Nota 13 marzo 2002 Prot. n 5297/INT/U04 Oggetto: Bando di partecipazione ai progetti organizzati dall'UNESCO L'UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, in collaborazione con l'YMCA di Salonicco e l'Association of Interbalkan Women's Cooperation Societies, organizza per il corrente anno i seguenti due campi estivi, destinati ai giovani del Sud-Est Europeo e dell'area Mediterranea:
Per entrambi i progetti la domanda va inviata, entro il termine del 30 Marzo 2002, al seguente indirizzo:
Si allegano:
The UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, in partnership with the Y.M.C.A. Thessaloniki and the Association of Interbalkan Women’s Cooperation Societies, organizes a Youth Creative Camp for children of both sexes, aged 12-15 years.
The main targets of the project are the promotion of the dialogue among youths coming from various cultural environments, the tightening of friendly relationships based on reciprocal respect, tolerance and better understanding, as well as the stimulation of the harmonious development of the participants’ personality (especially, their high sense of responsibility, their solidarity and their commitment to the noble ideals of the United Nations).
The camp will be hosted at the YMCA Summer Camp of Agios Nikolaos, in Halkidiki, from August 23 to September 3, 2002. All costs on the territory of Greece (including accommodation, meals and the social events on the agenda) are covered by the organizers. International travel costs are to the charge of the participants.
In order to facilitate the implementation of the proposed aims, the participants must be fluent in English, the official language of the project. Good communication abilities, previous experience in camping and a propensity for active life and physical exercise are important assets. One adult group leader is expected to accompany the participating children.
Persons wishing to participate in the project must apply before March 30, by submitting the attached forms (Application Form, Medical Information), duly filled in, to the National Commission for UNESCO.
A liaison service opened at the UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries for all further information and assistance. The service can be contacted daily, from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. local hour, by phone (30 310 422270). Our fax (30310 422 271) and e-mail services (unescenter@the.forthnet.gr) are permanently open.
Youth Creative camp – YMCA Camp, Ag. Nikolaos, Halkidiki APPLICATION FORM PARTICIPANTS 1. Name: Address:
Telephone: E-mail: Date of birth: male female age: Any comments:
Previous camp experience:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
2. Name: Address:
Telephone: E-mail: Date of birth: male female age: Any comments:
Previous camp experience:
Emergency contact name and telephone number: Youth Camp - Y.M.C.A. Camp, Ag. Nikolaos, Halkidiki MEDICAL INFORMATION Name and surname of camper
THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN Blood type Date of last tetanus vaccination Date of last physical examination Are you aware of a medical condition the participant may have that the camp should know about (such as allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.)
Are you aware of any medication or food that the participant should not be given?
The participant has been examined by the signing physician and was
found in healthy condition except for the following problems
The participant can participate in all camp activities except for
Name of Physician Telephone#
Date Physician’s signature and stamp
Dear Participants, YMCA’s expectation is not only your children’s accommodation at the camp to be a pleasant experience but also to provide them the necessary supplies in order to face their own obligation towards the society and their life.
Team-staff Our greatest investment in the camp is the staff. In every tent of 12 persons there is one leader. Specific staff and assistants are directing the activities in every section of the program. Program The program of the camp is plenty and all the activities are done with the guidance of experience staff. Our main intention is the security of the camper. Daily program 7:30 Waking up 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Timework 9:00 Assignments 9:45 Morning activities (they participate in all the activities cyclical) 13:30 Lance ![]() 14:00 Canteen 14:30 Rest 16:30 Waking up 16:45 Evening activities 19:30 Dinner 20:00 Canteen 20:45 Entertainment 22:30 Silencing Medical care It is essential that before the beginning of the camp the children be examined by doctor. According to the rules of the camp we do not allow the children to keep any medicine in the tents. Only the Physician of the camp deposits and administrates the pharmaceuticals, even those that some children might need, routinely. Food The food that we provide in the camp is made of fresh and pure raw materials and the preparation is unique. We do not use pre-cooked or frozen food. Valuables and personal belonging The camp cannot be held responsible for any lose or damage of any valuables or personal belongings. Clothes & necessary things The camp is a place where somebody can wear old clothes. All the clothes and possessions of the camper must be marked. The campers must bring as less as possible things in a small suitcase. Necessary supplies Sleeping-bag 2 sheets A (very) small pillow Underwear t-shirts Shorts/Bermudas 1 pair of trousers ![]() Pullover Jacket Pijamas Trainers-shoes Slippers Raincoat Swimming suit Hat or cap Stocks Towels, shampoo, comb Toothbrush, toothpaste Torch Water canteen Rucksack (30-40 Lit) Bag for the laundry Desired supplies (to be brought by group leaders only) Painting-crafting materials Books and magazines Notebook and pencil Music instruments Not allowed Walkman & Discman Expensive watches Golden jewelries Cameras Switch knifes Electronic games Telephone Parents can use the telephone number: ++30375 31236 if there is an emergency or concern for their children where the will communicate with the leader of the tent or the manager of the program or the director of the camp. Generally, the campers are not allowed to have communication by phone. Only correspondence is desirable and acceptable. Mobile phones are prohibited at the camp. Address YMCA CAMP "CHALKIDIKI" AGIOS NIKOLAOS 63078 CHALKIDIKI TEL:++30 375 31236 FAX:++30 375 32194
The UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, in partnership with the Y.M.C.A. Thessaloniki and the Association of Interbalkan Women’s Cooperation Societies, organizes a summer camp, for university students of both sexes, aged 18 - 25 years, preferably undertaking studies in such fields like ecology, natural sciences, history, history of art and ethnography.
The project aims at forwarding information on the policies of the United Nations and UNESCO concerning biodiversity, the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural (tangible & intangible) inheritance, at providing the basis for the future positive reaction of the participants towards environmental issues, as well as at offering the opportunity for improved communication among young people and for inter-cultural dialogue.
The camp will be hosted at the Y.M.C.A. Camp, in Nympheon, a country-side community in Northern Greece, between August 5 to 18, 2002.. All costs on the territory of Greece (including accommodation, meals and the social events on the agenda) are covered by the organizers. International travel costs are to the charge of the participants.
In order to facilitate the implementation of the proposed aims, the participants must be fluent in English, the official language of the project. Good communication abilities, previous experience in camping, professional interest in research on ecology and ethnography issues, as well as a propensity for active life and physical exercise are important assets.
Persons wishing to participate in the project must apply before March 30, by submitting the attached forms (Application Form & Medical Information) duly filled in, to the National Commission for UNESCO.
A liaison service opened at the UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries for all further information and assistance. The service can be contacted daily, from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. local hour, by phone (30 310 422270). Our fax (30310 422 271) and e-mail services ( unescenter@the.forthnet.gr) are permanently
APPLICATION FORM (for participants in the Youth Camp, YMCA Camp Nympheon, Greece) 1. Name: Address:
Telephone: E-mail: Date of birth: male female age: Any comments:
Previous camp experience:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
2. Name: Address:
Telephone: E-mail: Date of birth: male female age: Any comments:
Previous camp experience:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
Youth Camp, Y.M.C.A .Camp, Nympheon, GreeceMEDICAL INFORMATION Name and surname of camper
THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN Blood type Date of last tetanus vaccination Date of last physical examination Are you aware of a medical condition the participant may have that the camp should know about (such as allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.)
Are you aware of any medications or foods that the participant should not be given?
The participant has been examined by the signing physician and was
found in healthy condition except for the following problems
The participant can participate in all camp activities except for
Name of Physician Telephone#
Date Physician’s signature and seal
Participant’ s signature Youth Camp Nympheon, Northern Greece, August 3-18, 2002
UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries in partnership with Y.M.C.A. Thessaloniki, developed the project of a summer camp to be hosted between August 5 to 18, 2002, in the Y.M.C.A. Camp, in Nympheon, a country-side community in Northern Greece,well known for its superb location and for the originality of its long-preserved cultural traditions.
The camp is expected to bring together university students, aged 18-25 years, from the 30 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, who are geographically located in the South East European and in the Mediterranean regions.
Project Objectives
The project aims at: ( a ) forwarding information on the policies of the United Nations and UNESCO concerning biodiversity, the protection and preservation of the natural environment, aiming at providing the basis for the future positive reaction of the participants towards environmental issues; ( b ) informing the participants on the policy of UNESCO on cultural diversity, on the programs of action aiming at preserving, protecting and promoting the cultural spaces, the traditional culture and its oral forms of expression; ( c ) enabling the participants to become familiar with the local traditional arts and crafts, with the various cultural identities and with the long-date exchanges among them, in the Balkan area; ( d ) providing the opportunity for improved communication, dialogue and information-sharing among young people belonging to various cultural backgrounds, in the spirit of friendship, mutual respect and tolerance incurred by the Program of action for a culture of peace, as well as enabling them to become familiar to each other, encouraging their team work through a variety of creative educational, cultural and leisure programs, promoting an open and constructive dialogue on issues of general significance like peace, commitment in action and the measure of actual success and failure; ( e ) establishing a continuous and hopefully lasting system of exchanges among young people from various countries as a support for their future collaboration, as well as stimulating their proneness to believe in and to rely on trans-border solidarity.
The background of the Project
The project is meant to support three fundamental commitments, namely : ( a ) to educate on environmental issues a group particularly responsive to training and susceptible to take positive action; ( b ) to promote a favorable attitude towards biological and cultural diversity, ( c) to assist the dissemination of the values of the culture of peace and the education of younger generations in the spirit of these ideals, through inter-cultural dialogue and sustained exchanges.
The camp is therefore specifically focused on opinion-building mechanisms, and it is expected to acquaint the participants with the United Nations policies on issues of paramount importance, like the environment and the diversity, as well as to create a meeting place where differences and similarities will be brought together in a stimulating dialogue.
The organizers consider it very important to give youths the chance to meet with other young people with whom they share the same concerns, memories, expectations, with whom they share the responsibility for the future of our planet and of our civilization. As the project is focusing on the diversity of cultural expression in the area, it will implicitly offer substantial support to the endeavors targeted at preserving the cultural inheritance and this by educating positive attitudes among the young people, before old mentalities had influenced them and distorted their thinking and understanding.
Short Summary of the project
The project includes the consecutive activities in the organization of the Youth Summer Camp between August 3 – 18, 2002, in the Y.M.C.A. Camp of Nympheon.
(a) The Camp Nympheon is a mountain village located at an altitude of 1350 m in the Vitsi Mountain, in Northern Greece. The place became lately a common leisure area, for an ever increasing number of visitors, who are attracted by the splendor of the nature and the rich local folklore.
The camp is built on a wide plateau of 40000 square meters, in the middle of woods of Mediterranean pine, hosting the brown bears, a species protected within a thorough program benefiting wildlife in Northern Greece. The camp can accommodate, for the time being, sixty persons, hosted in five stone houses build in the traditional local style. The main building of the camp includes a dinning hall, the kitchen, an entertainment room, medical facilities and storage rooms.
(a) Prerequisites for participation The Camp will accept university students of both sexes, aged 18 - 25 years, preferably undertaking studies in such fields like ecology, natural sciences, history, history of art, ethnography, and able to communicate easily in English. The experience of other international camps demonstrated that the communication is vital for the success of the enterprise. The good command of English is equally important for the personnel (especially for the trained animators), whose role of catalysts of the dialogue depends essentially on their good communication with the multi-national target groups.
Advanced knowledge and research experience on diversity, both biological and cultural, will be considered supplementary assets, especially if demonstrated in previous public events, like symposiums, meetings and training programs.
Physical fitness and previous sportive activities are also to be considered important assets, because the program includes a variety of sportive events, as well as a considerable number of walks and sight-seeing tours on foot, in the surrounding country-side.
Previous camp experience is seen to be of particular importance, in view of the successful integration in the project and for the deeper understanding of the aims of such a multi-national exercise.
Nevertheless, the most important personal characteristics for eligibility should be the adaptability, the openness of mind, a developed sense of initiative and responsibility, a definite eagerness for sharing and team work and a taste for new experiences.
Two representatives will be accepted from each target country, bringing the total number of participants to 60. It is expected that more persons, responsible with training and leisure programs, would join the camp, for various periods of time.
(b) The program The agenda will include training, leisure activities, as well as various physical fitness programs, but the main focus will be placed on the promotion of the inter-cultural dialogue and on the education of response patterns based on the respect for diversity.
The daily camp program will therefore include such activities, like: sessions of environmental education in a variety of formats (workshops, information excursions and study tours to the adjoining areas, presentation of multi-media programs), outdoor activities, excursions on foot to the surrounding area, practicing various sports ( jogging, volleyball, basket, horse riding, mountain biking, archery), demonstrations of traditional crafts and household occupations, mostly the traditional preparation of the famous local foodstuffs (bread baking, jam cooking, cheese processing, etc.) and initiative games. Special attention will be given to visits, meetings and participation in events organized by the village community, in Nympheon, as a way of acquainting the participants with the tremendously rich and original traditional culture of the local population.
As each participant is the bearer of a specific cultural tradition, of group stereotypes and mentalities, the communication among them will actually become an inter-cultural dialogue. The individuals and the groups are expected to contribute towards the stimulation of the dialogue, by bringing to the fore and proposing for common reflection their personal experience, the literary productions, dances, tunes, and other forms of cultural expression in the cultural space of their origin.
The stimulation of the active response of the participants will also be a main concern of the organizers. The reason is that, in elaborating answers to various challenges, team work is requested and friendly collaborative relationships develop more easily. More than that, creating the awareness for the urgent need of active involvement in all issues important for the life of the community, is an excellent way of stimulating the sense of responsibility for the common welfare, as a basic characteristic shaping individual responses and attitudes. Thus more than one aims of the project are fulfilled.
Expected outcome
The main outcomes of the project will be : Þ the dissemination of the values of the culture of peace among the members of a particularly responsive age-group, Þ the promotion of the inter-cultural dialogue,
What to bring….. The following list will help you to get ready to attend the program of the camp. All the equipment listed bellow are essential. ü Back packü Sleeping bagü Long trousers (slacks)ü Sweat shirtü Rain coatü Flash lightü Water canteen (flask)ü Sport shoesü Playsuitü T-shirtsü Shorts / bermoudasü Two bed-sheetsü Two pillowcasesü Slippersü Socks (6-8 pairs)ü Hat or capü Sun glassesü Warm padded coat (parka)ü Mountain shoesYou should know that the weather changes easily and it can be very hot and very cold during the same day Have a nice time. Good luck |
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