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Reg. Tribunale Lecce n. 662 del 01.07.1997
Direttore responsabile: Dario Cillo



 Paolo Manzelli*, Giuseppe Quartieri**, Vincenzo I. Valenzi***, Giorgio Monaco***


* Chemical Physicist - University of Florence, Italy

**PhD, Centro Studi di Biometeorologia & Omegadati Srl, Rome
***MD, Cattedra di Medicina del Mare-Centro di Biofisica clinica University of Rome “La Sapienza”
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Frequent and serious environmental disasters and catastrophes are the most important events that characterize the modern life mainly due to quick climatic variations.  In this meteorological kind of frame, it is considered really interesting and appropriate to notify the studies and researches on Storm Glass made by  Prof  Giorgio Piccardi (1895-1972) at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the University of Florence. Actually “Storm Glass”  are very well known since the days of the Alchemies, and  are made up of super saturated idroalcolica solution of Camphor mixed with small quantities of nitrate and ammonium salts hermetically sealed in glass test tube at constant temperature. Still nowadays, these Storm Glass tests  are extensively used to forecast the atmospheric weather conditions and consequently, really in not very appropriate way, they are named “Chemical Barometers”. From chemical physic point of view, Storm Glass tests are an example of dynamic oscillating  systems  at equilibrium, also very well  knows as Clock Reactions. In these kind of reactions, provided that the thermodynamic variables (temperature, pressure, density and so on) are maintained constant, the system  is time dependable and its solubility varies producing sensible precipitate quantities ranging a lot due the influence of meteorological, electromagnetic and gravitational  environmental factors.

Giorgio Piccardi mostly empirical researches on the meteorological behaviour of the Storm Glass allow to deduce that the oscillating chemical system modifies its solubility properties  according to the applied electromagnetic fields. Why this phenomenon happens is still unknown until now. No theoretical model has been developed hat is really able to explain the phenomenon. So, the nature of this interaction that appears to be dependent upon the frequency of the applied electromagnetic field, is still not clear with exception to the range of very long  wave lengths.

After Giorgio Piccardi studies these chemical oscillating precipitating systems have been subject to many other studies all over the world;  for example, a communication on the subject has been given at the Cosmos and Biosphere Congress in Crimea  in Sept. 2003  whist from summer 2003, these studies are under observations of the Meteorology Group of Prof. Palmieri, that in his lab room has detected some anomalous precipitations that remain until now without any kind of explanations or interpretations. During the first week of  February of this year  a new kind of precipitate has been noted in the above Storm Glass test. During the same period of time, at the Astrophysics Observatory of Rome  it has been measured an increase of road accidents just in correspondence with a pick of the solar activities, peculiarly in the 4th of February 2005. It become spontaneous to correlate this event to the analogous  air crash events notified by Alexander  Konradov in correspondence with anomalous magnetic solar activities as presented at the same Crimea Congress dated 2003.Contemporarely, it has been indicated and notified conscience status alterations in subject units  that are normally in optimum health conditions, associated to important alterations of the cenestesys and of the performance status.

All these observations suggest and promote a paramount extension and increment of the studies on the influences of the “Cosmic Weather” on biologic systems and on the human physiopathology based upon the sector experience too. 


Storm Glass - Ingredienti : ;
Giorgio Piccardi :
Reazioni Chimiche e Cosmologia:
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