Prima Pagina
Reg. Tribunale Lecce n. 662 del 01.07.1997
Direttore responsabile: Dario Cillo


ESF 2006 Exploratory  Workshops

Standing Committee for the Life, Environmental & Earth Sciences (LESF)


·      Workshop title:




·      Proposed dates and location of the workshop


13-14- NOV 2006 -  

Palazzo Strozzi Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario Vieussieux-Firenze- Italy.



·      Name and full coordinates of applicant(s)


Dr. Paolo Manzelli c/o Department of Chemistry ,Scientific Pole -SESTO 50019 Firenze- Via Della Lastruccia 3 : Phone: +39/055-4573135 Fax: +39/055-4573077; Mobile: +39/335-6760004 , Director of the Laboratory of Educational Research and President of the Telematics International Association EGOCREANET .



·      Keywords relating to the proposed workshop

Life Science Paradigm, Energy Information Dualism, Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Epigenetic Medicine, Bio-technology.



·      Abstract of the proposed workshop topic (50-70 words)

European Exploratory  Worksop Titled :  LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION would like to challenge about the value of the contemporary change of scientific paradigm and the inevitability of scientific and social progress as they conceptualised and attempted to solve the "bio-information" problems  for a better understanding of the Science of Life and  for getting a new impact favouring the development  of  European Science in the context of growing up  Knowledge Society.



·      The case for an exploratory workshop (2-4 pages)

Aims and Objectives  of the Workshop titled : LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION

"Sustainable development  of European Knowledge Society  seeks to combine motivations and consensus by European Citizen on three different perspectives , i.e. social, economic, and scientific one.

The above statement is more and more important when the science advancements concern the "Life Sciences" ( for instance , Developmental Biology ( Genetics and proteomics relationships), Evolutionary Biology ( Signal transduction) ,  Bio- medicine and bio-pharmacy applications ( stem cells) , bio-neurology behaviour in humans animals and plants  ( neurotransmitters , hormones and feromons) and so on.

Therefore the workshop titled : LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION supports this important goal through developing  a comparative European research in the LIFE SCIENCE complementary  fields and approaches also working to disseminate the scientific advancement in an integrated multidisciplinary contest able to integrate economic and social values for a sustainable Knowledge Society development. 


This can be made (a) -Organizing the  workshop titled : <LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION> that will be held in two days in Florence c/o the antique Gabinetto Scientifico e Letterario VIEUSSEUX    < > in Palazzo Strozzi in Florence Italy where it will be possible to incorporate a multiplicity of historical perspectives; (b)- using WEB- methodology  on Bio-Information dissemination, for improving a better level of LIFE SCIENCE knowledge  in a way that citizen become more sensitive to appreciate the science and society complementary  future development 




European Exploratory  Worksop Titled : < LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION > (two days )


The Workshop would like to challenge about the value of the contemporary change of scientific paradigm regarding the concept of Biological information  and as a consequence about the inevitability of scientific and social progress coming from the conceptualization of the new paradigm  that will be attempted to solve the "information " problems both in Science and Economy in the forthcoming development of European Society. Following the above aims and objectives oriented to make Life Science frontiers more attractive  to people, EGOCREANET/LRE of the University of Florence (It) , before realised a successful enterprise  organizing the previous  National Seminar of SCIENCE WEEK 2005 .

( see: ).  This 2005-Seminar was  oriented  to give a look to the future of science  for  improving “bio-information” in science and society.

In similar way, but now extended to an participation to  European level,  the schema of the “Exploratory workshop on Life Science Communication 2006”  , will be planned on the following interdisciplinary topics, all  including  as well as a centre of gravity, the general theme of the “Science of Life”. The character of the lectures will be made monographic theme expressed in a simple and understandable language as it will be necessary for an interdisciplinary audience. A list of  proposed lecturer will be selected on the basis of their curricula and of their scientific excellence in relation to the following topics: (1-5) First day , (6-9) Second day .


1)       Energy /Matter / Information Paradigm  .

2)       Molecular life origin : bio-catalysis and chemical communication

3)       Genetic and Epigenetic interaction in the Life evolution (“stem cells differentiation”)

4)       Bio-gene communication in  micro-living systems (prokaryotes and eukaryotes)

5)       Plant Neurology and other Plant systems of communication

6)       Communication strategies of social insects .

7)       Comparative neurology in animals and humans (“Mirror Neurons”)

8)       Recent discoveries in human neurology  in relation to enhancing creativity

9)       Web- Learning initiatives for Life Sciences Communication



Brief illustration of those  primary topics.


1)       Science developed in the context of Industrial Society exclusively deal with objective observable reality and for this approach accepts a dualistic nature of Energy and Information where information is considered as well as a subjective entity. Looking to the post industrial knowledge society where is becoming important to transform virtual ideas into tangible systems and economic effective co-organization in the networking economy , the “information –energy duality” need to be changed because the great interdependence of the two properties in a not mechanical understanding  of nature and also in the “information society” contemporary development where information is becoming more fundamental than energy.  So that Information theory has been changing in the last decades. Information “bits” effectively encoded in Energy states for instance they are represented by electron spin up or spin down to interpret various dynamic systems of communication in nature. Moreover recently the studies of the of the catalytic transformation in chemistry and biochemistry represents the catalysis as an informational system able to transform chaos to order in the dynamic transformation of dissipative structures where self-organization process occurs. Therefore a fundamental look to the future of science is focused on the missing the old paradigm based on the Information-energy duality and transforming it in a less reductive  self- organizing systems of Life Science understanding.  (


2)       Advanced understanding of Molecular Life Origin allows us to investigate cellular processes in such detail that we can finely tackle one of human’s ultimate questions: ‘What is Life?’. Chemical evolution that led to the origin of life is an important study to understand the catalytic behaviour of earth , when small organic molecules, like amino acids, could accumulate in the pores of a zeolite for assembling them into proteins and protecting them from destruction by the sun light. Those studies can generate an important impact factor also for contemporary planetary change and for opening new imagination and strategies of the future improvement ,oriented by human knowledge, for expending the living system in the other planet of Universe.



3)       This topic in the mind of the convenors means  to open a debate towards An Epigenetic Biology and Biomedicine. Modern biomedicine has replaced the concept of "organism" seen as well as  a survival machine in which life is reduced to the mechanistic workings of an evolved collection of genes, this because the old approach of genetic dogma based on a mechanical reductionism  does not permit as promised a linear genetic prediction of health. or diagnosis of disease. The logic of health and disease resides not in genes alone, but in an epigenetic regulatory codex recognized in cells and in all organisms - networks that are coextensive with the external world and reply together to  genetic and epigenetic codifications. Starting from those considerations this  topic concerns the necessity for the future of science to go beyond the  Reductionism of genetic determinism and to favour the emergence of Epigenetic Biology and Bio-medicine. A case study can be the grow factors of Stem Cells differentiation. Stem cells are important to cotemporary Life science both in theory of Bio-evolution and for advances opportunities in health care


4) Studies of Bio-genetic interaction of Micro living systems as well as body//antibody communication are fundamental for improving the understanding of the immune system evolution and open a better knowledge of the communication interactive  factors effecting of the anti-infective resistance of the human body. Also those research can give opportunities to develop  bio-nanotechnologies enhancing future productivity of bio-technology.


5)       Looking to the future of science it is possible to discover  the goodness of some intuition of the past where plants  are considered more similar to animals . Advances in plant physiology helped to confirm this, especially with regard to some of the basic physiological processes, such as respiration, digestion, and cell growth, where plants often provided the material of choice for experimental studies. All principal metabolic biochemical pathways are conserved in both animal and plant cells. As a big surprise, plants have been shown to be identical to animals from several other rather unexpected perspectives. For their reproduction, plants use identical sexual processes based on fusing sperm cells and ovocytes. Next, plants attacked by pathogens develop immunity using the corresponding processes and mechanisms operating in animals. Last but not least, both animals and plants use the same molecules and pathways to drive their circadian rhythms. Currently, plant science  has discovered a new area of “plant neuro-biology” because plants use not only action potentials but also synaptic modes of cell-cell communication . Remembering that the word neuron was taken by animal neurobiologists from the old Greek language where the original meaning of this word is vegetal fibre, thus, the term ‘plant neurobiology’ appears to be justified also though etymology  For more information see  Plant Neurology Congress in :



6) The multiple communication interaction of social insects has been studied as models of self-organization driven by pheromones  in a mechanical approach useful to utilize in feedback of robots. Today the approach is becoming different from the past because the ethologic research is more focused in the learning graphs signalling approach used by the biological systems in an interactive multi-agent information for collecting and communicating information about their environment. This new approach can develops modelling of general formations with limited sensory and communication capabilities. (




7)  The discovery of “mirror neurons”  made by the Italian Scientist Giacomo Rizzolatti (*) and collaborators , located in the frontal lobes get a reflection about the potential relevance to human brain evolution and hence for the creative methodology of learning. Scientists all over the world have recently confirmed  the importance  of  the  “mirror neuronal system” that explains how modelling/mimicking process it is central to much human learning and so that they start to explore the relationship between “mirror neuron’s activity” and our ability to imagine our own planned actions, in a way that can be empathetic, and can develop articulated speech and other forms of communication. “Mirror neurons” may thus eventually help to explain many teaching and e-learning ICT advancements in which cognitive and methodological modelling provides teachers and students to be connected with an effective behavioural interactive patterns. Those applications are till now experimented to follow and also to help the overcoming of some disabilities (such as autism) in which children can't read the minds of others. Therefore taking attention to the important function of “Mirror Neurons”, that theoretically allow also ‘virtual’ (off-line) information to be processed in computational ICT virtual models, it will become possible to enhance e-learning processes by means of the development of computer simulation models based on "imitation learning strategy" in a way that will provide a unifying framework between ICT applied on educational field and Human Learning potential based on computer “virtual reality imitation” in enhancing e-learning strategies. As a matter of facts ON-NS//Up applications on the neurological and cognitive sciences integrated  relationships will be purposeful also among the changes  between short working memory and long term permanent memory domain trying to acquire a new skill in the information society. (*)


8) Today through neuro- imagine  of brain  people can immediately seen the Neural Basis of Cognition, and Emotional Experience . As a matter of  facts  today cognitive processes  through neuro- imagine are not more largely non-conscious subjective elements as well as was considered in the cultural previous scientific cognitions. Also  the discoveries of the interactive functions of Mirrors Neurons can been given a new physiological approach to the natural basis of inter-subjectivity of learning of human brain by means the natural and historical environment Hence in spite of the Spinosa’ anticipation , taken into account by the Antonio Damasio speculations about the mistake of Cartesio , the  recent discoveries in human neurology are getting a deep challenge for changing the mechanical scientific thought .  Hence an expectation of  a radical deconstruction and reconstruction of scientific knowledge nowadays is  supported by a number of research in the cognitive neurosciences believing to help people social and individual enhancement, by means facilitating brain knowledge in all aspect of life including work , sport , schools health, creativities to enhance a better state of consciousness in mental and physical creative evolution .

 9) General contemporary trends  and problems of Education and Research development in conditions of emerging interactive ICT in an European LIFE SCIENCE  Environment will be included into new principles of Education in e. learning and e. book  editions. Therefore the conclusions of the ESF Workshop in Florence,  will be based on the contemporary paradigm shift . In particular main Principles of Teaching in Networked “bio-Information” Environment will be  developed in a open confrontation with existing experiences in Europe and in collaboration with the Bio-learning initiative c/o the University of Bologna (It) An important role for eLearning in helping their companies address important knowledge and e. learning issues will be focused in helping life-sciences companies to recognize more strategic and longer-term benefits in spending their sponsorship not only in the reclams of products but for improving  e. learning and advanced knowledge processes—which are especially important in the highly knowledge-intensive life-sciences industry—and better education of customer constituencies and business partners.


- exploratory, innovative character of the proposed topic


The transition between Industrial Society to Knowledge Society  offers an opportunity to change the paradigm for the mechanical schema to a new paradigm more constructive for Life Science understanding. As a matter of facts living systems do not represent mechanisms since also the genetic reductionism is clearly inadequate . The DNA linear dogma nowadays is considered an over-simplified schemata because the differences observable at all levels of biological organizations are strongly dependent by adaptative epigenetic functional characters. Very different organisms born in Nature from very similar genomes so that it is difficult to justify the linkage between genes and phenotypes , because genes do not control the complex regulation of epigenetic informational traits, so that today  is becoming no more sufficient to give as a unique reply that the biological evolution is depending by a Darwinian selectivity of the environment. Hence the proposed workshop on LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION, would like to explore in an interdisciplinary science dimension the importance of the concept of Information aiming to see if the pre-conceptual mechanical schema of science can be reorganized in a more useful paradigm.


- potential impact on new developments in science


A paradigm shift is a general change in an historical  belief of  people in socio-economic development that produces new behaviour in terms of the scientific view of the world. In fact following Thomas Kuhn ,we know that each historical cognitive paradigm specifies what are relevant questions and acceptable correlative interpretations in relation to the historical conditions of  development. The previous remark recognizes that any conceptual paradigm controls the underlying assumptions of culture and science of each productive epoch of developing societies. Hence, a new paradigm of science cognition can be invented when the development of society finds itself in a difficult crisis. Whereas only a few decades ago the products of science were associated with progress of society and at that time little thought was given to environmental impact, today the environmental and social impact of scientific deliverables get a lot of living risks including  bio-pollution and the progressive destruction of bio-diversity.

Therefore modern sciences   are viewed with general suspicion, by citizen popular understanding of the relationships between science and life.  Hence to promote a better  public understanding of Life sciences can be useful to start forward a deep reflection for improving a new paradigm of Life Sciences in a way that will be a  good approach for getting a great potential impact to the improvement of  a new link between science an European Knowledge Society development.


- scientific background and rationale


Typically, each monographic paper presented to the Exploratory Workshop on the general issue LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION will assume the aspect of a short problematic report introduction written in a  free-flowing text, without a structured format, in which authors explain the scientific background or context and emphasize the scientific underlying principle of their specific  knowledge  The rationale may be explanatory for an interdisciplinary audience. Authors should then describe briefly the broad approach taken to favour a subsequent study of  the problem. Authors should report the evidence of the benefits of any active and/or  critic contribution to the contemporary change of scientific paradigm.  They should also suggest a plausible explanation of the impact of the paradigm shift from mechanical one to the Life Science new paradigmatic approach , on bettering the contemporary public understanding of science in more attractive performance. The nature, scope, and severity of the problem should provide the background and a persuasive conceptual foundation for the future Life Science research in a contest of a shared interdisciplinary development.



- if interdisciplinary, describe in what way


The LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION exploratory workshop would provide an opportunity to examine and sharing research and ideas among a group of European  scientists working in various complemented fields  for thinking about how best to create, disseminate and manage a paradigm shift  for improving a correct  public understanding of the Science of the Life. The procedure to organize the international Exploratory workshop on the various fields of Life Science frontiers, will be planned using a methodology of sharing and debating research results coming from interdisciplinary topics all  including  the Science of Life.

Evidently the character of the lectures will be made monographic theme expressed in a simple and understandable language as it will be necessary for an interdisciplinary audience.


-                               provide a clear justification of the need for European-scale collaboration


-                               The principal justification concerns the future  Integration of an European interdisciplinary e. Learning Systems Life Sciences for connecting advanced research , and its popularization with Knowledge management of Bio- technological Industries.  E.Learning and knowledge-management tools and systems will be co-organized to support research collaboration by means realizing an annual exploratory workshop and also through Web portal (that allows archiving of Workshop sessions and searching of session contents ) and also through synchronous on line conferencing as part of asynchronous learning programs that can be developed in the next future. Another result of increasing collaborative activities is the growing role of informal, and increasingly Web-based, learning via virtual teams and communities of practice (CoPs), in part forming electronic communities (e-communities). For improving this expected results the Laboratory of Education-Research of the University of Florence  has established preliminary co-operation with the following partners that constitutes the Steering Committee of the EFS 2006 WORKSHOP (LESF) organized by Paolo Manzelli Director of the LRE/EGOCREANET of  the University of Florence-  Italy ; he will be the President of the Steering Commiteee:



1) Dr. Mihkel Pilv , MIKSIKE LearningFolders
Betooni 9, 51014, Tartu, Eesti/Estonia
Tel: +372 742 2550 ; GSM: +372 518 7695 ;Fax: +372 730 7970
Email:  :

2) Dr.Michael Schallies, University of Education Heidelberg (Germany)

Science Technology Society Institute ,Im Neuenheimer Feld 561

D-69120 Heidelberg, Phone: +49+6221-477 291, Fax: +49+6221-477 271

e. mail:


3) Prof.Laurence Simmoneaux , Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique Toulouse (France)

Phone : +33561753236 ; fax : +33561753486 ; e.mail :


4) Dr. Walter Staveloz, Exxecutive Director of  ECSITE

Contact :Susana Franco , Secretary to Walter Staveloz . Executive Office,  Coudenberg 70/5

B-1000 Brussels, Tel: + 32 2 649 73 83 ; Fax: + 32 2 647 50 98;



5) Prof. Lanfranco Masotti: Head of the Inter-academic Consortium for Biotechnologies

Department of Biochemistry - Pharmacy Section ,University of Bologna – (Italy)

Director of the Life Learning Center organized by the FONDAZIONE MARINO GOLINELLI ; tel : +39/051/6354771 - e.mail:


6) Consorzio Universitario in Ingegneria della Qualità – QUALITAL <>

Pisa Italy) ; Tel. +39 050 54 17 51;Fax +39 050 54 17 53;E.mail:


-       expected benefits and outcomes of the workshop, including possible future collaborative research activities


·         European objective of strengthening the European research area (ERA) should be done by collecting interdisciplinary researchers  through a collaboration to the same objective to be open to the Science and Society impact of and in this way to overcome the weaknesses of  science  frontiers understanding by promoting greater exploitation and dissemination  of  advanced science popularization to European citizen . Following the above contribution to   make science frontier more attractive to people. Consequently  the Exploratory workshop on LIFE SCIENCE COMMUNICATION, would like to initiate  as well as a "seed- project" , to find and test a strategy  oriented to favour a creative dynamics for implementing Life Science citizen understanding,  in a way that a scientists and people ( i.e. young researchers , policy makers, decision makers and so on) ,  will be oriented to facilitate FP6 and future FP7  projects  by means designing  the better assessment and legitimacy  of  Science of Life advanced research and technology in the context of European  socio-economic development . " On the bases of those goals the exploratory workshop will develop through an interactive  WEB-Portal a great  range of cross-border and multilateral initiatives in Life Science dissemination This would be aimed at (a) encouraging greater mutual and comparative understanding of the history and the advancements of Living Sciences and Technology  from an inter-disciplinary  perspective in collaboration with some European partners ; (b) favouring through an Annual European exploratory  workshops the growing up of  skills and values necessary for the development of civil society in the context of an extended Europe.



·      Preliminary workshop programme  13/14//NOV./2006


h.8.30 - Opening : Greetings from  invited  Public Intitutions ( European Commission, Ministry of Research, and Tuscany Region)


Presumable Speakers on the science topics


Morning session 13/NOV./2006  h.9.00- 13.00


  1. Energy /Matter / Information Paradigm

       Paolo Manzelli – <LREUNIFI.IT> Introduttive Talk

President of EGOCREANET/LRE Department of Chemistry University of Florence Italy


  1. Molecular life origin : biocatalysis and chemical communication

Isabelle Stengers , <> Faculty of Phylosophy - University of Bruxelles (Be)


  1. Genetic and Epigenetic interaction in the Life evolution ("stem cells differentiaton")

Dr. Jacques Hatzfeld, <>, Laboratoire de Biologie des cellules souches somatiques humaines - Unité Propre de Recherche 1983 CNRS, 94 800 Villejuif. France


Afternoon  Session 13/NOV./2006 h.15.00 – 18.00


  1. Bio-gene communication in  micro-living systems

Claudio Luchinat  < >- CERM – University of Florence Italy


  1. Plant Neurology and other Plant systems of communication

František Baluška  , <> IZMB, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, D-53115 Bonn, Germany



Morning Session 14/NOV./2006  h.9.00-13.00


  1. Communication strategies of social insects

Pekka Pamilo - <> Department of Biology, Box 3000, 90014 University of Oulu, Finland


  1. Comparative neurology in animals and humans ("Mirror Neurons")


Giacomo Rizzolatti , < > Human Physiology Faculty of Medicine and Surgery . Parma University Italy.


  1. Recent discoveries in human neurology  in relation to enhancing creativity


Itiel Dror , <> ,University of Southampton, School of Psychology,U.K.



Afternoon Session 14/NOV./2006  h.15.00 -17.30.



  1. Web- Learning initiatives for Life Sciences Communication


Mihkel Pilv ,  MIKSIKE Learning Company Tartu- Estonia

14/Nov. /2006 h. .17.30-18.00. Closing session : Forecast on future developments .

- how discussion is to be structured.

The character of the lectures will be made monographic theme expressed in a simple and understandable language as it will be necessary for an interdisciplinary audience. A list of  proposed lecturer will be selected on the basis of their curricula and of their scientific excellence in relation to the following topics: (1-5) First day , (5-9) Second day . The interdisciplinary debate will be focused on the need and the proposal for a future Expansion of LIFE SCIENCE e. learning initiatives to the extended European corporate enterprise , or consortia, or joint ventures in the field of Life Science and Technology.


·      List of proposed participants


1) Paolo Manzelli – University of Florence –LRE/Chemistry –Italy  (M)

2) Claudio Luchinat – University of Florence CERM- Biochemistry -Italy  (M)

3) Giacomo Rizzolatti –University of Padua –Neurology –Italy  (M)

4) Lanfranco Masotti –University of Bologna Bio-Chemistry – Italy (M)

5) Loredana Giannini , e.Learning Consorzio Qualital –Pisa  – Italy (W)

6) Isabelle Stengers – Philosofhy of Science (Belgium) (W)

7) Donatella Piccinetti – R&D Euro Consult  (Belgium) (W)

8) Susanna Franco – ECSITE- (Belgium ) (W)

9) Walter Staveloz ECSITE-Finland  (M)

10) Jacques Hatzfeld- Cells Biology – France (M)

11)  Albe Virginie , Education- Research in Science ENFA Toulouse-France (W)

12)  Cristine Du Camp , Education- Research in Science  ENFA-Toulouse-France (W)

13)  Simmoneaux Jean , Education- Research in Science  ENFA Toulouse-France  (W)

14) Simmoneaux Laurence , Education- Research in Science  ENFA Toulouse-France (W)

15)  Iolanda Mihalache , Education innovation , Romania (W)

16) Kostas Dimopoulos- Social and Education Policy –Greece (M)

17) Klaus J. Bönkost –Biology – Bremen University (Germany) (M)

18) František Baluška- Plant Neurology –(Germany) (M)

19) Isabel beuter  - Women Science Management –Germany (W)

20)  Michael Schallies University of Education Heidelberg (Germany) (M)

21) David Coates , BioHUBS Org-, University of Leeds U.K . (M)

22) Itiel E. Dror – Psycology - University of Southampton  U.K. (M)

23) Mihkel Pilv –MIKSITE Learning Company – Estonia (M)

24)  Emilio Lopez Borajos Zayos . Pedagogy- UNED –Madris –Spain (M)

25) Stasys Paulauskas , Sociology, Lithuania (M)

26) Regina Lakacauskiene – Food Tecnology, Kaunas Food Industry College Lithuania (W)

27) Tomaz Amon, Education in Biology Universtiy of Ljubljana, Slovenia (M)

28) Ozge Arun ,TUBITAK Food Agriculture MRC –Turkey (W)

29) Jacobus J. Boomsma  Evolutionary Ecology , Danish National Science Foundation Denmark (M)

30)   Reserved to EFS Official Invitation






Estimated budget



Participants n. 6-25:                € 400,00 x 25                                                   € 10.000


Participants 3, 4, 6-25                                                                                   €  8.000


Meals                                                                                                            €  5.000


Secretariat                                                                                                     €  1.500

Publication and dissemination                                                                      €  1.500


TOTAL                                                                                                          € 26.000


Probable requested supports from other sources other than  the ESF:



Tuscany REGION (€ 5.000,00) , Ente Cassa Risparmio Firenze (€ 6.000,00)



·      Brief curriculum vitae of the principal applicant(s)



LRE –of University of Florence  SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR- President and Legal Representative of  the EGO-CreaNET -International Telematics  (No for Profit) Association 


1) Family Name:   MANZELLI; 

2) First Name:       PAOLO

3)            Date of Birth:        25/JUNE/1937 ; 4)                Nationality:           ITALY

5)            Civil Status:          Married            ;  6)              Education / Professional studies:

Institution:  UNIVERSITY of Florence  ITALY

Date From/To: 1962-1967 ;Degree/: Phisical Chemistry

7)            Language Skills:  (Mark from 1 (notions) to 5 (excellent) for competence)

                               (*=mother tongue)

Language              Speaking               - Reading              -Writing

Italian ……………………..5………………...5……………..4

English                              4                        4                    3

Spanish                             2                        3                     1

Membership of Professional Bodies:

-President International Telematics Association EGO-CreaNET

9)            Other Skills:          Research on Education and economic development of Knowledge Society

10)  Present Position within the organisation:  Director of the Laboratory of Education-Research (LRE-EGO-CreaNET- Florence University -Italy  )

11) Years with the organisation: University of Florence Italy  40

12) Key Qualifications: (relevant to the project):  Brain  for improving projects for  knowledge management education and net-economy innovation.

13) Experience in Specific countries/territories :

                Country : SOMALILAND –AFRICA Professor of Chemistry .

Date :      1974 / 1981

Details: 1971-/73 Voluntary Cooperation for the Foundation of National Somaly University  - Mogadisciu

14)Professional Experience Record :

                Date: 1974 – 1981 –

Co-Organisation staff of the National University in SOMALILAND AFRICA Location: MOGADISCIU      

                Organisation: Department of Science ; Position: Professor of Agricultural Chemistry        

                Responsibilities: Coordinator of the Laboratory

15) Publications:

More than 300 publication (27 Chemical Phisics until 1974) after 1974 publication in Educational Research and Development in various Fields of Learning ( Chemistry, Pedagogy, Brain & Education)

16) European Programs

- 2002/03  – Partners coordinator of OGM LEONARDO Pilot Project  ,

-2002- 2004 - Partner of LeFo MINERVA EU Program


See ON LINE Publications  FROM 1998 – 2005  in :



·      Acronym(s) of the Standing Committee(s) into whose domain(s) your proposal falls and which will therefore probably handle its assessment (see list under "Contacts and Further Information"):  ESF


EFS : Jane Swift

> Tel: +33 (0)3 88 76 71 29

> Fax: +33 (0)3 88 37 05 32





- Details of 3 international experts who could referee this proposal.


1) Prof. Ivano Bertini <>; <> ; Director of the Centro Risonanze Magnetiche (CERM) Dep-Chemistry University of Florence Italy.Via della Lastruccia, 3 - 50019 Sesto (It) Tel. 055 4574272 - 4574273 – 4573318; Fax 055 4574271 - 4574253


2) Prof. Michal Giboda (Czech  Republic) <> +420 387 229 140 ; +420 732 939 561 ; ; Prof Michal Giboda : Parasitology, Institute of Parasitology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovakia. President of the Civic Action Group on the "Dialogue between Science and Art", Czech Republic <>: e.mail : Mobil ++420 732 939 561


3) Prof. Vasilis Kouladis (Greece) <>; tel.: +30-27410-74980, fax:   +30-27410-74990 -  Deputy President, Dept. of Social and Educational Policy,University of Peloponnese, Damaskinou & Kolokotroni str.20100, Korinthos, Greece . Director Education Laboratory of the University of Patras, Greece. Member of the Commission Benchmarking the Promotion of RTD  Culture and Public Understanfing of Science of the European Commission


·      Optional (and in strict confidence): Names and affiliations of persons not to be asked to referee the proposal, in particular due to a "conflict of interest*".

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