BLU.eS - e.Learning Project for European e.LEARNING –CALL/
Search For Partners :BLU.eS VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY is a project building up an interactive interface between SME’s Districts and Universities, to develop e.learning systems improving the knowledge based “net- economy” (kb-economy) for knowledge creative management improvement of “e. Europe”.
Preliminary message :
The interactivity of internet & multimedia technologies has transformed the way we communicate, the way we develop knowledge, and how we do business. As a consequence interactivity it has also changed the way we learn and train in a networked co-operation with other organisations.
Today the rapid obsolescence of the acquired knowledge, the rhythms of renewal of the managerial competencies, and the cycles of regeneration of know-how, represents factors of crisis and failure for entrepreneurs, manager and business persons in the net economy development
Therefore Internet- Multimedia e.learning solutions, focused on providing knowledge management for net-economy businesses, is becoming an established strategic goal, sharing knowledge among Universities and SME’s , that will be crucial in the drive for competitive advantage in all the emerging priority areas of development for European Enterprises .
Tacking into account of the above statements, and remembering that one
fundamental objective of Lisbon 2000 European commission extraordinary
meeting. was to create a European knowledge-based economy (kb-Economy)
hence , aiming to participate to the call of the European “e.learning
“ Program (dead line 16 Nov.2001) see:
, the PIN scrl of the University of Florence in co-operation with LRE/EGO-CreaNET
of the University of Florence , and also with some other Italian Partners,
initiate to search for some European partners to develop a pilot project
of a new Virtual Networked University to linking “ with e.learning”
, named:
“ Business Labour University for Electronic Society “.
The proposed Virtual University “BLU.eS” will be an example of a type of initiative finalised to facilitate a common action between University and Enterprises and other socio-economic public and private actors, to develop an “e.learning” pilot project for life –wide long education , in a way for which it can be possible to overcome barriers for opening to a permanent interactive higher education, the European entrepreneurs, managers, and executive administrators of companies and industries. Especially attention will be addressed to SME’s growing demand for careers re- skilling on the favourite areas of BLUeS University “e-learning” that will be focused on : Knowledge management for net-economy development.
The BLU.eS Virtual University will be organised as well as a partnership consortium for collaborative “e.learning” development among European Universities and and other socio-economics enterprises; the key strategic area will be to produce advanced competitiveness help-lines and Web-resources and learning materials, for European Sme’s in the “Net Ecomomy”scenario, as a result of a system of “education on demand” , that will be the product an integrated original thinking approach among developmental research and the best practices of “e.learning” enterprises for the development of e. Europe.
For improving the BLU.eS European project the PIN scrl of the University of Florence , start searching for partners willing to co-operate with us to define the following issues, within a common “modus of operandi” for developing a co-operative platform on new e.learning virtual environments ; therefore we look for partners able to collaborate to us giving a contribution about the following topics :
- 1) the benefits for an European added value of the “Virtual
University BLU.eS , organised as well as a pilot project for enterprises and
entrepreneurs in the key subject areas of the “Net Economy”
- 2) the need to establish a common developmental research creative
laboratory for better understand e. learning innovative solutions for
the priority areas related to the net-economy European development
- 3) the strategy to support life -wide -long interactive learning for
user group composed by managers and business persons, aiming to identify
and diffuse e-learning demonstrations for key developmental areas.
- 4) the implementation and sustainability model of the collaborative
e.learning practices of the BLU eS Virtual University aiming to describe
an e. brainwork-based e. learning action plan for “e. Europe”
competitive advancement
- 5) the technological infrastructure for electronic editions of interactive
- ( Web-portal, Web Conferencing etc.. etc..) and the human resources
team-staff, required to support a BLU.eS Virtual University special
6) Who should attend as partner of the BLU.eS Virtual University ?
European Universities and “e. Learning” European
Enterprises and all that will be able to develop e-Learning Innovative
Actions !
Thanking you for the kind attention, I hope to receive some contacts for a preliminary adhesion to the proposed establishment of the BLU.eS Virtual University - European joint - project.
Florence, 06/July/ 2001
Paolo Manzelli
(tel: +39/055/332549)