Virtual Restoration© for sij07 “ Theories and methods© of virtual restoration and their application for new professions”
Author: Nadia Scardeoni Address: 37126 Verona, via dei Mille 6A Email: giopal84@tin.it - +393472542819 for
KEY WORDS: Virtual Restoration, conservation/safeguard, prototype, pictorial work of art, computer graphics, photographic base, multimedia cards, historical research, preparatory study courses, pictorial integration, new jobs.
Abstract: Theories and methods of virtual restoration and their application for new professions.
Virtual Restoration©, as I conceived it, deals with the critical study of the pictorial work of art and develops theories about restoration work. Virtual restoration is a non-invasive method of digital modelling of restoration work and it is useful when real repairs are required. Virtual restoration is also related to the conservation and preservation of works of art as mentioned in the 4th article of the Carta del Restauro 1972: “Conservation and preservation is a saving and protective action which does not necessarily involve real repairs of the work of art”.
I first managed to apply virtual restoration to the portrait of Annunziata by Antonello da Messina and I showed it to the Regional Gallery Director of Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo. Then, I published this prototype of virtual restoration on-line (web site: www.edscuola.com) in order to give users the opportunity for a public debate in my own online review: Interlinea.
The virtual restoration laboratory is an educational training resource for new professions and it involves:
v The thorough examination of historic and artistic research about the works of art; v The “Listening to the Artist’s Voice” activity: the teaching methodology of how to listen to your own silence in order to hear the artist speak; v The reading of a work of art in order to understand the Author’s intentions and purposes; v The acquisition of critical skills for pictorial integration; v The acquisition of skills for the compilation and cataloguing of the identity cards for the works of art; v The acquisition of knowledge of the use of digital techniques; v The planning of theses about the preservation of the work of art; v Photographic study techniques: the analysis of images in order to acquire structural and chromatic readings of the work of art; v The modelling of real restoration work, the virtual reconstruction of the fragments and of the lost parts; v The acquisition of skills for the realization of virtual posters, educational video clip, and multimedia identity cards of works of art.
COURSE Methodology for the virtual restoration of pictorial art
The course provides an opportunity for students to attend seminars that deal with theoretical and practical syllabi intended to help students acquire the knowledge necessary for a good use of virtual restoration methodology and techniques. Virtual restoration is a fundamental resource in order to analyse thoroughly the critical studies and the historic research about the pictorial work of art. Moreover, virtual restoration is a very useful method for the virtual modelling of restoration work by utilising the newest diagnostic techniques about the preservation state of the works of art.
Virtual restoration can be also considered an innovative resource to create new job opportunities for people who want to operate in the field of the conservation/preservation of artistic heritage such as: Experts on pictorial integration for restoration laboratories; Experts on compilation and cataloguing of multimedia identity cards for archives; Experts on didactic communication for the museum teaching programs.
Potential usersInstitutions that are interested in the preservation and conservation of an historical and artistic heritage; Courses for degrees in Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage; Schools for restoration; Alumni of artistic high schools, art institutes and academies.
Didactic methodologyTheoretical lessons in multimedia lecture halls; Practical lessons in multimedia laboratories; Tutoring and E-Learning Requirements: knowledge and use of Windows XP and Microsoft Office. Course StructureModule I “Listening to the Artist’s Voice”: for a dialogue with the Author of the work of art. Teaching methodology of “feeling the silence.” An introduction to Virtual Restoration: An Outline of Virtual Restoration Methodology as a point of reference for virtual restoration procedures. An Outline of Virtual Restoration Methodology as innovative instrument for a non-invasive virtual modelling of real restoration work.
Module II Analysis of a prototype of virtual restoration: the virtual restoration process of Annunziata by Antonello da Messina (multimedia work: Maria di Antonello e Restauro Virtuale) in order to illustrate the development of a thesis of intervention.
Module III Practical classes: Virtual restoration techniques applied to digital images of pictorial work of art. Photographic study techniques. Diagnostic techniques. Realization of power point posters and videos.
The length of each module will depend on the principal interests of the host institute.
Copyrighted materials used for the course:
di Antonello e restauro virtuale" - opera multimediale di Nadia
Scardeoni, Esempi di Restauro Virtuale di Nadia Scardeoni Web http://restaurovirtuale.splinder.com
Essential BibliographyAbstracts from:
Info: http://www.nadiascardeoni.com
Author: Nadia Scardeoni (Scardeoni P 29) Email: giopal84@tin.it - +393472542819
Facoltà di Ingegneria - UNIPA prof. EDOARDO ARDIZZONE Responsabile dell'area : Elaborazione delle Immagini Digitali
CNR-ITDF PALERMO prof. MARIO ALLEGRA Responsabile dell'area : E-learning
DIP. SENFIMIZO UNIPA Prof. GIOVANNI LIOTTA DIAGNOSTICA degli agenti entomatici di degrado ( Annunziata / http://www.edscuola.com/archivio/interlinea/vergine_annunziata.pdf ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link
Annunziata di Antonello: primorestaurovirtuale©in rete http://www.edscuola.com/archivio/interlinea/sondan.html
Metodologia del restauro virtuale© http://www.edscuola.com/archivio/interlinea/metodologia_del_restauro_virtuale.htm
http://www.lswn.it/conferenze/2006/multi_quality_approach_to_cultural_heritage Formazione Presentazioni: Nadia Scardeoni, Metodologia del restauro virtuale di opere d’arte pittoriche http://sij07.cnr.it/pubblicazioni/prog_post.htm
BTA - Bollettino Telematico dell'Arte, 28 Ottobre 2005 http://www.bta.it/txt/a0/04/bta00411.html http://www.bta.it/txt/a0/04/en/bta00411.html INTERLINEA di Nadia Scardeoni http://www.edscuola.com/interlinea.html workinprogress
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