria University of Wellington is an EEO employer.

Position: Visiting Assistant Professor in Italian
Salary: Unspecified
Institution: <http://www.stonybrook.edu>State University of New York at
Stony Brook
Location: New York
Date posted: 6/13/2005

Italian Visiting

Stony Brook University's Department of European Languages, Literatures, and
Cultures invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor in Italian
beginning August, 2005. The appointment will be for one year, but with the
possibility of an extension. Candidates should be prepared to teach
advanced language and literature classes, as well as one large humanities
class that introduces Italian literature and culture to the general
undergraduate population.

Required: Ph.D. and specialization in the Renaissance is desirable.
Deadline for receipt of applications is July 1, 2005.

Send application, including a research statement, CV, and recommendations
to: Professor Nicholas Rzhevsky, Chair Department of European Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures Library Room N4004, Stony Brook University, SUNY
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3359.

AA/EOE. Visit <http://www.stonybrook.edu/cjo>www.stonybrook.edu/cjo for
employment opportunities.

Professor Nicholas Rzhevsky
Department of European Languages Literatures, and Cultures
Stony Brook University
Library Room N4004
Stony Brook University, NY 11794-3359

Date posted: 25 May 05
Closing date: 25 Jun 05

Job description
BKC-International House Moscow

BKC International House Moscow, Russia's largest language institution is
looking to recruit qualified and experienced teachers for our centres in

- Italian, Spanish, French, German

Part-Time Lecturer Opening


POSITION: PT Lectureships in French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish,
Hebrew, Portuguese, Arabic

EFFECTIVE DATE: August 22, 2005 (Fall semester), January 24, 2006 (Spring

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: M.A. or appropriate degree in the discipline.
Near-native competency in the language. Knowledge of English vocabulary,
grammar and syntax. College level experience in teaching. Ability to
communicate effectively with an ethnically and culturally diverse campus

DESIRED/PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Recent training in Foreign Language
Teaching methods. Media laboratory experience highly desirable. Experience
in a four-year college setting with preference for an urban setting similar
to CSULB. Continued study in the discipline; updating of technological
skills, teaching and assessment methodologies. For upper division courses,
in-progress Ph.D. work or Ph.D.

DUTIES: Will teach courses in the language and/or literature. Will meet as
needed with course Coordinator/Program Director; participate in appropriate
departmental activities.

SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with training and experience. Probable range for
one 3-unit course: $694 to $875; for a 4-unit course: $926 to $1167.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Letter of application responsive to qualification
for specific course; resume; three letters of recommendation; teaching
evaluations; official transcript from institution awarding highest degree.
(Employment is contingent upon proof of the legal right to work in the
United States. This proof must be provided prior to employment at the
University. An appointment is not final until proof is provided.)

POSITION OPEN UNTIL FILLED: (or recruitment canceled). Review of
applications to begin June 1, 2005 (Fall), November 1, 2005 (Spring).
Applications, required documentation, and/or requests for information
should be addressed to:

Dr. Jutta Birmele, Chair
Department of Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840
(562) 985-4638


The Department of Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz,
is developing an ongoing pool of qualified instructors to teach occasional
courses on a part-time basis in all areas of Literature including, but not
limited to:

American Literature, including Ethnic-American Literature
British and other English Language Literatures
Classics in Greek and Latin and in translation
Comparative Literature
Elementary Greek and Latin Literature
French and Francophone Literatures
German Literature
Italian Literature
Postcolonial Literatures
Russian Literature
Spanish and Latin American Literatures (in Spanish and in translation)
World Literature and Cultural Studies

Candidates accepted to our pool may be approached by other units to teach
in areas related to their demonstrated areas of expertise.

RANK: Lecturer

SALARY: $4696-$5700 per course, commensurate with qualifications and

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in hand or completed by 9/1/04 in Literature
or related field, and teaching experience. Emphasis will be placed on
teaching excellence. Applicants near Ph.D. should have their thesis
directors send a projected date of completion.

POSITION AVAILABLE: Contingent upon availability of funding.

Candidates accepted to previous pools must reapply if they wish to be
considered as a candidate and must submit letters of recommendation as
explained below. Applicants should send an informative letter of
application (including email address if you have one), syllabi/description
of proposed course(s), curriculum vitae, three current letters of
recommendation (2002 to present; all letters will be treated as
confidential documents), and teaching evaluations if available to the
YOU ARE APPLYING. Sample syllabi will be carefully reviewed.

Please refer to position #T00-06H in your reply

As this is an on-going recruitment, applicants will be asked to update
their curriculum vitae periodically if they are interested in remaining in
the pool.


Mail: Literature Pool Search Committee
Department of Literature
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064


The Department of Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz,
is developing an ongoing pool of qualified instructors to teach occasional
courses on a part-time basis in all areas of Literature including, but not
limited to:

American Literature, including Ethnic-American Literature
British and other English Language Literatures
Classics in Greek and Latin and in translation
Comparative Literature
Elementary Greek and Latin Literature
French and Francophone Literatures
German Literature
Italian Literature
Postcolonial Literatures
Russian Literature
Spanish and Latin American Literatures (in Spanish and in translation)
World Literature and Cultural Studies

Candidates accepted to our pool may be approached by other units to teach
in areas related to their demonstrated areas of expertise.

RANK: Lecturer

SALARY: $4696-$5700 per course, commensurate with qualifications and

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in hand or completed by 9/1/04 in Literature
or related field, and teaching experience. Emphasis will be placed on
teaching excellence. Applicants near Ph.D. should have their thesis
directors send a projected date of completion.

POSITION AVAILABLE: Contingent upon availability of funding.

Candidates accepted to previous pools must reapply if they wish to be
considered as a candidate and must submit letters of recommendation as
explained below. Applicants should send an informative letter of
application (including email address if you have one), syllabi/description
of proposed course(s), curriculum vitae, three current letters of
recommendation (2002 to present; all letters will be treated as
confidential documents), and teaching evaluations if available to the
YOU ARE APPLYING. Sample syllabi will be carefully reviewed.

Please refer to position #T00-06H in your reply

As this is an on-going recruitment, applicants will be asked to update
their curriculum vitae periodically if they are interested in remaining in
the pool.


Mail: Literature Pool Search Committee
Department of Literature
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Sto cercando assistenti per diversi periodi delle vacanze linguistiche della prossima estate. Andando a vedere su
www.vacanzelinguistiche.com troverete tante informazioni su queste vacanze studio in Maremma. Più particolarmente cerco assistenti per il
primo periodo (3-13 luglio), il terzo (28 luglio-7 agosto) e il quinto (23 agosto- 2 settembre). Il lavoro che devono fare gli assistenti è
abbastanza limitato: più che altro si tratta di essere con gli studenti, di accompagnarli ogni tanto in escursione, di assistere alle
lezioni quando serve. Lo scopo principale delle vacanze è di stimolare i partecipanti a fare pratica della lingua (durante le lezioni e
attività ma anche prima e dopo). Le mie lezioni sono centrate sulla pratica e anche le attività vengono in primo luogo organizzate per
creare incontri (con la popolazione del paese dove stiamo per esempio), per farli parlare e anche naturalmente per proporgli
soggetti culturali (della Toscana, della Maremma, dell'Italia in genere). Vengono proposte per esempio anche corsi di cucina, corsi di
danza (salsa), visite guidate, ecc. Le vacanze si svolgono a Prata, un paesino della Maremma, a 50km a sud di Siena, a 10km di Massa Marittima, a 25km del mare. Gli assistenti dovranno quindi 'essere presenti', aiutarmi ogni tanto per qualche aspetto organizzativo ma per il resto si tratta anche di 'vacanze' linguistiche. Credo che per gli assistenti sarà un'esperienza interessante dal punto di vista didattico ma nello
stesso tempo saranno anche vacanze in una bellissima zona. Offro alloggio e vitto agli assistenti dei diversi periodi sicché non
avrete spese. Qualcosa ancora sui partecipanti: quest'estate saranno belgi, francesi o tedeschi con livelli diversi di conoscenza dell'italiano.
Le persone interessate mi potranno mandare una mail a quest'indirizzo, accompagnato preferibilmente da un curriculum.
Carl Hourcau, coordinatore

"University of Economics" a Izmir(Turchia) cerca insegnanti d'italiano di madrelingua. Si prega di inviare i CV direttamente alla Signora Buket Kasal, coordinatrice dei corsi. buket.kasali@ieu.edu.tr

BA Evening Degree Programme Fellowship
Department of Italian
Faculties of Arts and Human Sciences
University College Dublin
Temporary 1-year post
Ref: 001945
The Faculties of Arts and Human Sciences are offering a limited number of Fellowships tenable in the following Departments/Centre:
Department of Italian
Department of Economics
Department of Geography
Department of Linguistics
Department of Mathematics
Drama Studies Centre
for one academic year 2005/2006. The holders of these fellowships will be engaged in Research and Teaching.
Applicants should hold an honours degree in a relevant subject area and will normally hold or be registered for a postgraduate degree.
Duties, as laid down by Head of Department, will include lecturing, tutorials, supervision and commitment to research.
Unless otherwise indicated, appointments will be made at the appropriate point of the relevant scale in accordance with qualifications and experience.
Salary Scales
€15,109 per annum (for pre-doctoral fellows)
€18,467 per annum (for post-doctoral fellows)
Prior to application, further information is available from the
Personnel Office,
University College Dublin,
Dublin 4,
Requests by postcard or fax - quoting above reference number.
Fax No: (353-1)-269 2472
Closing date for receipt of applications is no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 8th June 2005.
Please note that applications received after this time will not be considered.

L'Istituto italiano di cultura di Madrid, ai sensi del comma 3, art. 1 legge 3 agosto 1998, n. 296, indice una selezione per il reclutamento di otto laureati in lettere o lingue e letterature straniere da destinare ai corsi di lingua italiana organizzati da questo Istituto italiano di cultura in Madrid.
1) Numero degli incarichi disponibili: otto.
2) Requisiti per la presentazione della domanda;
a) possesso della laurea in lettere o lingue e letterature straniere con votazione non inferiore a 110/110, conseguita, negli ultimi quattro anni (e non anteriore ad ottobre 2003 a norma della legislazione spagnola legge n. 63/1997);
b) essere di madrelingua italiana;
c) buona conoscenza di una delle principali lingue straniere da documentare con apposita certificazione rilasciata da universita', istituto o enti autorizzati al rilascio di certificazioni linguistiche.
3) Titoli preferenziali (da documentare con apposita certificazione):
a) aver prestato servizio come insegnante di italiano come lingua seconda;
b) dottorato di ricerca in linguistica, glottologia o glottodidattica;
c) frequenza di corsi di formazione, specializzazione o perfezionamento in didattica di italiano come lingua straniera o lingua seconda;
d) aver svolto attivita' di ricerca in materie letterarie presso istituti, dipartimenti universitari, centri di studio, biblioteche ed archivi;
e) aver avviato le pratiche di omologazione del titolo di studio universitario in Spagna.
4) Modalita' di selezione: i titoli saranno valutati da una apposita commissione nominata dal capo della rappresentanza.
5) La commissione, presieduta dal presidente della commissione, stabilira' una graduatoria provvisoria per i primi trenta candidati nell'ambito della quale procedera' a convocare i primi quindici per sottoporli ad un colloquio attitudinale al fine di stilare una graduatoria definitiva per i primi otto che in seguito saranno comunque assunti con un contratto secondo le norme della legge locale.
6) Durata del contratto: il contratto avra' la durata di un anno scolastico e con un periodo di prova iniziale di tre mesi e verra' registrato secondo le norme della legislazione spagnola vigente. In nessun caso si configurera' un rapporto di dipendenza con il Ministero affari esteri italiano.
7) Retribuzione mensile lorda: Euro 1.109,42 (a detta retribuzione verranno applicate le trattenute previdenziali, assistenziali, assicurative e IRPEF stabilite dalla legge locale) oltre a Euro 99,17 (come rimborso spese di trasporto).
8) Sede di lavoro: Madrid.
9) Le domande, corredate dal curriculum vitae, dovranno pervenire esclusivamente per raccomandata all'Istituto italiano di cultura, Calle Mayor 86 - 28013 Madrid, entro e non oltre il 15 maggio 2005 (tale data potra' essere confermata solo successivamente a seguito delle indicazioni ministeriali per i tempi di pubblicazione nella Gazzetta Ufficiale), specificando sulla busta «Avviso selezione n. 296/98».

Collaboratori ed Esperti Linguistici. Formazione di graduatorie per assunzione
Termine presentazione domande: 23/05/2005
Pubblicato su: Albo dell'Universita'
Presentazione domande: Dal Lunedi' al Venerdi': ore 9.00 - 13.00 presso la Sezione Personale Docente, Palazzetto Squellini, Ca' Foscari - Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venezia tel. 041-2348269.
Requisiti: Madrelinguismo; possesso di laurea o di titolo universitario straniero adeguato alle funzioni da svolgere; idonea qualificazione e competenza.
Sede: Centro Linguistico Interfacolta'
Lingua: Italiana
Prove: colloquio
Stato: Ricevimento domande
Sede: Centro Linguistico Interfacolta' e/o Centro Multimediale
Lingua: Inglese
Prove: colloquio
Stato: Ricevimento domande
Sede: Centro Linguistico Interfacolta' e/o Centro Multimediale
Lingua: Tedesca
Prove: colloquio
Stato: Ricevimento domande
Per informazioni contattare: Maria Lepore

Lecturer in Italian
School of Modern Languages
Ref. 6605
The University is seeking to appoint to a permanent Lectureship in Italian from 1 October 2005. The successful candidate will have at least near-native command of Italian, and will be prepared to teach Italian language at all levels. S/he will have completed, or be close to completing, a PhD or its equivalent, and will have proven research interests and outstanding research potential in any area of Italian studies; an interest in twentieth-century literature and film would be particularly welcome.
Starting salary will be up to £27,989 pa on the Lecturer Scale points 9 to 18, £24,820 pa to £33,679 pa with accelerated incremental progression.
Further information may be found on the departmental webpage: http://www.ex.ac.uk/italian/.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Mark Davie, Head of the School of Modern Languages (telephone 01392 264232, e-mail R.M.Davie@exeter.ac.uk).
Application packs available from http://www.exeter.ac.uk/jobs2005.
Closing date for completed applications is 5 May 2005.
Further Details
If you apply for this position, please say you saw it on jobs.ac.uk
URL of this document: http://jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/IX484.html
Date of input: 12/04/05

New School University
The Undergraduate Liberal Studies program at New School University is seeking to fill four one-year full-time faculty positions in foreign languages. These one-year appointments are renewable up to three years. One position is available in each of the following areas of instruction:
* French
* Italian
* Japanese
* Spanish
Instructors in the program will teach three courses (9 credits) each semester. We are seeking generalists with the ability, interest and experience to offer quality courses at all levels of language instruction, including courses in French, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish culture.
Minimum qualifications:
An earned doctorate (ABD considered) and native or near-native fluency in the language area for which application is made; demonstrated commitment to undergraduate teaching and an interest in curriculum development. Experience with and demonstrated ability in computer-assisted language instruction is highly desirable.
Send CV, cover letter, one-page statement of teaching philosophy, and three letters of recommendation via e-mail only, to NSUjobs@newschool.edu. Please make sure to write: Search #22653 in the subject line to ensure proper distribution of resume
New School University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all its activities and programs, including employment and promotion. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, veteran or marital status.
E-mail : NSUjobs@newschool.edu
Web Site : www.newschool.edu

Ithaca College, founded in 1892, is a private, coeducational college offering undergraduate and graduate programs in business, communications, health sciences and human performance, humanities and sciences, music, and interdisciplinary studies and is located in the scenic Finger Lakes region of upstate New York State. We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:
Instructor/Assistant Professor - Modern Languages & Literatures
Full-time, three-year, non-tenure-eligible Italian position to begin August 16, 2005, with the possibility of renewal.
Visit our Web site http://www.icjobs.org for full descriptions and to apply. Questions about online application, call (607) 274-1207.
Ithaca College is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Members of underrepresented groups (including people of color, persons with disabilities, military veterans and women) are encouraged to apply.

University or Organization: A.T.A. SpA
Job Rank: Computational Linguist
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics
Required Languages: English (ENG)
Italian (ITN)
The successful candidate will primarily be in charge of designing and performing text analyses and keyword extraction based on computational techniques, including development and release of appropriate software modules, to be included in a proprietary package.
Job requirements:
The ideal candidate is a skilled computational linguist. A degree in Computational Linguistics or Computer Science is required, together with at least three years of experience with computational techniques applied to text mining and semantic analysis, or a PhD. The candidate must be experienced in analysis of English texts and integration with meta-thesauri, and must have a very good knowledge of Perl. A focus on bio-medical texts is a plus, as well as knowledge of Java, agent-based simulations, bayesian techniques, neural networks, or genetic algorithms. The ability to efficiently work in a multidisciplinary environment is strictly necessary. Proficiency in Italian is desirable but not necessary.
Application process:
Interested applicants should send a Curriculum Vitae to info@atalab.com
Contact information:
Federico Colecchia
Advanced Technology Assessment
Lucca, Italy.
Address for Applications:
Dr. Federico Colecchia
A.T.A. SpA
Via di Piaggia, 2/a
Lucca, Tuscany 55100
Application Deadline: 01-Apr-2005
Contact Information:
Dr. Roberto Mori
Email: info@atalab.com
Phone: 00390583495800
Fax: 00390583462437
Website: http://www.atalab.com

Applications are invited to a Lectureship in the Department of Italian at University College London. The successful candidate will have completed a
PhD or equivalent postgraduate degree and will be expected to pursue research and to teach courses within the Department in Italian language,
literature and culture. Applications will be welcomed from suitably qualified candidates in any field of Italian studies, but particular
consideration is likely to be given to candidates whose specialisation is in some aspect of Italian literature and culture between 1250 and 1650,
including Dante and the Renaissance. The appointment will be made either at the Lecturer A or Lecturer B scale, subject to qualifications and experience.
The Department is looking to fill this post from 1st September 2005. The salary will be in the range £23,643 to £35,883 plus £2,330 London Allowance.
Further particulars are obtainable from the Departmental Administrator, Dr. Novella Mercuri, email: <mailto:ucljmnm@ucl.ac.uk>ucljmnm@ucl.ac.uk, tel: (+44) (0)20 7679 3272. General information about the Department of Italian at UCL, including current staff, teaching and research, is to be found on http://www.ucl.ac.uk
Candidates should submit ten copies of a letter of application and ten copies of their CV with contact details of three academic referees. This
should be addressed to Dr Novella Mercuri, Department of Italian, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Faxed copies and
e-mail attachments will not be accepted.
We particularly welcome women and black and ethnic minority applicants as they are underrepresented at this level within University College London
(Section 48 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975/38 of the Race Relations Act 1976 apply).
The closing date for applications is Friday, 28th January 2005. It is expected that interviews will be held in the week beginning 28 February 2005.

University or Organization: European Academy of Bolzano Department: Inst. for Spec. Communication and Multilingualism
Job Rank: Researcher Specialty Areas: Sign Language; Linguistics
Required Language(s): English (ENG)
Italian Sign Language (ISE)
Italian (ITN)
The European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC) is recruiting for one junior researcher for a challenging new research program in sign language linguistics.
We are seeking a linguist who will work at the development of a bilingual multimedia Italian Sign Language (LIS) - Italian dictionary, together with a team of linguists and ICT experts.
The duties will include the following:
- to assess and evaluate already available literature and resources in the field of sign language linguistics;
- to develop lexicographic entries for the Italian-LIS part of the dictionary; - to support the development of an abstract representation model for LIS and of a
corresponding presentation framework together with the team of ICT experts.
The desirable requirements for the position are:
- a university degree in Linguistics
- excellent Italian skills
- good PC skills
Knowledge of Italian Sign Language (LIS) is strongly recommended.
Teamwork attitude and self-motivation towards a project of significant social impact will be highly considered.
Conditions of employment: The post is fixed term for 2 years (1+1).
Address for Applications:
Isabella Stanizzi
Via Druso, 1
Bolzano 39100
Application Deadline: 21-Dec-2004
Contact Information:
Isabella Stanizzi
Email: istanizzi@eurac.edu
Phone: 0471 055100
Website: http://www.eurac.edu/Org/LanguageLaw/Multilingualism/index.htm

University of Calgary Canada
Assistant Professor of Italian
The Department of French, Italian, and Spanish invites applications for a five-year, limited-term position as an Assistant Professor of Italian, effective July 1, 2005. We are seeking candidates with expertise in Italian language, modern literature and culture. The teaching load is two courses per term.
An active research program, evidence of effective teaching, and native or near-native competence in Italian are required. Preferred qualifications include a completed PhD at the time of appointment and competence in another Romance language.The successful candidate will work closely with the University of Calgary's Language Research Centre (www.ucalgary.ca/lrc).
The Department currently offers a Minor in Italian Studies, as well as B.A., M.A., and special-case Ph.D. degrees in French and Spanish and the opportunity for interdisciplinary graduate work. The area of second-language studies has been identified as one of the 16 pillars of excellence in the University of Calgary Academic Plan.
Applications should include a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, a writing sample and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Applicants should also arrange for three confidential letters of reference or their placement dossier to be sent to the Department. All material should be addressed to Dr. Luis Torres, Head, Department of French, Italian and Spanish, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada; fax: (403) 284-3634; e-mail: fishead@ucalgary.ca; Web site: http://fis.ucalgary.ca.
Consideration of applications will begin December 13, 2004 and will continue until the position is filled. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates and encourages diversity. To see all University of Calgary academic positions, please visit: www.ucalgary.ca/hr/career .
Contact Information:
E-mail : fishead@ucalgary.ca
Web Site : http://fis.ucalgary.ca
Fax : (403) 284-3634
Dr. Luis Torres
Dept. of French, Italian & Spa
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N - 1N4

Italian Language and Literature
Sarah Lawrence College
New York
Application deadline: 11/15/2004
Sarah Lawrence College invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in Italian Language and Literature beginning fall 2005. Candidates must have native or near-native fluency, a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and continued scholarship, as well as a Ph.D. and some college-level teaching experience. Duties involve teaching language at all levels, with appropriate use of technology, as well as courses in Italian culture. Areas of interest might include modern literature, cinema, Renaissance Studies or linguistics. Applicants should submit a letter addressing their approach to teaching and their scholarly interests; a curriculum vitae; three letters of recommendation; a writing sample of a scholarly nature; transcript of graduate work; and two course descriptions and syllabi (one for a first or second year language course, and one for an advanced undergraduate seminar on a topic of their choice) to: Italian Search, c/o Rosemary Weeks, Search, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY . 10708. Application deadline is Nov. 15, 2004. Please indicate if you are planning to attend the MLA convention in Philadelphia in December.
Sarah Lawrence College is a small liberal arts college with a unique pedagogy based on small classes and individual tutorials. For information on Sarah Lawrence College, our curriculum, teaching methods and philosophy of education, please see our Web site at http://www.slc.edu  Sarah Lawrence has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we especially welcome applications from under-represented groups.
Contact Information:
Italian Search c/o Rosemary Weeks
Faculty Assistant
Sarah Lawrence College
1 Mead Way
Bronxville, NY 10708

Suffolk County Community College New York
Suffolk County Community College, New York State's largest multi-campus community college with campuses on Long Island in Brentwood (Grant),
Riverhead (East), and Selden (Ammerman), invites applications for anticipated full-time faculty positions for the spring and fall 2005 semesters in the following disciplines:
For specific position descriptions and academic requirements, please visit the SCCC Employment Page, under 'Quick Links,' at http://www.sunysuffolk.edu Interested persons should submit a resume and cover letter to the Office of Human Resources, NFL Building, Suffolk County Community College, 533 College Road, Selden, NY 11784.
SCCC is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff and students. People from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
Contact Information:
Web Site : http://www.sunysuffolk.edu
Office of HR
Suffolk County Community College
NFL Building
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784

The Claremont Colleges California
Claremont Graduate University â- Claremont McKenna College â- Harvey Mudd College Keck Graduate Institute â- Pitzer College â- Pomona College â- Scripps College
The Claremont Colleges is a unique consortium of seven distinguished academic institutions, five undergraduate and two graduate institutions. Collectively, The Claremont Colleges constitute an academic community of 6,000 students. Each institution is autonomous, with its own students, faculty, administration, academic specialties, and educational philosophy. The Colleges have a common library and share several other major facilities; the campuses are adjoining. The common resources provide students and faculty of the small individual institutions with the resources and advantages of a mid-size university. Claremont is located 35 miles from Los Angeles. The following positions are currently available. Unless otherwise specified, all positions require a Ph.D. in hand or near completion. Inquiries about other requirements should be addressed to the contact person for the position in the listed websites.
The Claremont Colleges are Equal Opportunity Employers. Women and individuals from racial, ethnic minority, and other underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
Scripps College
Italian: Tenure-track position, Ph.D. required. The candidate must have experience in teaching Italian language at all levels, and familiarity with a broad variety of areas of Italian literature. In view of Scripps' interdisciplinary focus and Core Curriculum, s/he must also demonstrate the ability to develop and teach innovative interdisciplinary courses. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in contemporary Italian literature and culture, gender, race, and intercultural studies.
For further information visit: www.scrippscollege.edu/dept/academics/jobs.html

San Diego State University California
College of Arts and Letters
Faculty tenure-track openings are available within the College of Arts and Letters at San Diego State University in these departments (pending funding
availability). For more information on these and other faculty positions available in Arts and Letters:
http://www.rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/calweb/public_html/dean/employment.htm .
Each of these positions requires a PhD in an appropriate field, or PhD completion by August 2005.
European Studies - Italian: Assistant Professor of Italian with expertise in European Studies.
SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual
orientation, gender, marital status, age, disability or veteran status, including veterans of the Vietnam era.
Contact Information:
Web Site : http://www.rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/calweb/public_html/dean/employment.htm

University or Organization: Rice University
Department: Center for the Study of Languages
Job Rank: Senior Lecturer
Specialty Areas: None
Required Language(s): Italian
Full-Time Italian Lecturer
Rice University seeks a full-time Lecturer to teach Italian language courses in its Center for the Study of Languages. Candidates should demonstrate a sound understanding of modern communicative approaches to language-teaching and learning, including task-based proficiency-oriented instruction, and show a record of good teaching. Other desirable qualifications for this position are: the ability to develop and teach Italian courses for special purposes and an understanding of the uses of modern technology, including multimedia applications, for the purpose of teaching and learning languages. Applicants should demonstrate at least near-native fluency in Italian and hold an MA degree or its equivalent. The appointment is at the rank of Lecturer, beginning on 1 July 2005. Salary will be commensurate with credentials and experience. Rice offers good institutional support for professional development and state-of-the-art technological facilities are available. Please send a letter of application clearly addressing the above position requirements, C.V., transcript, three letters of recommendation (or names, addresses, emails and fax numbers of three persons willing to provide a recommendation), and teaching portfolio (or sample syllabi) to the address listed below.
The deadline for applications is Monday 15 November 2004. Some preliminary interviews may be held at the ACTFL Conference (18 - 21 November). Other preliminary interviews may be arranged as appropriate. Applicants must have proof of legal authorization to work in the United States. Rice University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Address for Applications:
Coordinator Bernadeta Wysocka
6100 Main Str, MS 36
Houston, TX 77005-1982
United States of America
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2004
Contact Information:
Claire Bartlett
Phone: 713-348-5844
Fax: 713-348-5846

- 3 insegnanti per la scuola dell’infanzia
- 2 insegnanti per scuola elementare
- 1 insegnante di materie letterarie per la scuola media (possibilmente con conoscenze di latino e filosofia)
- 1 insegnante di matematica e fisica per il liceo scientifico
PER ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI: www.ciar.edu.pe/raimondi/

Cercasi per la scuola "Percorsi d'italiano" con sede a Roma, docenti di lingua italiana per stranieri nelle zone di San Felice Circeo e Terracina.
Chi fosse interessato può inviare curriculum vitae a

The Cardiff School of European Studies is seeking to appoint a well-qualified
teacher and researcher in Italian Studies at lecturer level. The succesful
candidate should have completed a PhD and have a strong research profile
supported by publications.
He/She must be able to teach Italian language, including translation into
English, at all levels and have an active research record in any period of
Italian literature and/or Italian intellectual history.
The successful candidate will be required to teach at both undergradutate and
masters levels and supervise PhD students. He/She will be expected to play a
full part in the strategic development of Itailan Studies in Cardiff and to
share administrative responsabilites.
For further details please contact Ms Anne James, Cardiff School of European
Studies. (02920) 874248.

San Diego Mesa College
The San Diego Community College District announces recruitment to fill the
following adjunct assignments:
San Diego Mesa College
Foreign languages:
For an online adjunct application, please go to
http://www.sdccd.net/employment  and click on Adjunct Opportunities.

Assumption College
Foreign Language Instructors (p-t) - Fall 2004
Assumption College's Department of Foreign Languages seeks part-time
faculty in Italian and Spanish to teach one or two language courses for
fall 2004. MA required. Candidates must understand and support the Catholic
liberal arts mission of the College. Please send (by mail or email) a
letter of application and CV, including a list of three recommendations
with contact information, to: Dona Kercher, Chair, Department of Foreign
Languages, Assumption College, 500 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609,
or dkercher@assumption.edu. Assumption College encourages applications from
candidates of diverse cultural backgrounds.
Mail:Office of Human Resources
Assumption College
500 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609-1296
Via Email: resumes@assumption.edu

Director of Trinity College Elderhostel Programs in Italy
Trinity College (Conn.)
Trinity College seeks a seasoned professional with leadership qualities to
serve (mainly in the Trinity campus administrative office) as Director of
Trinity College Elderhostel and Road Scholar Programs in Italy. Although
the College's primary mission is aimed at undergraduate education, for over
20 years Trinity College has been committed to the concept of life-long
learning through an association with Elderhostel, Inc. in the sponsorship
and development of the highly successful Elderhostel Programs in Italy.
Programs are held at ten or more sites throughout Italy. Trinity College
now is also developing and offering Road Scholar Programs in Italy and
select domestic Elderhostel Programs in association with Elderhostel, Inc.
Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree, an effective working command of the
English and Italian languages, broad knowledge of Italy's history and
culture, the ability to travel to Italy as needed, and demonstrated
evidence of excellent interpersonal, verbal, written skills necessary.
Please submit a resume and the names, titles, and telephone numbers of
three professional references along with salary requirements to: Human
Resources, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Review
of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position
is filled. An appointment date in late spring or summer 2004 is
anticipated. For fullest consideration, applications should be submitted by
June 15th. Screening of resumes begins immediately and will continue until
the position is filled. Please see:
http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/humres/postings/  for more comprehensive
details. Trinity College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applicants with
disabilities should request, in advance, any needed accommodation in order
to participate in the application process.
Contact Information:
Human Resources
Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106

Palomar College
Adjunct Italian Instructor
The Foreign Languages department at Palomar College seeks an adjunct
Italian instructor for the Fall 2004 semester to teach Italian 201 -
Intermediate Italian. The class will meet Monday and Wednesday afternoons
from 2:00 - 4:20 pm. Applicants must have a Master's degree in Italian OR a
Bachelor's degree in Italian AND a Master's degree in any other foreign
language OR the equivalent. To apply: Send a cover letter and current
resume to Martha Evans, Department Chairperson via email at
mevans@palomar.edu or via fax to (760) 761-3518. For more information, call
Martha Evans at (760) 744-1150 ext. 2653.
Apply To
Mail:Martha Evans, Department Chairperson
Foreign Languages
Palomar College
Please do not send information via postal service.
You may apply via one of the below contact methods.
San Marcos, CA 92069
Phone:(760) 744-1150 ext. 2653
Fax:(760) 761-3518
Via Email: mevans@palomar.edu

Cabrillo College
Italian Instructor
Application Due: 6/10/2004
Location: CA Type: Part-Time/Adjunct Italian Instructor
CR04-30 (Temporary, part-time assignment)
Apply by: Thursday, June 10, 2004, 4:00 p.m.
Example of Teaching Assignment Teach all levels of lower division Italian,
Qualifications Required:
1. A lifetime California Community College Instructor credential in Italian
OR meet state minimum qualifications or equivalent (refer to attachment as
it relates to state minimum qualifications and equivalency).
2. Knowledge of and commitment to teaching strategies and methods, which
enhance student success at community colleges.
3. Effective oral and written communication skills.
4. Demonstrated ability to teach the courses or perform the duties
effectively as described above (a teaching demonstration may be part of the
5. Ability to communicate well with students of diverse academic, ethnic,
socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds, including students with disabilities.
6. Ability to work cooperatively with others.
1) Recent, successful teaching experience in the subject area.
2) Experience with or willingness to explore innovative teaching
methodologies in addition to lecture mode.
3) Knowledge and/or experience teaching with an outcome-based curriculum.
4) Superior level proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and knowledge
of the Italian culture.
5) Knowledge and/or experience teaching distance learning courses.
Please Note: To ensure an accurate evaluation of your application
materials, please submit information regarding your education, experience,
knowledge and abilities as they relate to the qualifications listed.
Starting Date Assignment scheduled to begin summer session 2004, pending
funding and administrative approval.
Salary $921 - $1,378 per teaching unit, per semester, depending on
education and experience. Cabrillo College provides a doctoral stipend of
$61 per unit for eligible adjunct faculty. One class; up to five teaching
units per semester; assignments may be at various campus locations; days,
evenings, and/or weekends; hours to be arranged.
How to Apply Application forms may be obtained through our web site:
http://www.Cabrillo.cc.ca.us/busserv/personnel/jobs  OR our office location
noted below.
Applications must be signed and submitted to:
OR FAX to (831) 477-3545
1) Completed and signed Cabrillo College application.
2) Cover letter that addresses the candidate's qualifications for these
3) Job-related resume.
4) Three (3) recent job-related letters of recommendation, which address
the candidate's ability to perform the duties of this position.
5) Verification of educational qualifications:
Transcripts from all colleges attended (copies are acceptable). If
selected, it is the responsibility of the candidate to provide official
transcripts, diplomas, degrees or other documents as may be required.
Copy of teaching credential, front and back (if applicable).
6) Supplemental Application for Equivalency Determination (as it relates to
equivalency if candidate does not possess a credential or meet the minimum
7) Criminal History Inquiry Supplemental application form.
Please notify the Human Resources Department if you require any special
accommodation(s) in meeting these requirements.
Selection Procedure A search committee will review application materials.
On the basis of appraisal of qualifications as documented by application
materials submitted, the search committee will invite applicants for
interview. If the candidate does NOT possess an applicable community
college credential or the specific degree(s) listed on the next page under
"State Minimum Qualifications," then he/she MUST provide evidence of
equivalency as described under "Equivalency Requirements." An eligibility
pool may be established.
Candidates selected for employment with Cabrillo College must agree to be
fingerprinted, provide current tuberculosis test results, provide proof of
eligibility for employment in the United States and present their Social
Security card upon hire.
Application Deadline All application materials MUST be received in the
Human Resources Department by: Thursday, June 10, 2004 by 4:00 p.m. (No
postmarks accepted).
Cabrillo College seeks applications from all qualified individuals. It is
the continuing goal of Cabrillo College to hire and retain staff that
reflect the rich diversity and cultural heritage of the college district
and its student body.

Italian Instructor
CR04-30 (Temporary, part-time assignment)
Apply by: Thursday, June 10, 2004, 4:00 p.m.
State Minimum Qualifications and
Equivalency Requirements (whichever is applicable)

State Minimum Qualifications Master's in Italian OR
Bachelor's in Italian AND
Master's in another language or linguistics OR
The equivalent.

Equivalency Requirements Equivalency to an academic degree shall include
the same depth of knowledge in the discipline and breadth of general
education that is required for the degree to meet the minimum
qualifications. Equivalent preparation for employment shall be considered
under any one category or any combination of the categories listed below:

a) Degree in related field with equivalent course work in the required
discipline as indicated by transcripts and/or thesis subject.
b) Equivalent degrees from foreign universities (as determined by an agency
selected by Cabrillo College).
c) Course work at an accredited institution of higher education AND
state-approved continuing education units applicable for maintaining
licensure AND/OR an internship for licensure AND/OR equivalent professional
or work experience AND/OR equivalent verifiable accomplishments of eminence
in the discipline including but not limited to: publications, research,
seminars, creative works, professional performances or exhibitions, honors
or awards. Apply To
Mail:Human Resources
Cabrillo College
6500 Soquel Dr.
Aptos, CA 95003
Online App: http://www.cabrillo.cc.ca.us/busserv/personnel/jobs.html#apps

Cercasi insegnante madrelingua di italiano L2 per un corso intensivo di tre mesi in Marocco presso scuola di lingua. Indispensabile una conoscenza di base dell'arabo e una buona conoscenza della lingua francese. Libro di testo adottato: Rete! (1, 2 e 3) di M. Mezzadri e P. Balboni, Edizione Guerra, Perugia.
Per informazioni rivolgersi entro il 10.02.2004 all'indirizzo email

Lecturer in Italian
Department of Italian   (ref. 9953)
You should have a completed PhD in some area of Italian (cultural, literary, historical or linguistic studies) and proven publication potential. Preference may be given to candidates with research interests in the Medieval period although other areas of expertise are not excluded. Teaching experience at university level is essential. You should be able to teach the Italian language at all levels.
Grade : Lecturer Grade B
Salary : £26,270 - £33,679
Contact for informal enquiries :
Professor M.M. Parry M.M.Parry@bristol.ac.uk Tel. 0117 928 7589
Timescale of appointment :
Contract : Permanent
Anticipated interview date : 22 March 2004
Anticipated start date : 01 September 2004
Closing date for applications : 9.00 am on 02 March 2004
Further information :
The job : 9953fds.doc
(If you do not have Word 2000 you may require a Word document reader to open this file: Open Office - download, or Word viewer are available) 

The Department
The University of Bristol
Benefits of working at the University of Bristol
Application process:
You can apply online here  (If you are using a standard telephone line to connect (not broadband) then
you may experience problems attaching your cv and covering letter. As an alternative you can use the downloadable version of the application form below) or you can download the application form here: application form
Further details
If you apply for this position, please say you saw it on jobs.ac.uk
URL of this document: http://jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/TG313.html
Date of input: 16/01/04

Department of Italian
Lectureship in Italian
Applications are invited to a Lectureship in the Department of Italian at University College London. The successful candidate will have completed a PhD or equivalent postgraduate degree and will be expected to pursue research, to teach courses within the Department in Italian language, literature and culture, and, where appropriate, to supervise postgraduate students.
Applications will be welcomed from suitably qualified candidates in any field of Italian studies, but particular consideration is likely to be given to candidates whose specialisation is in some aspect of Italian literature and culture since 1800.
The Department is looking to fill this post from 1st September 2004.
The salary will be in the range A322,191 to A333,679 plus A32,134 London Allowance.
Further particulars are obtainable from the Departmental Administrator, Dr Novella Mercuri, email: ucljmnm@ucl.ac.uk, tel: +44 (0)20 7679 3272. Candidates should submit a letter of application and ten copies of  their CV with contact details of three academic referees.
We particularly welcome women and black and ethnic minority applicants as they are under represented at this level within University College London (Section 48 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975/38 of the Race Relations Act 1976 apply).
The closing date for applications is Friday, 5th March 2004. It is expected that interviews will be held in the week beginning 26th April 2004.

St. Francis College
Adjunct Faculty - various disciplines
Application Due: Open Until Filled Posted:
Location: NY Type: Part-Time/Adjunct St. Francis College in Brooklyn Heights, New York, invites applications for adjunct faculty positions in the disciplines listed below.
Foreign Languages (French, Spanish, Italian)
Requirements: Master's degree is required for all disciplines. Teaching experience preferred.
Apply to
Andrea Arcarola, Director of Human Resources
St. Francis College
180 Remsen Street
Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201
Phone: 718 489-5256 Fax: 718 489-5376 Via Email: hr@stfranciscollege.edu

Language: Visiting Assistant Professor of Foreign Language
Modern Language: Spanish and Italian (Assistant Professor, visiting)
Teaching responsibilities at all levels of the undergraduate program in Spanish and Italian, including Business Spanish courses. Ph.D. required, along with native or near-native fluency in both Spanish and Italian.
Experience in teaching, especially in language immersion programs desirable. Review of applications begins immediately. Req. # CHE125.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Americans with Disabilities Act Employer with a strong commitment to diversity. Roger Williams University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, handicap, race, age, color, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, national origin,
or religion. We encourage all qualified men and women to apply.

Fashion Institute of Technology
Adjunct Positions in the School of Liberal Arts Application Due: Open Until
Filled Posted: 10/27/2003 Location: NY Type: Part-Time/Adjunct Adjunct
Opportunities: Foreign Languages: Chinese-Mandarin, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish;
.Demonstrated teaching effectiveness required. Minimum requirements: 60 appropriate graduate credits or MA plus 30 credits. Ph.D. and appropriate college level teaching experience preferred. Complete applications will include a letter of interest, resume, and contact information for three references (including names, titles, addresses, phone numbers) and samples if indicated to: Human Resources, FIT, Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, New
York City, 10001-5992. The screening process will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
FIT is an EO/AA employer. Apply To
Mail:Human Resources
Fashion Institute of Technology
Seventh Avenue @ 27th Street
New York, NY 10001-5992

Siamo un istituto di lingue a Caracas - Venezuela e siamo alla ricerca di insegnanti madrelingua italiana, giovani (tra 24 e 35 anni)che vogliano domiciliarsi a Caracas almeno per un anno. Se siete interessati inviate il vostro curriculum all' indirizzo che segue:

Harvard University Massachusetts
Preceptorship in Italian

One-year, renewable, Ph.D. preferred, beginning Fall 2004. Strong commitment to undergraduate language teaching essential, along with awareness of current approaches to language pedagogy, interest in contemporary culture, and experience with multimedia. Successful candidate will teach language courses at all levels. Harvard is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Woman and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Send vita and 2 letters of recommendation to Prof. Judith Frommer, Director of Language Programs, Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02138. Application deadline: December 1, 2003.
E-mail : frommer@fas.harvard.edu
Web Site : http://www.harvard.edu/~rll
Phone : (617) 495-2524
Fax : (617) 496-4682
Judith Frommer
Director of Language Programs
Romance Languages and Literature
Harvard University

Kenyon College Ohio

FRENCH AND ITALIAN. The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures seeks to fill a position in French and Italian at the assistant professor or instructor level. The ability to teach both French and Italian language, civilization or literature at all levels, and evidence of excellent language teaching is required. Field of specialization is open. A Ph.D. is preferred. Native or near-native fluency in both languages is required.

To apply, please send a letter of application CV, graduate school transcript, and three letters of recommendation ( at least one in each

field) to: Mortimer Guiney, Chair Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022. Review of applications will begin November 10 and continue until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted in December at the MLA convention in San Diego.

For further information regarding Kenyon College visit: http://www.kenyon.edu

Italian Mary Washington College Virginia

Italian: Mary Washington College is recruiting for an Assistant Professor of Italian to begin August 2004. Visit the College's Web site at www.mwc.edu for complete details. In a continuing effort to enrich its academic environment and provide equal educational and employment opportunities, Mary Washington College actively encourages women and minorities to apply.

Purdue University Indiana

Italian: Purdue University. Foreign Languages and Literatures. Beginning tenure-track Assistant Professor of Italian to begin August, 2004. Duties: To teach a broad range of undergraduate language and literature courses and graduate courses in field of specialization. To maintain an active research program. Qualifications: Ph.D. in hand by August, 2004. Native-like fluency in Italian. Demonstrated evidence of excellence in research and in teaching language, literature and culture in Italian and English. Areas of specialization: modern and contemporary Italian literature and culture. Interests in cultural studies, interdisciplinary studies, gender studies, or comparative literature are welcome. Publications commensurate with experience. Salary, benefits, and teaching load are competitive. Application Deadline: November 1, 2003, or until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation (addressing candidate's research and teaching strengths) to Professor Paul B. Dixon, Purdue University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 640 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, Indiana, 47907-2039. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Educational Administration: Academic Director, School in Italy.
Middlebury College seeks an energetic and innovative academic director to serve as supervisor and mentor for part-time program teachers and to teach advanced courses in Italian culture and literature (at 3rd or 4th level and, possibly, graduate level) for its School in Italy, headquartered at Via degli Alfani (Palazzo Giugni) in Florence. The person in this position works collaboratively with the Administrative Director of the School in Italy. Preferred start date January 2004 (negotiable) with continuation to June 2006. Possibility of renewal.
Candidates should have the Ph.D. (or equivalent), native or near-native language competency in both Italian and English, and basic computer literacy. Candidates with relevant teaching experience, knowledge of language pedagogy, and a demonstrated interest in second-language acquisition in the U.S. and Italy, as well as strong interpersonal skills and leadership ability, will receive the strongest consideration. The successful candidate will spend the academic year in residence in Florence, where s/he is responsible for overseeing the instructional program for undergraduates (25) and graduates (15) and for teaching courses and will spend several weeks each summer in Middlebury, Vermont (while the Language Schools are in session), conducting student interviews and orientations and meeting with faculty and staff. There may also be an opportunity to teach in the summer Italian School in Middlebury.
Please submit a résumé and three references by October 1, 2003 to Michael R. Katz, Dean of Language Schools and Schools Abroad, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont 05753 USA. Middlebury College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from women and members of minorities.
Contact Information:
Web Site : http://www.middlebury.edu
Phone : (802) 443-2447
Fax : (802) 443-2075
Michael Katz
Language Schools and Schools A
Middlebury College
356 College St
Middlebury, VT 05753

School of Liberal Arts
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Foreign Languages and Literatures: Assistant Professor, Italian Language and Literature; Closing date: November 1, 2003*
Contact Information:
Joan Marshall
Associate Dean
School of Liberal Arts
Purdue University
100 N. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 2098

Suffolk County Community College
Faculty - Foreign Language - Italian Application Due: 8/29/2003 Posted: 07/09/2003 (Reposted Job: Initially posted on 01/09/2003) Location: NY Type: Full Time Salary: 40,000 to 55,000 USD Per Year POSITION DESCRIPTION: The successful candidate will teach a broad range of Italian courses and be enthusiastically committed to undergraduate teaching, especially elementary and intermediate level courses
QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. or D.A. preferred, Master's in Italian required; college teaching experience desired; native or near native fluency in Italian and English; ability to teach elementary French or Spanish a plus, as is experience in integrating multimedia in the classroom Apply To
Mail:Suffolk County Community College
Human Resources
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784

Applied Language Teacher in Italian
The person appointed will have exclusive responsibility for the teaching of Italian in the B. Comm. International degree with Italian. It is expected that the appointee to this post will have at least a Masters degree in Italian and/or will, in addition, possess or be close to completion of a doctorate in Italian. He/She will ideally have already taught Italian (language and civilisation) at third level and will have experience of course design and production of texts and audio visual material for Commerce students in particular. A clearly proven commitment to research and experience in academic administration, course design and development of language courses are expected. Preference may be given to candidates in a position to contribute to the Department's teaching programme in one or more of the following areas: Italian language courses for Commerce students, Italian economic and business development in the twentieth century, multi media courses in Italian. The successful candidate will be assigned teaching and administrative duties within the Italian Department and will also be responsible for the placement and monitoring of Commerce Socrates placements in Italy during the third year of the B. Comm. programme.
Further details may be obtained from: Professor Catherine O'Brien,
Department of Italian; Tel. +353-(0)91-750461; Email: c.obrien@nuigalway.ie
Closing date for receipt of applications is at 5.00 p.m. Friday, 1st August, 2003.
Salary: commensurate with experience and qualifications for this post is:
?30,804.08 x 10 = ?43,690.78 p.a. or ?29,267.44 x 10 = ?41,506.32 p.a. (pre 1995 entrants)
Salary level will depend on experience and qualifications.
Further information is available on the HR Department Website:
Candidates should submit six copies of their application (i.e. cv, application form, covering letter), with the names and addresses of at least three and not more than five referees to: The Human Resources Department, National University of Ireland, Galway, Tel. No.: +353-(0)91-512069; Fax No.: +353-(0)91-750523; E-mail: personnel@mis.nuigalway.ie
National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunities employer.

(£22,191 - £33, 697 pa)
Applications are invited for a LECTURESHIP IN ITALIAN. You should have teaching experience, a commitment to teaching, and the ability to teach Italian language at all levels. Published research, current research projects and clear plans for future research are important.
Applications are welcome from specialists in any area of Italian Studies.
The post is tenable from September 1, 2003, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Application packs are available from Human Resources, University of St Andrews, College Gate, North Street, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AJ (tel 01334 462571; fax 01334 462570, or e-mail Jobline@st-andrews.ac.uk). We regret that applications may not be made by e-mail.
Applications should include a c.v., a letter of application and the names and addresses of three academic referees. Please quote ME185/6852/03.
Closing date: June 24th, 2003.

Lecturer in Italian
University of North Texas
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Position to begin September 1, 2003 (classes begin August 25, 2003). This is a one-year appointment (with benefits) with the possibility of renewal for a second year. (Subject to budgetary authorization.) Minimum requirement: M.A. in Italian, field open. Teaching load: 4 courses per semester at various levels. With 25 full-time faculty members, the department offers M.A. programs in French and Spanish, B.A. programs in French, German, and Spanish, and minors in Italian, Japanese, and Latin. We also offer beginning and intermediate courses in Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian. UNT, a growing research institution with an enrollment of over 30,000 students, is located in Denton, a city of approximately 80,000 in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area of over 5.1 million people. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is a cosmopolitan, urban area with diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, artistic and scholarly communities. Denton offers a moderate cost of living and high quality of life. Additional information on UNT and the department is available at http://www.forl.unt.edu Send letter of application, graduate transcript, curriculum vitae, and three reference letters to Marie-Christine Koop, Acting Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, P.O. Box 311127, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203-1127. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. UNT is an AA/ADA/EOE.

San Francisco Community College District (City College of San Francisco)
Application Due: Open Until Filled
Location: CA Type: Part-Time/Adjunct Salary: $74.99 to $81.84 USD Per Year EXAMPLES OF DUTIES:
1. Teach first and second year (lower division) language courses which may include Elementary and Intermediate university parallel courses;
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Conversational courses in one of the following languages:
w French w Japanese w German w Russian w Italian w Spanish
2. Follow the guidelines and course outlines of the Foreign Language Department;
3. Teach day, evening and/or Saturday classes at any campus location;
4. Support the program and departmental activities when possible;
5. Comply with timely submission of required department and college documents and reports;
6. Perform other related duties as assigned by the supervisor.
Apply To Mail: Clara Starr
San Francisco Community College District (City College of San Francisco) Human Resources Dept.
33 Gough Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Online App: http://www.ccsf.edu/hr

Georgia State University
Visiting Lecturer
Application Due: 5/6/2003
Location: GA Type:
Full Time Salary: $33,500 USD Per Year
The Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Georgia State University anticipates visiting lecturer positions (non-tenure track) for the academic year 2003-04 (effective August 18, 2003) in FL Pedagogy, German, Spanish, Italian and Classics. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. Positions include fringe benefits. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, three current letters of reference, and evidence of teaching effectiveness to:
Mail: Dr. John Austin
Georgia State University
Modern and Classical Languages
33 Gilmer Street SE
Unit 8 MSC 8R 0324
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone:404 651 2265
Fax:404 651 1785
Online App:NA
Via Email: jsaustin@gsu.edu
Georgia State University is an Equal EmploymentOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

University of Birmingham
Temporary Lectureship in the Department of Italian Studies
The Department of Italian Studies is pleased to announce the following temporary post to cover for research leave of absence. The Lectureship is for a fixed term of ten months, running from 1 September 2003 to 31 July 2004 as a replacement for Dr Silvia Evangelisti, who is on research leave of absence. This post offers an exceptional opportunity for scholars at an early stage in their professional career to contribute to and gain experience in one of the country's leading departments of Italian. The person appointed will be joining an active team committed to the highest standards of teaching and research.
There are no a priori restrictions on applicants' areas of specialist research interest, though preference will be given to those offering expertise in the area of the history and culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The successful applicant will contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate courses, pursue personal research and carry out administrative tasks on behalf of the department.
Further details may be found an the University's web pages:
or contact the Head of Department, Gerry Slowey, on
mailto: g.slowey@bham.ac.uk

Nuova accademia d'italiano in Venezuela (Caracas) cerca professori italiani o di origine italiana che risiedano a Caracas. Ore alla settimana: 6 o 9 ore settimanali, in aule di massimo 10 alunni. 12.000 Bs ogni ora di 60 minuti (puo' aumentare in seguito). Inviare CV per email: antoniana@cantv.net o telefonare al numero: 0058-212-6938140 (chiedere di Simona)

Un liceo classico americano a Viterbo (School Year Abroad Italy, www.sya.org) cerca un insegnante d'italiano L2 a tempo pieno con esperienza dell'insegnamento della lingua ad americani. La persona interessata deve avere un'ottima conoscenza dell'inglese. Il lavoro iniziera' 20 agosto 2003. Per ulteriori informazioni o per inviare CV: sya.viterbo@sya.it, fax 0761-304529, tel 0761-326856.

Position: Italian
Institution: Mary Washington College
Location: Virginia
Italian: Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian -- one-year position to begin August 2003. Preference given to candidates with Ph.D. or equivalent in hand. Native or near-native proficiency required. Generalist to teach courses in civilization, literature, and cinema. Responsibilities include all undergraduate levels of language courses with one upper-level course in either language or literature/cinema/civilization each semester. Course load of 4 sections (12 hours) per semester. Commitment to undergraduate teaching is necessary, and teaching experience at the college level is highly desirable. Final deadline for receipt of applications is April 17, 2003 by 5 p.m. Postmarks will not be honored. See full description at  www.mwc.edu/mdfl. Send dossier including cover letter, vita, at least three letters of recommendation and graduate transcripts to: Italian Search Committee,
Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Mary Washington College, 1301 College Avenue, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401.
In a continuing effort to enrich its academic environment and provide equal educational and employment opportunities, Mary Washington College actively encourages women and minorities to apply.

Part-time Lectorship in Italian
Salary £7,944 p.a.: Applications are invited for the part-time post of Lettore/Lettrice in Italian, which is available from 1 October 2003.

Contratto 1 anno fino a 3, 2500 euro circa al mese viaggio di ritorno pagato in un dorm per docenti stranieri precedenza a chi ha un master.
Contattare Prof. Paolo E. Balboni
Preside della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Presidenza: 0412349460
Dipartimento Scienze del Linguaggio: 0412347.569/908
Giustinian, DD 1543, 30122 Venezia

Italian assistants to Switzerland, academic year 2003/04
[...] We have again 2 positions available in the French speaking canton de Vaud and probably 1-2 positions in the German speaking area. Level of teaching/assistantsships: liceo (15-19 years old students).[...]
The most suitable candidates would be those who are between 25 and 28 of age, finishing their studies this summer (or being still a student) and who would like / or have to go abroad for teaching Italian as a foreign language. The programme starts again 1st September 2003. I think this information should be given in the advertising homepage.
Interested students can of course still contact me via e-mail for further information and details, as the did last year.
Many thanks for your kind assistance
Peter A. Ehrhard
Head Foreign Language Assistants Programme
Bertastrasse 33
Phone: +41 1 463 5848
Fax: +41 1 463 5842
E-mail: peter.ehrhard@bluewin.ch

da Italian Studies:
See link below for a recently advertised post in the field of Renaissance Italian Literature at the Department of Italian, Cambridge University.

La Fondazione Banco di Sicilia bandisce 14 borse di studio annuali, riservate a Siciliani residenti all'estero, per l'iscrizione al I anno accademico (2003-2004) del Corso di laurea in Lingua e cultura italiana erogato dal consorzio ICoN per conto delle universita' italiane convenzionate.
Ogni borsa di studio da' diritto a iscriversi al Corso di laurea con tutorato, fruire di tutti i servizi didattici on line, partecipare alla comunita' virtuale e sostenere le prove d'esame, a titolo completamente gratuito per un anno accademico (1 marzo 2003 - 29 febbraio 2004).
Per poter richiedere una borsa di studio occorre:
- essere di origine siciliana
- essere residenti all'estero
- possedere un titolo di studio che dia diritto a iscriversi all'universita' italiana
- possedere una buona conoscenza della lingua italiana da verificare con il test di lingua presente sul sito (il punteggio minimo per l'ammissione e' 80/120 - il test non deve essere ripetuto se tale punteggio è stato raggiunto, o superato, nel corso del 2002).
Le domande di partecipazione, attestanti i requisiti di cui sopra, vanno presentate attraverso il sito www.italicon.it dal 16 gennaio al 16 febbraio 2003.
Ai 36 richiedenti successivi al quattordicesimo il Consorzio ICoN riconosce il diritto a iscriversi al I anno di Corso con uno sconto del 20% sulla tassa di iscrizione in tutorato, 640 euro anziche' 800, e del 50% sulla tassa di iscrizione in autoapprendimento, 275 euro anziche' 550.
Informazioni dettagliate sulla struttura del corso sono disponibili nella sezione Laurea del sito ICoN:
Per un panorama dell'offerta didattica e delle modalita' di frequenza e' invece disponibile la visita guidata:
Per ogni richiesta e' possibile contattare la nostra Segreteria didattica:
e-mail segrdidattica@italicon.it 
telefono +39 050 2212 690
fax +39 050 2212 697

Position at Wesleyan University Italian. 
Beginning July 1, 2003, four-year renewable contract for Adjunct Instructor with M.A. or Adjunct Assistant Professor with Ph.D. in second-language acquisition or related field to teach elementary/intermediate language and to help coordinate language program. Demonstrated commitment to language teaching and pedagogy and native/near-native fluency in Italian. 
Expertise and strong interest in the use of multimedia in language teaching is particularly desirable. Teaching load: 5 courses/yr. Send letter, curriculum vitae, full dossier and self-addressed stamped postcard by Nov. 15 to Italian 
Search Committee, Dept. of Romance Languages & Literatures, Wesleyan U., Middletown, CT 06459. Wesleyan University is an equal opportunity employer. It is proud of its record of commitment to diversity in the student body, faculty, and staff, and encourages applications from women and persons of color.

Language tutors at the University of Surrey
School of Arts University of Surrey (Ref: 3522)
Salary: Hourly Paid
The Language Centre at the University of Surrey needs tutors in a variety of languages, especially in Spanish, Italian 
and German, for various courses. Applicants should be native or near-native speakers and have a degree or equivalent. The work is occasional and hourly paid.
Please send applications, together with an up-to-date CV and the names and contact details of two referees to Mr M J hacker 
at the address below.
For an application pack and details of how to apply, please contact Mr M J Thacker, Director of the Language Centre, School of Arts, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH. 
Telephone: 01483-689698 (24 hours). E-mail m.thacker@surrey.ac.uk or download application documents from www.surrey.ac.uk 'Employment Opportunities'. Please quote Reference Number 3522, supplying your postal address and where you saw the advertisement. The closing date for applications is 11 October 2002.
The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy

Post at McGill University
The Department of Italian Studies, McGill University, invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Contemporary Italian Studies at the senior Assistant level,to teach contemporary Italian literature in comparative and/or interdisciplinary perspective, Italian cinema (undergraduate), literary theory (graduate). PhD in Italian with an interdisciplinary orientation or PhD in Comparative Literature with strong background in Italian preferred. The successful candidate will be expected to supervise graduate students, create and maintain links with other departments and initiate or participate in collaborative research. Native or near-native fluency, evidence of strong teaching and of publication required. French an asset. Applications must contain a curriculum vitae, statements of the applicant's research agenda and teaching philosophy, and three confidential letters of ecommendation sent under separate cover by the candidate's referees at the candidate's request. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply, however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Address applications to Prof. L. Kroha, Chair, Department of Italian Studies, McGill University, 688 Sherbrooke St.West, Suite 425, Montreal, Canada H3A 2M7.
Deadline: November 1, 2002.
Lucienne Kroha
Associate Professor and Chair Dept. of Italian Studies McGill University
688 Sherbrooke West Montreal, Canada H3A 2M7
Tel.(514) 398-3100
Fax (514) 398-1748

Post at the University of Manchester
Lectureship in Italian Studies (Ref:834/02)
This new appointment represents an opportunity to contribute to the further development of a successful department in one of the UK's leading Schools of Modern Languages. The appointee will be expected to pursue research in their specialist field, to contribute course units in Italian Studies at undergraduate and postgraduate level, to share with colleagues in the Department responsibility for language teaching, and to assist with the general running of the Department of Italian Studies and the School of Modern Languages.
Candidates will be of native or near-native competence in Italian, will have completed or be about to complete a Ph.D. in some relevant area, and will have firm plans for further research activity. Preference will be given to candidates with research and teaching interests in modern Italian narrative, cultural studies, and critical theory. The post is available from 1 January 2003.
The appointment will be made at the appropriate point on the Lecturer A scale, £20,470 - £24,435 p.a. (pay award pending)
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Spencer Pearce on 0161-275 3125 or by e-mail to spencer.pearce@man.ac.uk
Information about the School and the Department may be found at http://www.art.man.ac.uk/SML
Application forms and further particulars are available at http://www.man.ac.uk/news/vacancies or from the Office of the Director of Personnel, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL. Tel: ++44 (0) 161 275 2028; fax ++44 (0) 161 275 2471; Minicom (for the hearing impaired): ++44 (0) 161 275 7889; email: personnel@man.ac.uk
The closing date for applications is Friday 11 October 2002. Please quote the reference number given above.
As an Equal Opportunities employer, The University of Manchester welcomes applications from suitably qualified people from all sections of the community regardless of race, religion, gender or disability.

Docente a Londra
We are looking for an experienced teacher, either a native speaker of English or fully bilingual English-Italian, to teach translation from Italian into English to first-year students, from 30 September 2002 to March 2003. Suitably qualified applicants should send a CV as soon as possible, preferably by email, to ucljmnm@ucl.ac.uk
Dr Maria Novella Mercuri
Departmental Administrator - Department of Italian University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Tel (+44) (20) 7679 3272

Italian Assistant Professor at Louisiana State US
(Italian), Foreign Languages and Literatures. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Italian.
Additional Qualifications
Desired: broad knowledge and interdisciplinary strengths in literary theory; 
strong commitment to research and undergraduate teaching, native or near-native fluency Italian;
specialization in modern Italian literature; two years experience teaching at the university level.
Responsibilities: teaches undergraduate courses in Italian literature; 
conducts research in Italian language and literature;
university service. 
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Application deadline is September 20, 2002. 
Send letter of application, vita and three letters of recommendation to:
Emily E. Batinski, Chair, Foreign Languages and Literatures, 222 Prescott Hall, Louisiana State University, Ref: Log #0197, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-5306; e-mail: slbati@lsu.edu
LSU is an Equal Opportunity, Equal Access Employer.

Applications are invited for this post tenable from 1 September 2002. The successful applicant will be an active researcher in any area of Italian, although an ability to teach undergraduate courses in the literature and culture of the twentieth century will be required. The person appointed will contribute to postgraduate as well as undergraduate teaching. The Lectureship is for a fixed term of three years, running from 1 September 2002 to 31 August 2005. It is funded by The Leverhulme Trust, and offers an exceptional opportunity for scholars at an early stage in their professional career to contribute to and gain experience in one of the UK’s leading departments of Italian. salary up to £21,290 Application forms (returnable by 21 February 2002) and details from Personnel Services, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT (UK), tel. + 44 (0) 121 414 6481, web: http://www.bham.ac.uk/personnel/ Reference A30964/02.

Job Vacancy for Italian Language Lecturer
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Applications are invited for the post of Italian Language Lecturer at the Department of Asian and European Languages, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. To begin May/June 2002. Responsibilities will include teaching Italian Language courses, Italian Language and
Civilization, and Italian Literature or Italian Linguistics at undergraduate level.
Preference will be given to candidates with:
- a Master degree in Italian Language or Literature or equivalent
- experience in teaching Italian as a Foreign Language
- knowledge of English
Salary on the scale: 2,148 - 4,544 Malaysian Ringgit per month
In addition, the University of Malaya provides:
- a monthly Civil Service allowance of 170 Malaysian Ringgit per month
- free housing or a housing allowance of 700 Malaysian Ringgit per month
- free medical services
- travel expenses to Malaysia
- gratuities amounting to 17.5% of the annual salary at the end of the contract
The successful candidate will be offered a one-year contract with the possibility of extension at the end of the contract year.
Interested applicants should send a letter of application and a curriculum vitae before 28 February 2002 to:
Jagdish Kaur (Ms)
Head Department of Asian and European Languages
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-79673100
E-mail: jagdish@um.edu.my 

Offerta di Lavoro: Cerchiamo un laureato/una laureata in giurisprudenza per un posto part-time (19 ore alla settimana, di cui 8 di insegnamento) per l'insegnamento dell'italiano giuridico ed economico presso lo Sprachenzentrum della Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg a Erlangen (Germania).
Il contratto iniziale sarebbe di 2 anni, eventualmente prorogabili fino al 2006, con retribuzione in base al BAT 2 B.
La persona in questione dovrebbe avere i seguenti requisiti:
1. Laurea in giurisprudenza (possibilmente con qualche esame in economia)
2. Buone conoscenze della lingua tedesca e del sistema giuridico tedesco
3. Disponibilità all'insegnamento non solo nell'ambito dei linguaggi specialistici, ma anche in corsi di lingua italiana generale per stranieri e possibilmente qualche esperienza specifica in questo ambito.
4. Interesse alla didattica dell'italiano a stranieri e alla multimedialità e disponibilità all'aggiornamento in questo ambito.
Esisterebbe, se interessati, anche la possibilità di fare il Magister Legum o il dottorato di ricerca presso la Facoltà di giurisprudenza della nostra Università.
Inviare un curriculum vitae per posta o per e-mail all'indirizzo seguente:
Gabriella Dondolini
Sprachenzentrum der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Bismarckstr. 1
D-91054 Erlangen
E-mail: Gadondol@aol.com

Posto di Assistant Professor
The University of Toronto at Mississauga, Division of Humanities, and the Department of Italian Studies invite applications for a tenure-stream position at the rank of assistant professor in Italian Linguistics. 
Main area of specialization: Second Language Teaching and Learning. 
Secondary area of specialization: another branch of linguistics. 
The successful candidate will co-ordinate the Italian language program at UTM, and teach in both the undergraduate (UTM) and graduate programs (UTM/St. George Campus). Appointment to commence July 1, 2002. Salary commensurate with experience. Ph.D degree and native or near-native command of Italian required, along with demonstrated excellence in teaching and research in the area of specialization, and competence in teaching with computer technology. Candidates should submit by November 30 2001 a current curriculum vitae, copies of relevant publications, and a teaching portfolio, and should arrange to have at least three letters of recommendation sent directly to the Chair, Dept. of Italian Studies, University of Toronto, 100 St. Joseph St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1J4. 
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community, and offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research and live in one of the most diverse cities in the world. 
The University especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to further diversification of ideas. Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be considered first for this position.

Si cerca con una certa urgenza un/un'insegnante qualificato/a di Italiano L2 per un'azienda di Roma, una persona che abbia grande esperienza e che sia interessato/a a questo tipo di proposta lavorativa.
Inviare CV a stranieri@edscuola.com

Buongiorno, spero che a tutti voi vada tutto a gonfie vele.
Voglio chiedervi un favore. Potete contattare docenti da voi conosciuti in cerca di lavoro, disposti a venire in Venezuela e far loro arrivare questo messaggio?
Caracas - Venezuela
Tel;Fax: 00-58-2-7305198
e-mail: codazzi@cantv.net
Docenti richiesti per l´anno scolastico 2000-2001:
1) Un Docente per una 1ª Classe Scuola Elementare Biculturale con l´abilitazione non di ruolo
2) Un Docente d´Italiano non di ruolo per coprire le tre classi di Scuola Media Italiana
3) Un Docente di Storia e Filosofia non di ruolo per il Liceo Scientifico
Le condizioni sono:
- Contratto per un anno calendario
- Periodo di tempo di lavoro effettivo: dal primo Settembre 2000 al 31 Luglio 2001.
- Mese di Agosto: vacanza
- Pagamento US$2,500 x 12 mesi
- Ogni Docente si deve pagare il viaggio andata e ritorno, vitto e alloggio.
- Sono US$ 30,000 netti.
- Orario dalle 7:30 alle 15:30 per la Scuola Elementare.
- Orario completo per Media e Liceo.
Per favore inviare il curriculum via posta elettronica o via fax entro il 31 Maggio 2000:
codazzi@cantv.net  con copia a filiscagni@cantv.net - liciamav@telcel.net.ve - gburgazzi@dbaccess.com
Via Fax: 00-58-2-7305198
Gladys Burgazzi
Dirección Administración
Database ACCESS

Caracas: +58-2-237-7014, fax: +58-2-237-9206
Lima: +51-1-444-9363, fax: +51-1-445-1472
Mobile: +58-16-6330021
Visit our web site! http://www.dbaccess.com

Scriviamo dalla Facolta' di Lettere dell'UFMG - settore d'italiano - e desideriamo ottenere un'indicazione.
Abbiamo la necessita' urgente di assumere un professore di lingua e/o letteratura italiana nella modalita' di professore "recem-doutor". Tale richiesta si deve al fatto che la CPPD non ha autorizzato l'assunzione di un altro professore in sostituzione della docente che si e' dimessa.
Ci pare che questa sia la soluzione migliore, mentre attendiamo l'autorizzazione per un nuovo concorso.
Preghiamo di volerci gentilmente indicare il nominativo e tutti gli estremi di professori disponibili a lavorare a Belo Horizonte, che abbiano terminato da poco il dottorato e siano in grado di tenere corsi di lingua e/o letteratura italiana.
Cristianne Famer Rocha crisrocha@pro.via-rs.com.br

Part time teacher of Italian at Essex University - Department of Language and Linguistics Essex University
The Italian section is expanding and seeks to appoint a part-time teacher of Italian ON AN HOURLY PAID, TERM-TIME BASIS.
Ability to contribute at all levels to the teaching of Italian language is essential.
The post will commence from the start of Autumn Term 2000
A CV with a covering letter should be sent to:
Italian section
Language and Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ
Closing date for applications is 31 May 2000.
Interviews will be held on June 2000.
Informal enquiries may be made to Ignazia Posadinu 01206 872239 (email iposad@essex.ac.uk)

Oggetto: Scholarship at Royal Holloway Messaggio: Department of Italian Royal Holloway, University of London
Carlo Dionisotti Scholarship for a Doctorate in Italian Studies
The Italian Department at Royal Holloway invites applications for a Scholarship in memory of the great Italianist Carlo Dionisotti who taught at Bedford College from 1949-1970.
This new scholarship has been set up with a special fund to commemorate Professor Dionisotti's work in the Italian department at Bedford College and his commitment to Italian Studies in British universities.
The scholarship is open to applicants submitting research projects in any field of Italian language, literature and thought in historical and cultural contexts. The ability to make an active contribution to the teaching programme of the Department will be an advantage.
Applications will be particularly welcome from graduates coming from Italy and the Canton Ticino.
Rated 5 in the 1992 and the 1996 Research and Assesssment Exercises, the Italian Department at Royal Holloway has 15 research postgraduates working on topics ranging from Dante and Renaissance Studies to the 20th century Cultural Studies.
The scholarship is open to graduates who are able to begin research in the department in October 2000 and will cover tuition fees at EU rates + £ 6000 PA in maintenance for three years.
Applicants who have already applied for the other scholarships and bursaries previously advertised for the Academic Year 2000/2001 will be automatically considered.
Further details from 
Dr Guido Bonsaver, Director of Graduate Study, 
Department of Italian, Royal Holloway, 
University of London, Egham TW20 OEX, UK; 
tel: 01784-443739; 
email: g.bonsaver@rhbnc.ac.uk

The Department of Italian wishes to appoint a Graduate Teaching Assistant with effect from 1 October 2000 at a salary of 8,350 p.a. The Assistant will work towards a PhD, for which no fees will be charged, and will teach for a maximum of 150 hours per year. The post will be renewable up to a maximum of four years. Candidates must apply for a PhD registration at the same time.
Enquiries about research and teaching to Professor Ann Caesar, Director of Graduate Studies, tel. 024 76 524125/524126.
Email. A.Caesar@warwick.ac.uk
Closing date for applications is 27 June 2000.
Application forms and further particulars can be obtained from Personnel Office, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL.
Telephone: 024 76 523627 and from jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/AC769.html
Please quote reference 46/2R/99
Email: recruit@admin.warwick.ac.uk

Oggetto: Posto a Oxford
The advert for the Italian lectureship will appear on the Brookes webpages this Thursday or Friday and after that online in jobs.ac.uk from next week but meantime interested parties can contact Personnel directly for an application form at: vacancies@brookes.ac.uk
Closing date is 30 June with interviews likely to be on 14 July.
Information about the Department, our courses and the School of Languages can be found online through the School of Languages web pages, accessible via the Brookes website: www.brookes.ac.uk
Full information about the post will of course be sent out with the application form.
Anna Proudfoot
Head of Italian
School of Languages
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford (UK)
Tel: +44 1865 483717/483720
Fax: +44 1865 483791
Email: annap@sol.brookes.ac.uk 

Oggetto: Lectureship at Bristol
The Department of Italian at Bristol is currently advertising a permanent Lectureship available from September 1st 2000. You should have a publication record or proven research potential in the modern period (literature or cultural/area studies), although other areas of expertise are not excluded. Teaching experience in these areas may also be an advantage. You should be able to teach the Italian language at all levels. Starting salary £17,238-£19,869 per annum.
For further particulars please telephone (0117) 954 6947, minicom (0117) 928 8894, or Email Recruitment@bris.ac.uk (stating postal address ONLY) quoting reference 6529.
Informal enquiries are welcome and may be addressed to the Head of Department, Professor Judith Bryce (tel. 0117 928 8610/8143) or to any other member of staff.
The closing date for applications is Friday 14 July 2000.
Applications by letter, with a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses (including email addresses) of three referees, should be sent to Personnel Office, University of Bristol, Senate House, Bristol BS8 1TH, quoting REF. 6529.

Oggetto: Borse di Studio di Dottorato in Linguistica Italiana
Si bandiscono due borse di studio di dottorato nell'ambito di un progetto di ricerca intitolato 'La morfosintassi comparativa dei volgari italiani antichi'. Il progetto e' finanziato dall' Arts and Humanities Research Board ed e' diretto da Nigel Vincent e Robert Hastings (Universita' di Manchester) e Mair Parry (Universita' di Bristol). Al progetto collaboreranno anche due ricercatrici postdottorali: Alessandra Lombardi e Roberta Middleton.
Gli argomenti dei dottorati saranno i seguenti: 'L'espressione della deissi nei volgari italiani antichi' e 'L'espressione della modalita' nei volgari italiani antichi'. Il primo dottorato si svolgera' a Bristol, con la supervisione di Mair Parry. Il secondo si svolgera' a Manchester, con la supervisione di Nigel Vincent e Robert Hastings. (Si veda sotto per una descrizione piu' dettagliata del progetto e degli argomenti dei dottorati). Se lo desiderano, i candidati potranno indicare la loro preferenza per uno dei due argomenti/sedi, oppure potranno presentare un'unica domanda senza indicazione di preferenza. Spettera' ai direttori del progetto decidere a quale candidato offrire ciascuna borsa.
L'obbiettivo del progetto e' la redazione di una grammatica dei volgari dell'italiano (escluso il toscano) dalle origini al Quattrocento. A tale scopo, si selezionera' una gamma di costruzioni cardine. Gli studenti di dottorato faranno parte integrante del progetto. Pertanto, la loro ricerca sara' inclusa nei volumi pubblicati, previo riconoscimento dei loro diritti d'autore per i capitoli pertinenti.
I candidati avranno una laurea in italiano o in linguistica conseguita con una buona votazione. Inoltre, avranno esperienza nello studio di una o piu' delle seguenti discipline: storia della lingua italiana, dialettologia italiana, linguistica storica e linguistica generale, teoria sintattica, tipologia linguistica, linguistica romanza comparata, filologia testuale. E' essenziale che i candidati abbiano una buona conoscenza dell'italiano scritto e parlato, poiche' il progetto sara' svolto in italiano e i risultati saranno pubblicati in italiano. Tuttavia, le tesi di dottorato andranno scritte in inglese. La conoscenza del latino sara' considerata un criterio preferenziale nella scelta dei candidati. Al termine del progetto, i candidati conseguiranno una laurea di PhD conferita dall'Universita' nella quale studieranno (Bristol o Manchester).
Si possono richiedere ulteriori informazioni o chiarimenti mettendosi in contatto con i direttori del progetto presso gli indirizzi di posta elettronica indicati sotto. Si consiglia di scrivere a tutti e tre i direttori, poiche' non saranno tutti disponibili contemporaneamente nel mese di luglio. Le borse di studio comprenderanno il pagamento delle tasse universitarie (alla tariffa vigente per studenti britannici o dell'UE) e uno stipendio annuo di 6620 sterline inglesi. Le borse di studio decorreranno a partire da settembre 2000 per tre anni accademici consecutivi. Pertanto i dottorandi dovranno consegnare le loro tesi non piu' tardi del 30 settembre 2003.
I candidati vincenti risiederanno nella sede del loro supervisore (Manchester o Bristol). Oltre a svolgere la loro ricerca, saranno tenuti a contribuire all'amministrazione ordinaria del progetto. L'eventuale lavoro sul campo in Italia verra' finanziato.
Le domande vanno presentate via e-mail ai direttori del progetto presso i seguenti indirizzi:
Le domande vanno indirizzate a tutti e tre i direttori. Si accetteranno solo le domande mandate per via elettronica. La lingua usata nelle domande puo’ essere l'inglese o l'italiano, ma la dichiarazione al punto 10 deve essere in italiano.
Nel formulare le loro domande, i candidati devono rispondere ai punti seguenti:
1. Nome
2. Indirizzi di posta normale e elettronica per il periodo di luglio e agosto
3. Numero/i di telefono
4. Data di nascita
5. Istituzioni dove si e' conseguita la prima (e le seguenti) laurea/e
6. Votazione ottenuta
7. Lista degli esami sostenuti pertinenti al progetto e votazione riportata
8. Titolo dell'eventuale dissertazione (o tesi) e votazione riportata
9. Lingue parlate e/o lette (si indichi il livello: es. nativo, quasi nativo, avanzato, intermedio. In particolare, si dia un'indicazione precisa del livello di conoscenza del latino).
10. Una dichiarazione IN ITALIANO (circa 300 parole) che spieghi i motivi per cui il candidato/la candidata desiderano lavorare al progetto e quale esperienza o quali abilita’ apporterebbe al progetto.
11. Eventuali pubblicazioni
12. Nomi e indirizzi e-mail di due persone che mandino lettere di referenza
Le domande vanno presentate entro e non oltre il 31 luglio. I candidati vincenti verranno avvertiti entro la fine di agosto. 
Segue una descrizione generale del progetto e una descrizione degli argomenti delle tesi:
Obiettivi del progetto sono: 
a) lo studio sistematico delle strutture grammaticali attestate nelle fasi piu' antiche dell'italo-romanzo, al di fuori della Toscana e 
b) la redazione della prima descrizione comparativa esauriente della morfosintassi dell'talo-romanzo antico. La lista preliminare dei temi da studiare include: il sistema temporale, i verbi modali (soprattutto dovere e volere), la negazione, la complementazione verbale, le preposizioni, la struttura dei sintagmi nominali (incluse le frasi relative), l'ordine delle parole. 
I seguenti studiosi saranno consulenti del progetto e faranno parte del comitato scientifico che si riunira' ad intervalli regolari per vagliare i lavori in corso: Paola Benincà (Padova), Michela Cennamo (Napoli), Nunzio La Fauci (Zurigo), Adam Ledgeway (Cambridge), Michele Loporcaro (Zurigo), Martin Maiden (Oxford), Lorenzo Renzi (Padova), Laura Vanelli (Padova).
Il progetto verte sull'espressione della modalita', cioe' l'espressione di significati come 'dovere', 'potere', ecc. Nel progetto generale includeremo l'analisi di alcuni verbi modali che tendono ad assumere sfumature temporali di significato. Ad esempio, nell'Italia meridionale e in Sicilia, l'equivalente del verbo italiano 'dovere' si usa spesso per indicare la temporalita' futura. Nella penisola si riscontrano numerosi casi in cui cio' accade con gli equivalenti del verbo 'volere'. Queste peculiarita' morfosintattiche si presteranno senza dubbio ai metodi di analisi grammaticale adottati nel progetto principale. Tuttavia, l'analisi di sfumature di significato piu' sotttili nella gamma di 'dovere' e 'potere' richiede un corpus e un'analisi testuale piu' dettagliati. Visti gli ovvi limiti di un singolo progetto dottorale, non si potrebbe richiedere un'analisi testuale esauriente di piu' di uno (o due) dialetti. Pertanto, il progetto di tesi di PhD complementera' il progetto principale con l'analisi approfondita di un solo argomento. La scelta del dialetto o dei dialetti analizzati dal candidato/dalla candidata dipendera' dall'esperienza precedente del candidato/della candidata prescelta.
Il dottorando/ la dottoranda acquistera' dimestichezza con una gamma di abilita': l'analisi testuale, i metodi filologici, la dialettologia, la linguistica generale e storica. Inoltre, potra' consultarsi con gli altri membri dell'equipe del progetto e con Delia Bentley (HRB Institutional Fellow, Manchester), la cui area di specializzazione comprende la modalita' e il tempo in siciliano antico e in sardo antico.
L'altra area di investigazione dettagliata e' la deissi, cioe' l'uso di parole come 'questo', 'quello', 'qui', 'ora', il cui significato e la cui funzione possono essere definiti solo in riferimento al contesto in cui occorrono. Anche questo argomento sara' sviluppato facendo uso di un corpus testuale esteso e complementera' la lista di categorie incluse nel progetto generale. Il dottorando/la dottoranda sara' responsabile della raccolta e dell'analisi di una serie di testi. La deissi e' un argomento che e' stato studiato in prospettiva panromanza (importante quindi a presenza a Bristol di Rodney Sampson, uno specialista in materia). In parte cio' si deve all'esistenza di sistemi diversi di marcatura morfologica della deissi, la qual cosa favorisce l'analisi interdialettale e interlinguistica.
Nonostante i sistemi deittici individuali (in particolare i dimostrativi) siano stati ampiamente studiati, sono poche le analisi esaurienti dell'uso dei vari marcatori deittici all'interno di testi. di provenienza dialettale. Lo studio testuale comportera', fra l'altro, l'analisi dell'interazione di due tipi basilari di deissi: la deissi testuale ,cioe' l'uso degli elementi deittici per marcare la strutturazione (narrativa) del testo e la deissi situazionale, cioe' la relazione fra le forme usate e i partecipanti dell'atto linguistico (rivelata nel dialogo ma anche, in minor misura, nel tipo diamesico scritto).
Nigel Vincent Tel: +44-(0)161-275 3194
Department of Linguistics Fax: +44-(0)161-275 3187
University of Manchester e-mail: nigel.vincent@man.ac.uk
Manchester M13 9PL http://lings.ln.man.ac.uk/Html/NBV/
UK Visit our web-page:

Il CIES cerca una coordinatrice per un progetto a favore delle donne delle zone rurali in Albania. 
Durata: 1 anno. 
Si richiede esperienza triennale in
progetti di sviluppo, in particolare attività di empowerment delle donne, microcredito, avvio e sostegno alle imprese. 
Lingua inglese. 

L’Ong spagnola “Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad” (MPDL), con sede a Madrid-cerca 2 architetti per il proprio ufficio in Kosovo, nel quadro di un progetto coordinato dalla “European Agency for Reconstruction” per la ricostruzione di 450 case. Scadenza 30 giugno. 
Info: Ana Moreno, EU
Co-ordinator, MPDL-Brussels, 
E-mail: mpdl.brux@beon.be

Il Centro mondialità sviluppo reciproco (CMSR) cerca un volontario da inserire in un progetto triennale di sviluppo della piccola pesca artigianale che inizierà ad agosto sulla costa atlantica del Marocco. Il volontario, affiancato da un cooperante, dovrà essere esperto in gestione di cooperative e forme organizzative di primo livello. Lingua francese.
+39 0586 887350
Fax +39 0586 882132, 
E-mail: cmsr-it@cmsr.org
Web page:

L’APS cerca:
- un cooperante per un progetto in Etiopia, nella Regione Amhara (Bahir Dar)
con: esperienza nella gestione di iniziative di formazione professionale di base per giovani e sostegno all'occupazione; buone capacità di comunicazione; lingua inglese.
- un logista per 2 mesi per programma di emergenza in Venezuela;
- un economista per ricerca di mercato per 2 mesi in Tunisia. 
Info: tel.
011.4374936; e/o aps@arpnet.it

L’Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni (IOM) cerca per la propria sede di Pretoria (Sudafrica) un rappresentante regionale (grado P5) per un anno rinnovabile. Laurea e 10 anni di esperienza, preferibilmente con migranti e/o rifugiati. Scadenza 30 giugno. 
Info: hq@iom.int

EuronAid cerca per la sua sede all’Aja un segretario generale con contratto iniziale di cinque anni. Scadenza 1° settembre. 
Info: tel: +31-70-3305757,
e-mail: euronaid@euronaid.nl
web: www.euronaid.nl

EFCW (Forum européen pour le bien-être de l'enfant), rete di Ong per la protezione dell'infanzia con sede a Bruxelles, ricerca esperti in protezione dell'infanzia disponibili a partire per missioni in Kosovo per conto di organizzazioni di aiuto internazionali e di Ong presenti in Kosovo. 
informazioni rivolgersi a Eleni Andrikopoulou, 
e-mail: eleni@efcw.org
indirizzo: rue de la Concorde 53, B-1050 Bruxelles, 

UNICEF cerca un consulente per un contratto di breve durata (sei settimane circa, tra il 1 luglio e il 15 settembre, con due viaggi a New York previsti) incaricato/a di realizzare una revisione della valutazione della capacità di risposta umanitaria dell'UNICEF. 
Le candidature devono essere
inviate a: 
Kate Alley, Division of Evaluation, Policy and Planning, UNICEF,
3 United Nations Plaza (TA-23D), 
New York, NY 10017, USA, 
+212-824-6748, fax: +212-824-6492, 
e-mail: ktalley@unicef.org

Il CISP cerca un capo-progetto (lunga missione min. 1 max 2 anni) per un nuovo progetto sanitario in Palestina (Striscia di Gaza), (organizzazione ospedaliera e primary health care). Requisiti richiesti: background sanitario e esperienza in sanità pubblica; spiccate competenze organizzative, gestionali e di pianificazione; lingua inglese. Requisiti preferenziali: laurea in medicina; esperienza ospedaliera; competenze in programmazione, organizzazione, gestione di servizi ospedalieri e territoriali; esperienza in programmazione e organizzazione di corsi di formazione; precedenti esperienze di lavoro in progetti di cooperazione.
Sede Gerusalemme e Striscia di Gaza. Partenze da settembre/ottobre. 
CV a
Gianluca Falcitelli, CISP 
Via Germanico, 198 - 00192 Roma, 
Tel. 06 321 54
98, Fax 06 321 61 63, 
e-mail: cisp.roma@agora.stm.it oppure

Aide Médicale International ricerca due coordinatori dei programmi sanitari in Afghanistan e Thailandia, per un periodi di un anno. 
Info: Géraldine
tel 01-46 360404; 
e-mail: info@amifrance.org

Il CIR (Consiglio italiano per i rifugiati) ha, nell'ambito della propria collaborazione con la CNA, inaugurato un'iniziativa finalizzata all'incontro tra domanda ed offerta di lavoro. Sul sito web della CNA (http://www.cna.it/rifugiati&impresa.htm) sono pubblicati, ed aggiornati su base settimanale, i "curricula" anonimi di rifugiati in cerca di lavoro e che abbiano un'esperienza nel settore dell'artigianato. 
Laura Lo Prato

Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati 
Tel. 064874648

Il cerca-trova collaboratori di Lunaria nasce per mettere in contatto chi cerca occasioni di lavoro e le organizzazioni di terzo settore che gestiscono progetti in cui inserire nuovo personale. Il servizio è gratuito per i possessori della LunaCard. Attualmente il database contiene circa 500 nominativi classificati per competenze, esperienze, attitudini e richieste specifiche. 
Info: Lunaria tel. 06.8841880 

Oggetto: Lectureship in Italian Migration Studies
Lectureship in Italian Migration Studies
Department of Anthropology and Department of History University of Western AustraliaNedlands, Australia
Applications are invited for a 12 month fixed-term appointment from 1 December 2000. The position is funded by the Fondazione Cassamarca Unione Latini Nel Mondo. Further employment for two years will be dependent on the success of the programme and the Foundation providing additional funds beyond the initial 12months.
The appointment is to be made jointly to the Departments of Anthropology and History with the work to be shared equally between the two groups. The appointee will therefore be required to teach and develop units at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum (including honours), to supervise honours and postgraduate students, to undertake research and to participate, where appropriate, in departmental administration. Applicants must have a PhD in some aspect of Italian migration studies, command of the Italian language, teaching experience in anthropology, history or related fields and evidence of collegiality and the ability to work between disciplines.
Preference will be given to applicants with research experience on Italians in Australia or on comparable Italian immigrant communities elsewhere. Applicants with teaching experience are requested to submit a teaching portfolio as part of their application. Salary range: Lecturer Level B $49,887 - $59,243p.a.
Written applications quoting reference number, telephone number, qualifications and experience and the names, addresses, email, fax/telephone numbers of three referees should reach the Director, Human Resources, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands WA 6907, Australia, by 4 August 2000.
For further information and copies of the selection criteriaplease contact:
Professor David Trigger, 
email: dtrigger@arts.uwa.edu.au
Head of Department of Anthropologytel: 
61- 8-9380 2855, fax: 61-8-9380 1062
or Dr Iain Brash, 
email: jibra@arts.uwa.edu.au
Head of the Department of History
tel: 61-8-9380 2127, fax: 61-8-9380 1069
or access the web http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/AnthropWWW/index.html

La Scuola Superiore di Catania bandisce, per l'anno accademico 2000-2001, un concorso per due borse di studio riservate a studenti provenienti da paesi extracomunitari dell'area del Mediterraneo (Albania, Algeria, Cipro, Egitto, Giordania, Israele, Libano, Libia, Malta, Marocco, Siria, Tunisia, Turchia). Il concorso è riservato agli studenti stranieri che volessero iscriversi al primo anno di una delle facoltà dell'Università di Catania, indicate nel bando di concorso, e partecipare alla selezione di accesso alla Scuola. Le prove di ammissione avranno luogo nei rispettivi paesi di provenienza, presso gli Istituti Italiani di Cultura. I due studenti ammessi potranno beneficiare di una borsa di studio volta a coprire le tasse universitarie, le spese di vitto, alloggio e viaggio oltre ad un contributo didattico mensile di Lit.. 150.000 al mese. Info: dott.ssa Chiara Romano, Tel. +39095312016, Fax: +39095312721, E-mail: ssc1@mbox.unict.it

Il CIR (Consiglio italiano per i rifugiati) ha, nell'ambito della propria collaborazione con la CNA, inaugurato un'iniziativa finalizzata all'incontro tra domanda ed offerta di lavoro. Sul sito web della CNA (http://www.cna.it/rifugiati&impresa.htm) sono pubblicati, ed aggiornati su base settimanale, i "curricula" anonimi di rifugiati in cerca di lavoro e che abbiano un'esperienza nel settore dell'artigianato. Laura Lo Prato Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati Tel. 064874648

Posti: 50; 
Luogo: Brasile; 
Contratto: Assunzione; 
Retribuzione: molto interessante.
Descrizione: importante società multinazionale ricerca insegnanti e formatori laureati per insegnamento di lingua italiano, latino, e insegnanti per scuole elementari.impiego a partire da settembre 2000.
Requisiti: laureati e diplomati con abilitazione all'insegnamento, conoscenza lingua brasiliana.
Riferimento: 8976. 
Data di pubblicazione: 30-07-2000.
Settore: Consulenza/formazione. 

Oggetto: Visiting Lecturer or Assistant Professor of Italia
Messaggio: University of Memphis
Visiting Lecturer or Assistant Professor of Italian
Italian, one-semester full-time replacement, beginning January 2001. MA, ABD,or PhD with native or near native fluency in Italian. Will be the Head of the Italian Section in the Dept. of Foreign Languages. Will teach 2-3 elementary and 1 intermediate Italian language courses. 
Please contact ASAP Prof. Mario Moroni, 2175 Vinton Ave., Memphis, TN 38104.
Phone: (901) 725-0200. E-mail: mmoroni@memphis.ed

Oggetto: lettorato a Bangore
Dear Colleagues,
I suddenly find myself without our Italian Language Tutor and we need to appoint someone in the immediate future as classes start on 25 September. The post is a fixed-term nine-month contract and the salary is rather modest: approx.£894 per month.
Should colleagues know postgraduate sutdents or other persons who might be interested in the job, I would be very grateful if you could encourage them to contact me as soon as possible:
Dr Laura Rorato
Department of Modern Languages University of Wales Bangor
College Road Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2DG
Tel. (direct line) 01248/382125
Fax. 01248/382551
e.mail l.rorato@bangor.ac.uk
Alternatively, interested candidates can contact our departimental secreatry Ms Moira Thornton: 01248/382130 (If leaving a message on her answering machine, please remember to geve us a contact number so that we can get back)

Oggetto: Scholarship
In order to allow candidates more time to complete their applications, the deadline of the Dionisotti Scholarship has been deferred to 10 November 2000.
Candidates who have already applied can, if they wish to, submit updated versions of their Curriculum Vitae.
Please find below copy of the original advertisement for the scholarship.
Guido Bonsaver
Dept of Italian
Royal Holloway, University of London
Carlo Dionisotti Scholarship for a Doctorate in Italian Studies
The Italian Department at Royal Holloway invites applications for a Scholarship in memory of the great Italianist Carlo Dionisotti who taught at Bedford College from 1949-1970.
This new scholarship has been set up with a special fund to commemorate Professor Dionisotti's work in the Italian department at Bedford College and his commitment to Italian Studies in British universities.
The scholarship is open to applicants submitting PhD research projects in any field of Italian language, literature and thought in historical and cultural contexts. The ability to make an active
contribution to the teaching programme of the Department will be an advantage.
Applications will be particularly welcome from graduates coming from Italy and the Canton Ticino.
Rated 5 in the 1992 and the 1996 Research and Assesssment Exercises, the Italian Department at Royal Holloway has 16 research postgraduates working on topics ranging from Dante and Renaissance Studies to the 20th century Cultural Studies.
The scholarship is open to graduates who are able to begin research in the department in January 2001 and will cover tuition fees at EU rates + £ 6000 PA in maintenance for three years.
Further details from 
Dr Guido Bonsaver, 
Director of Graduate Study, Department of Italian, 
Royal Holloway, 
University of London, 
Egham TW20 OEX, UK; 
tel: 01784-443739; 
email: g.bonsaver@rhbnc.ac.uk

Al sito web http://www.cna.it/rifugiati&impresa.htmi sono pubblicati e aggiornati su base settimanale dal CIR, in collaborazione con la CNA, i "curricula", anonimi di rifugiati in cerca di lavoro e con esperienza nel settore dell'artigianato. 
Info: Laura Lo Prato tel. 064874648.

Tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Italian Studies, entry-level, Ph.D. or ABD required, beginning August 2001, native or near-native fluency, sustained living experience in Italy, evidence of potential excellence in undergraduate teaching and related scholarship are essential. We are looking for a specialist in Italian literature or culture/civilization, who can also teach Italian language at all levels and courses in English on topics related to Italian Studies. Scholarly specialization either in an area of literature or culture studies. Special consideration will be given to candidates who have interdisciplinary interests in one or more of the following areas: film, music, visual arts, architecture. Other duties include working with undergraduates on out-of-class projects relating to Italian language/culture. Send complete dossier, including evidence of teaching proficiency and three letters of recommendation by October 15, 2000 to Prof. Helen G. Morris-Keitel, Dept. of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837. Bucknell University encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. (EEO/AA)
Helen G. Morris-Keitel
Associate Professor of German Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA 17837
email: hmorris@bucknell.edu
tel. 570-577-1288
fax: 570-577-3760

Posto di assistente presso la cattedra di Linguistica italiana del Seminario Romanzo dell'Università di Zurigo 50% (con possibilità di aggiunta d'un ulteriore 25%), a partire dal 1° Aprile 2001
- Collaborazione alle attività didattica e di ricerca della cattedra di Linguistica Italiana (aree attualmente privilegiate: teoria linguistica e storia del pensiero linguistico moderno e contemporaneo; linguistica diacronica romanza; morfosintassi teorica e descrittiva; analisi linguistica del testo; teoria della letterarietà e critica linguistica).
- Assistenza alle studentesse e agli studenti.
- Attività relative all'acquisizione e alla gestione del patrimonio della Biblioteca del Seminario Romanzo, per quel che concerne il settore della linguistica italiana.
Requisiti richiesti:
- Licenza (o titolo equivalente: p. es., Laurea italiana) in Linguistica, preferibilmente italiana o romanza.
- Padronanza delle lingue italiana e tedesca (la padronanza di altre lingue costituirà titolo preferenziale).
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Sig.a lic. phil. Antonia Lüscher, e.mail: aluesch@rom.unizh.ch, tel. +41.(0)1.634.39.58
Le persone interessate sono pregate di fare pervenire la loro candidatura, corredata da un dettagliato curriculum vitae e da ogni altra eventuale documentazione utile (titoli scientifici e didattici), entro il 15 dicembre 2000 al seguente indirizzo:
Romanisches Seminar
Posto di Assistente di Linguistica italiana
Plattenstr. 32
CH-8028 Zürich

Siamo una compagnia multimediale con sede a Dublino, e stiamo cercando insegnanti di scuole elementari interessati a collaborare nella revisione e l'adattamento di progetti educativi multimediali.
Tutte le richieste, se possibile in inglese, al seguente indirizzo e-mail:

The Canadian Society for Italian Studies will hold its 2001 annual Spring conference at the Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada, from May 24 to 16, in conjunction with the Social Science and Humanities Conference.
A special session is on:
Community and Solidarity in Italian Cinema after 1968 Friendship; the reinventing of the sense of community, of social ties after the demise of the master narratives; the personal and the political; depictions of political involvement; the cinema of Salvatores, Amelio, Moretti, Avati, Tornatore; the media as creators of imagined communities, solidarity and betrayal in post- 68 cinema, etc.
Papers from scholars in film and media studies, sociology, political science, history, besides Italian studies, are invited. Deadline for sending proposals to session chair is February 15, 2001.
Chair: Jacqueline Samperi Mangan
Prof. J. Samperi Mangan Ph.D
Concordia University/ Vanier College
Editor AATI Newsletter
Secretary APIQ
4506 Marcil Avenue
Montreal, Quebec
Tel.: (514) 483-1011
Fax: (514) 483-1993
E-mail: mangan@generation.net

Borse di studio all'estero

Stato Scadenza

Cipro 29/12/2000
Cina 29/12/2000
Federazione Russa 29/12/2000
Finlandia 29/12/2000
Grecia 29/12/2000
N.A.T.O. 29/12/2000
Polonia 29/12/2000
Repubblica Ceca 29/12/2000
Repubblica Slovacca 29/12/2000
Slovenia 29/12/2000
Ungheria 29/12/2000

Le borse di studio prevedono corsi presso Università o Istituti Superiori stranieri, la conduzione di ricerche presso archivi, centri culturali, biblioteche o corsi di lingua presso centri specializzati.
I Paesi offerenti le borse sono 52. Ad offrire borse di studio sono anche Unesco, Ueo e Nato, ed è importante che gli interessati prendano visione delle notizie che riguardano il Paese prescelto. Possono presentare domanda cittadini italiani laureati, laureandi e artisti diplomati. L'istanza dovrà essere indirizzata a: Ministero degli Affari Esteri - D. G. P. C.C. - Ufficio VI - Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 - 00194 Roma o potrà essere consegnata a mano all'Ufficio Corrieri dello stesso Ministero. Alla domanda dovrà essere allegata la scheda in duplice copia e il programma di studio o di ricerca che si intende compiere. Si dovranno, inoltre, allegare almeno due lettere di presentazione, di data recente, da parte di docenti universitari che esprimano un giudizio sulla preparazione del candidato; la dichiarazione di accettazione dell'Istituzione ospitante (per alcuni Paesi è richiesta obbligatoriamente una dichiarazione di accettazione da parte dell'Istituzione universitaria presso cui dovrà essere svolta la ricerca); l'attestato di conoscenza della lingua straniera; il certificato di studio; il curriculum studiorum dattiloscritto; due foto formato tessera apposte sulla scheda del candidato e due etichette adesive con il proprio nome e indirizzo.
Le domande prive di uno dei documenti sopra elencati saranno escluse. Solo per gli artisti è riservata la possibilità di inviare alcuni saggi delle loro opere, per mezzo di fotografie, registrazioni su nastro o altro.
La conoscenza della lingua ufficiale della Nazione che si vuole scegliere è indispensabile, anche se molti Stati consentono l'uso di altre lingue che sono, in massima parte, l'inglese, il francese e il tedesco. I candidati, quasi per tutti i Paesi offerenti, non dovranno aver superato i 35 anni di età alla data indicata quale termine ultimo per la presentazione della domanda. Dovranno affrettarsi gli aspiranti che intendano partecipare presso le seguenti Nazioni per le quali i termini di scadenza sono molto vicini.
Le borse potranno essere annuali, biennali ed estive. Farà fede la data impressa sul timbro postale d'ingresso e non di partenza.

Insegnare italiano a Santo Domingo
La societa' Dante Alighieri di Santo Domingo necessita urgentemente di insegnanti di italiano da inserire nella didattica.
I requisiti richiesti sono:
-Laurea in facolta' umanistiche
-Conoscenza della lingua spagnola
-Conoscenza della cultura locale
-Volonta' di adattamento
La retribuzione iniziale e' di 7500 pesos al mese che possono aumentare con la periodicita' di tre mesi.
Chiunque sia interessato non esiti a contattarci al seguente indirizzo E-mail:
oppure a

Please bring the following to the attention of potential postgraduates in Italian Studies, who should also contact the postgraduate co-ordinator or Head of Department in the Italian Departments of University College Cork (Dr Silvia Ross - SRoss@italian.ucc.ie/Prof. Eduardo Saccone - ESaccone@italian.ucc.ie), University College Dublin (Prof. John Barnes - John.C.Barnes@ucd.ie), or National University of Ireland, Galway (Prof. Catherine O'Brien - c.obrien@nuigalway.ie).
(A) Postgraduate funding for EU nationals:
An Comhairle um Thaighde sna Dána agus sna hEolachtaí Sóisialta - Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Research Council invites suitably qualified women and men to apply for the following research opportunities in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Business Studies. In each case, Terms and Conditions apply.
Post-Graduate Scholarships:
Applicants should already be, or will be during the academic year 2001/2002, registered in a recognised third-level institution in the Republic of Ireland as full-time post-graduate research students. They must be nationals of a member country of the European Union. Such students should be pursuing, or intend to pursue during 2001/2002, degrees by major thesis. Those who are undertaking taught programmes, or degrees where a thesis is a minor part of the programme, are not eligible.
Scholarships are valued at up to IR£10,000 per annum. They will be awarded initially for one year, but subject to terms and conditions, renewable for up to two additional years. Fees will also be covered for the period of the Scholarship.
For further details, visit the site of the Higher Education Authority - An tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas: http://www.hea.ie.
(B) PhD Postgraduate Scholarships:
Fee waiver for non EU nationals To enhance the international reputation and attractiveness of postgraduate studies at PhD level at UCC, ten (10) scholarships per year will be awarded on a competitive basis to non EU nationals. No more than three scholarships will be awarded annually in any one faculty. It is the purpose of these scholarships to attract PhD students of the highest level. These scholarships consist of a waiver of portion of the normal fee. Recipients will be responsible only for the normal EU fee. 
The determination of awards will be made by the Interfaculty Graduate Studies Board (IFGSB). The IFGSB's decision on these awards will be final.
Further details from the UCC Postgraduate Prospectus:
Dr Mark Chu
Department of Italian 
University College Cork
Tel. +353 21 490 2486 (direct)/+353 21 490
2335 (Secretary)
Fax +353 21 490 3263
E-mail MChu@italian.ucc.ie

Lectureship at Trinity College - Dublin
Dear Colleagues,
We would be grateful if you could bring this to the attention of anyone who might be interested.
Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Italian in the Faculty of Arts (Letters) at Trinity College, Dublin. The appointment, which will be tenable from September, 2001, will be offered on contract for a period of five years.
Applicants should have proven research ability in Italian language, literature or culture. All areas of expertise and all historical periods will be considered. A high level of language competence is expected, and particular emphasis will be placed upon innovative methods of language teaching.
Salary Scale: IR£19,427-£47,992
Commencing salary will be within the salary range IR£19,427 - £27,414 per annum at a point to accord with qualifications and experience to date.
Candidates should submit a full curriculum vitae, to include the names of three referees, to: Recruitment & Establishment Manager Staff Office, Trinity College, Dublin 2 Tel: 353 1 608 1678. Fax +353 1 677 2169 E-mail: recruit@tcd.ie Website: http://www.tcd.ie/Staff_Office
For further information about the Italian Department see:http://www.tcd.ie/Italian
(The site needs a little updating, but gives an impression of what we do.)
The closing date for application will be Good Friday, 13th April, 2001. This is purely coincidental!
Some information about the post will be put up on the TCD web site in the next few days, at the address http//www.tcd.ie/Staff_Office (they are having some technical difficulties at the moment). In the meantime, the following may be of interest.
'Further Particulars' March 2001
Italian at Trinity College
 Trinity College has some 13,000 students spread over six Faculties. It is situated in the centre of Dublin, with many fine buildings and a copyright library which houses the largest book collection in Ireland, including good holdings in Italian.
Trinity's Department of Italian, which dates from 1776, is the oldest in Ireland or Britain.
Over 140 students study Italian in two four-year degree programmes: a joint honor degree known as the Two-Subject Moderatorship, and the recently introduced European Studies degree. These
programmes are described in the current University of Dublin Calendar, pages J36-J38, and pages K48-K52. Most students start as beginners in Italian. There are Socrates exchange programmes with several Italian universities. 
The Department currently has an Associate Professor, two Senior Lecturers, a Lecturer, an Italian Government sponsored Lettore di ruolo, and a Language Assistant. Administrative support is provided by a part-time Executive Officer. The new contract post is a replacement for the Associate Professor, Corinna Salvadori Lonergan, who is taking early retirement.
Staff teach an average of 9 or 10 hours per week in a 24-week teaching year; roughly half of this is taken up with language work, while the other half is concerned with literature and other cultural or historical topics. Secretarial support is necessarily limited, but staff members have access to computer equipment for teaching, administration and research.
Recent developments in our course structure include an increased emphasis on options which students choose from a list of topics in Italian literature, language and society; the introduction of videos and computers in language teaching at junior and senior levels; and the availability of optional courses in linguistics and film studies.
The new post
Present members of staff have particular competence in medieval, Renaissance and modern literature. The new lecturer will be required to contribute to teaching in one or more of these areas, in addition to offering specialist options for senior students, drawing on personal interests and expertise. Depending on the needs, the lecturer may be called upon to contribute to any part of the degree programme. In addition to normal contact hours, staff members provide supervision for Senior Sophister dissertations.
All lecturers are expected to share in the administrative work of the Department, including our Socrates exchanges, our European Studies contribution, and other projects.
The Department expects a good standard of language performance from its students, and teaching methods are kept under constant review. 
Lecturers are expected to have a native or near-native level of competence in Italian. There is considerable expertise in language learning among our colleagues; Trinity teaches an exceptionally wide range of languages, and the Centre for Language and Communication Studies provides research and active support in this field. The College's European Studies programme also places a strong emphasis on language competence 
The Department has a tradition of open discussion at both formal and informal meetings; new ideas are welcomed and new colleagues will be encouraged to bring their own perspectives to the future development of Italian in Trinity
The selection procedure
Candidates shortlisted for interview will be invited to present a short paper on a research topic and to demonstrate the teaching of a language topic.

Insegnare italiano a Santo Domingo
Messaggio: La societa' Dante Alighieri di Santo Domingo necessita urgentemente di insegnanti di italiano da inserire nella didattica.
I requisiti richiesti sono:
-Laurea in facolta' umanistiche
-Conoscenza della lingua spagnola
-Conoscenza della cultura locale
-Volonta' di adattamento
La retribuzione iniziale e' di 7500 pesos al mese che possono aumentare con la periodicita' di tre mesi.
Chiunque sia interessato non esiti a contattarci al seguente indirizzo E-mail:
dantesantodomingo@hotmail.com oppure a marcodebiasio@libero.it

L'ACCADEMIA EUROPEA DI BOLZANO area scientifica "Lingua e diritto" offre tirocini nel settore della lessicografia computazionale applicata alla didattica, della durata di 2 o 3 mesi rinnovabili.
All'interno dell'area scientifica Lingua e Diritto si Ë costituito un nuovo ambito di ricerca riguardante la creazione di materiali per l'apprendimento/l'autoapprendimento linguistico su supporto informatico. Il tirocinante verrà inserito nel progetto ELDIT (Elektronisches Lernerw–rterbuch Deutsch-Italienisch/ Dizionario elettronico per apprendenti italiano-tedesco), consistente nella creazione di un dizionario per apprendenti semibilingue che sfrutti le nuove tecnologie multimediali.
Il tirocinio prevede:
introduzione alla lessicografia pedagogica
raccolta del materiale lessicografico
elaborazione ed inserimento delle voci lessicali nella banca dati elettronica
I requisiti richiesti sono:
* formazione di base in linguistica generale
* ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana (madrelingua) e buona conoscenza della lingua tedesca
* familiaritý con l'uso del computer
Per motivi organizzativi, il tirocinante dovrý lavorare presso la sede dell'Accademia Europea di Bolzano.
Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il sito dell'Accademia alla pagina http://www.eurac.edu/Projects/default.asp?NrID=1 e contattare direttamente Vanessa Weber Accademia Europea di Bolzano, Area "Lingua e Diritto" Via Weggenstein 12/a, 39100 Bolzano Tel: 0471/30 61 16, Fax: 0471/30 61 99 http://www.eurac.edu e-mail:

Si informa che il Comitato Dante Alighieri di Mondavio (Pesaro) Italia, emanazione periferica della Società Dante Alighieri di Roma, con annessa scuola "Mons Avium", organizza corsi di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri offrendo anche opzioni di vacanza-studio, con escursioni, visite guidate a città e monumenti, corsi facoltativi di arte e artigianato locale.
Anche per l'anno corrente il Comitato ha istituito un fondo di borse di studio grazie alla partecipazione di imprese e ditte commerciali della zona.
Il consiglio direttivo del Comitato ha stabilito di devolvere la cifra di un milione e duecento mila lire (lire 1.200.000) da utilizzare nel seguente modo:
1. partecipazione di almeno 3/4 studenti a corsi di lingua e cultura italiana nei mesi di luglio, agosto e settembre 2001;
2. la durata del corso dovrà essere di almeno due settimane e la somma dovrà essere divisa tra gli studenti che potranno frequentare i corsi o tutti nello stesso periodo o in periodi diversi purché la Scuola, Università, Comitato di provenienza, ci comunichino i nomi dei partecipanti e il periodo da loro scelto;
3. i partecipanti , che potranno appartenere a diversi livelli linguistici, dovranno integrare personalmente la cifra necessaria per il soggiorno.
Poiché la seguente offerta è stata indirizzata a diverse Istituzioni e Scuole, nel caso possa risultare per Voi interessante, contattateci e inviate i nominativi dei partecipanti in breve tempo.
Non esiste altro criterio di scelta da parte del nostro Comitato se non l'ordine di arrivo delle adesioni.
Per ulteriori informazioni riguardo al costo del soggiorno nelle varie soluzioni e a quello dei corsi, rimandiamo alla nostra pagina internet: www.scuoladantealighieri.it
Per contattare il Comitato telefonate o inviate un fax ai numeri: 0039 0721 978230 o 0039 0721 895244 o inviate una e.mail al seguente indirizzo: danteschool@tin.it



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