per Funzionari delle Amministrazioni Centrali e Locali nell’area dei
Balcani e del Mediterraneo (NeBaMe)
del Programma
CIRPS - Università degli
Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Aula del Chiostro – Via
Eudossiana, 18 - Roma
14 Aprile 2003
Prof. Vincenzo NASO
Direttore CIRPS
ruolo del MAE, partner del Programma
Cons. Laura
Ufficio IX, DGCS - MAE
Presentazione di NeBaMe
Direttore NeBaMe
L’Università “della Tuscia” e NeBaMe
Prof. Marco MANCINI*
Roberto CARPANO - Membro Associato CIRPS
Giorgio SIMEONI*, Regione Lazio Assessore
alla Formazione e Lavoro
LURIDIANA, Regione Sardegna, Assessore alla
Fabrizio PIZZANELLI, Regione Toscana, Responsabile Attività
Emanuele FARNETANI Ass. Italiana Consiglio Comuni e Regioni d’Europa,
Conclusioni e chiusura dei lavori
tra le Amministrazioni Centrali e Locali
Balcani e del Mediterraneo
Centro Interuniversitario
di Ricerca Per lo Sviluppo
sostenibile (CIRPS) -
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Con la collaborazione ed
il cofinanziamento del
Ministero degli Affari
Esteri - DGCS
scenario degli attori delle relazioni internazionali è in evoluzione.
Ai rapporti tra Stati nazionali si affiancano, in misura crescente,
interazioni tra Enti e Comunità locali.
Tuttavia, l’evoluzione verso un modello di cooperazione decentrata è
rallentata dalla mancanza di competenze specifiche da parte delle
Amministrazioni locali, nazionali e dei Paesi Terzi.
Che cos’è NeBaMe
NeBaMe è un programma di mobilità e di condivisione di esperienze tra
Amministratori ed esperti degli Enti Locali italiani e dei Paesi
Balcani e del Mediterraneo finalizzato a:
l’alta formazione,
in lingua italiana, di personale amministrativo, politico e tecnico
degli Enti locali dei Balcani e del Mediterraneo sui temi: 1)
Relazioni “Central – Local governance”, 2) Politiche Ambientali, 3)
Politiche di immigrazione ed occupazione
lo sviluppo di una
rete di conoscenze reciproche, personali e professionali, tra i
partecipanti ai Corsi e gli Enti Locali Italiani
il rafforzamento
dei legami tra gli Amministratori degli Enti locali dei Paesi
coinvolti e le strutture produttive, culturali e sociali italiane.
Programma si rivolge a Funzionari ed Esperti di Amministrazioni ed
Enti locali, Università, Agenzie dei Paesi dei Balcani
e del Mediterraneo,
in possesso del diploma di laurea o titolo equivalente, che già
operano nei tre settori sopra indicati e che hanno maturato un
Curriculum professionale caratterizzato da un’apertura verso le
relazioni internazionali, principalmente con l’Italia, ed in possesso
di una conoscenza di base della lingua italiana.
partecipanti seguiranno il seguente programma:
di Perfezionamento on-line di lingua e cultura economica italiana (20
corsi mirano a fornire gli strumenti linguistici per gestire un
rapporto professionale in lingua italiana e far conoscere
l’ordinamento istituzionale italiano e le basi dell’attuale tendenza
verso il decentramento
Corsi tematici
(30 gg.) “Central - Local governance”, “Politiche Ambientali”,
“Politiche di immigrazione ed occupazione”
I Corsi tematici si
svolgeranno in Italia, in forma parallela e saranno caratterizzati da
un approccio con un forte accento sull’esperienza pratica. I
partecipanti verranno suddivisi tra i tre Corsi sulla base dei
rispettivi settori di attività e di interesse.
Saranno organizzate visite presso le Istituzioni Europee, Nazionali e
Regionali italiane, nel corso delle quali saranno realizzati incontri
funzionari della CE
rappresentanti degli Assessorati all’Ambiente alle Attività Produttive
ed alle Politiche interregionali di alcune Regioni campione italiane
responsabili per la definizione delle politiche delle Regioni italiane
che interessano i partecipanti e che sono di sostegno e di legame tra
i Paesi delle due rive
esponenti di organizzazioni ed associazioni del mondo produttivo e
culturale italiano
presso le Amministrazioni Regionali italiane (2 mesi)
servizio di job-placement sarà avviato fin dall’inizio del
Programma per individuare le istituzioni ospitanti, le attività da
svolgere, i referenti e l’impegno che ogni stage richiede da entrambe
le parti. Una relazione finale sullo stage costituirà uno strumento
operativo di facile lettura per valutarne l’utilità e l’impatto sulle
relazioni internazionali
Sessione finale
Sessione finale della prima fase di NeBaMe permetterà di fare un
bilancio dell’esperienza di formazione e di scambio culturale e di
definire le modalità di continuazione del Programma. Al fine di
ottimizzare gli interventi successivi, saranno tenute in massima
considerazione le opinioni delle strutture ospitanti.
Durante questa Sessione sarà consegnato a tutti i partecipanti un
diploma di partecipazione, rilasciato dall’Università della Tuscia di
Viterbo, con la certificazione di cinque crediti formativi.
Contributo finanziario ai partecipanti
Come viene gestito il Programma?
Programma è gestito congiuntamente dalla Direzione Generale della
Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS) del MAE e dal CIRPS.
gestione del NeBaMe prevede uno Staff dedicato, al fine di assicurare
le relazioni tra gli Enti locali, le Ambasciate ed i partecipanti, il
coordinamento tra le docenze, l’analisi delle verifiche,
l’organizzazione dello stage, la fornitura di servizi e l’assistenza
amministrativa ai corsisti.
tal fine, è previsto un Comitato Didattico – Scientifico, responsabile
della definizione delle linee tecnico-scientifiche e programmatiche,
presieduto dal Prof. Stefano Grego dell’Università di Viterbo “La
Tuscia” e composto da funzionari del MAE e del CIRPS, ed una Direzione
Esecutiva, un Servizio di Amministrazione, un Ufficio di Segreteria e
il Tutoring in Aula.
particolare, la Direzione Esecutiva, responsabile della gestione del
Programma, è composta da un Direttore Esecutivo, Prof. Aldo Fanchiotti,
un Project Manager per i Paesi Balcani, Dr. Cecilia Chiapero, un
Project Manager per i Paesi del Mediterraneo, Dr. Laura Del Campo, ed
un Job Placement Expert, Dr. Iris Pfahl. Le responsabili del Servizio
Amministrativo e dell’Ufficio di Segreteria sono rispettivamente:
Ester Selvaggio e Silvia Cardone.
candidature saranno proposte alla Direzione Generale della
Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS) – MAE attraverso le Ambasciate
italiane nel Paese di residenza del corsista.
Cecilia CHIAPERO, Project Manager Balcani:
DEL CAMPO, Project Manager Mediterraneo:
CIRPS, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Via Tommaso Grossi, 6 Roma, 00184
Tel: +39.06.7092079 - Fax 77.20.3192 e
Il Centro Interuniversitario Per lo Sviluppo sostenibile (CIRPS)
dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Il CIRPS è stato
costituito nel 1988 per iniziativa congiunta delle Università di
Cassino, “Della Tuscia”, di Viterbo e “La Sapienza” di Roma. E’
diretto dal Prof. Ing. Vincenzo NASO.
Successivamente hanno
aderito le università di Perugia, Torino e Sassari, Macerata, Palermo
e Lecce. Attualmente i membri del Centro sono 277, di cui 182 ordinari
e 95 associati. Il Centro ha come finalità istituzionale la promozione
e lo svolgimento di attività di cooperazione con i Paesi in via di
Sviluppo (PVS) e la gestione di iniziative di Ricerca, Didattica,
Formazione e Aggiornamento e Fornitura di Servizi in tutti i settori
dello sviluppo sostenibile, attraverso l’apporto congiunto degli
Atenei rispettivi.
La sede ufficiale del
CIRPS è presso il Palazzo Doria Pamphilj di Valmontone (Roma).
La sede amministrativa è presso l'Università di Roma " La Sapienza" in
Via della Polveriera, 37 – 00184 Roma. La sede operativa “Servizi di
Formazione” è in Via Tommaso Grossi 8-10, Roma 00184 Tel. +39 06
70.92.079 fax.
for Central Administrations and Local Authorities Officials
in the Balkan and
Mediterranean Regions
Research Centre for Sustainable Development (CIRPS)
of the University of Rome
“La Sapienza”
In collaboration and with the financial support
of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) General
Directorate for Development Cooperation
The scenario of the actors
involved in international relations is evolving rapidly. Relations
among national states are complemented by interactions between local
authorities and communities in order to share similar experience in
different environments and try to solve global issues.
However, this tendency is
hampered by lack of specific skills in the local authorities.
NeBaMe is a training and
exchange programme for local authorities administrators in the Balkan
and Mediterranean area aiming at:
high-level training and experience-sharing for political and
technical personnel from local authorities in the Balkan and
Mediterranean area on 1) “Central – local governance”,
2)“Environmental policies”, 3) “Immigration and employee policies”.
Training modules are delivered mainly in Italian after an on-line
Italian culture and language course;
developing personal and professional knowledge among the
participants from the Balkan and Mediterranean countries and the
Italian local authorities;
encouraging interaction between the participants.
NeBaMe targets officials
and professionals (up to 60) from central administrations and local
authorities, universities and agencies in Balkan
and Mediterranean Countries,
with the following qualifications: degree or equivalent level of
education, working experience in one of the above-mentioned sectors,
professional experience in international relations, mainly with Italy,
at least intermediate knowledge of the Italian language.
Planned activities are as
On-line Course of Italian Language and Economic Culture (20 days)
The Course aims at
providing the skills needed to manage business activities in Italian,
to learn the Italian institutional system and the basics of the
current trend of “devolution” in Italy;
Courses (30 days) “Immigration and employee policies”, “Central-Local
Governance”, “Environmental Policies”
Thematic courses will take
place in University of Roma “La Sapienza”, in complementary
sessions. Classes will be held in an empirical and pragmatic approach,
focusing on experience, as opposed to merely academic knowledge.
Participants will specifically attend the session of their own
Institutional Visits
During the Course, the following visits will be carried out in
Institutions of the European Union (UE), national and regional
organisations in Italy. The visits will offer the opportunity to
establish contact with:
European Commission officials;
Representatives of regional bodies in charge for economics
activities and inter-regional policies;
Representatives of intermediary organisations;
Internship to the Italian regional bodies (2 months)
For this purpose, a
job-placement service will be set-up, in order to identify the
hosting Institutions, the activities to be carried out, the contact
persons, and the Terms of Reference that each Balkan and Mediterranean
professional elaborates. The internship is conceived as an
“experience-sharing” exercise, as opposed to academic research. At the
end of each Internship, a final report will be examined for Intern
The final Session of the
first NeBaMe phase will allow an overall evaluation, and a detailed
account of how to carry on the next phase of the Programme.
Comments made by the hosting structures will be greatly taken into
consideration for optimising further interventions. During this
session, all course attendants will be receive an “Award certificate”
from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, equivalent to five
training credits.
Financial contribution
Board and lodging
expenses, tickets and insurance costs are taken care of by the Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – DGCS - Office IX.
Management of the Programme
NebaMe is jointly managed by
Office IX of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – DGCS and CIRPS. The
Programme requires a committed full-time staff in order to secure
sound working relations with local authorities, Embassies,
participants, coherence in the teaching module and back-stopping
A Steering Committee (SC)
and a Management Unit (MU) have been created. The Chairman of the SC
is Prof. Stefano GREGO, Vice-Dean of the University di Viterbo “La
Tuscia”. Full members are representatives from MAE and CIRPS. An
administrative service, a technical secretariat and a tutoring
service are integral part of the set-up of the programme.
The Management Unit is lead
by Prof. Aldo FANCHIOTTI. Cecilia CHIAPERO is the project manager for
Balkan countries, Laura del CAMPO is the project manager for
Mediterranean countries. Iris PFHAL is the job placement expert. Ester
SELVAGGIO and Silvia CARDONE are respectively responsible for the
administrative and technical secretariat.
Prospective applicants have
to apply to the Italian Embassies in their country of residence.
Cecilia CHIAPERO Project Manager Balkan Countries:
Laura DEL CAMPO Project Manager Mediterranean Countries:
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Via Tommaso
Grossi, 6 Roma, 00184
+39.06.7092079 - Fax 77.20.3192 e
The Interuniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development
of the University of
Rome “La Sapienza”
Interuniversity Research Centre on Developing Countries (CIRPS) was
founded in April 1988 for co-ordinating, at University level, the
Italian development co-operation activities. Originated by the
Universities of Cassino, "Della Tuscia" of Viterbo, and "La Sapienza"
of Rome, CIRPS now includes other Italian Universities such as Sassari,
Macerata, Perugia and Torino, while adhesion of Universities of
Macerata, Palermo and Ferrara is in the final phase of ratification.
headquarter is located in Palazzo Doria Pamphilj of Valmontone (50 km
from Rome). Because of the current restoration of the building, which
is already underway and to which some of its members are also
contributing, CIRPS has offices made available by the University of
Rome "La Sapienza". CIRPS also has operational branches abroad: a
permanent unit in Bruxelles and many branches activated in relation to
on going projects (Angola, Argentina, Eritrea, Morocco, Tunis).
institutional aim of the centre is the promotion and the
implementation of co-operation activities with developing countries,
the management of initiatives research, training, updating
information, and consulting services, through the joint effort of the
participating universities.
We herewith confirm that the
initiative no. 463 of October 7, 2002 , facilitated by CIRPS –
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, has now been approved and become
The NeBaMe project is addressed
to officials and technical staff working in public authorities of the
following Balkan and Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro.
The initiative for the project
accrued from the awareness that the fast evolving international
relations between local authorities and central administrations of the
Balkan and Mediterranean States require professional support, training
and exchange of experience and knowledge, which CIRPS – Interuniversity
Research Centre on Sustainable Development - aims at facilitating
through NeBaMe.
The Course will be held in the
Italian language and consists of:
an advanced On-line course of the Italian language and economic
culture, prior to the participants’ arrival in Italy (in July and
Intensive group seminars on three topics: Central-Local
Governance; Environmental Policies; Immigration and Employment Policies
(in September in Rome)
National and international institutional visits
A two-months Internship to Italian bodies (in October and
A final workshop
The group seminars are aimed at
understanding and deepening the concepts and instruments of everyday
work reality in the countries involved and are split into three teaching
Central-Local Governance (20 participants)
The new trends on the subject “Devolution” regarding the division
of responsibility and mandated from the centre towards the local
Assessment of the decentralization models, identifying their
strengths and weaknesses in terms of taxes, security, management of the
regions, social affairs and immigration, international relations,
commerce and emigration
Potential of the local authorities to act as poles for regional
development and additional value of other actors in this area, such as
universities, industrial associations, Chambers of Commerce etc.
The challenge of transforming a local authority into a pole of
“E-governance” in operational and experimental use: fields of
application, implementation difficulties, infrastructural and training
Presentation of the different decentralization policies,
identification of main characteristics and similarities based on
participants’ own experiences
Information and Communication Strategies to/from citizens
Environmental Policies (20 participants)
Global issues, affecting the Mediterranean coast in the areas of
environment and industrialization (green and grey)
European norms and standards in defining and applying regulations
Approved practices of local authorities and evaluation of
transferability to related countries; environmental protection policies
in line with the priorities of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Implications of Local Agenda 21 (LA21) in terms of management and
involvement of all actors operating in this area
Definition of the application field for EMAS
Environmental Communication Strategy to/from citizens and
Rules for identifying necessity and realization of interventions
by local authorities
Migration and Employment Policies (20 participants)
Characteristics of immigration flows towards and from Italy:
voluntary and involuntary migration, residence and transit
The interactions between migration, trade, investment and
The role of stakeholders in the definition of Migration and
Employment Policies including recruitment mechanisms
Approved practices on control mechanisms and flow monitoring
developed at regional, national and international level
Comparative analysis of existing international relations of
Italian regions: Internationalisation and Cooperation
Forms of innovative cooperation
Policies and measures on “voluntary return”
The “returned emigrant” as a source of employment and innovation
Evaluation of the impact of Social Integration Policies at
regional level: cultural, religious and social changes
The interaction between employment supply and demand
Alternative scenarios to contain illegal immigration
NeBaMe will provide up to 60
scholarships for applicants with the following qualifications:
officials and professionals from central administrations and
local authorities with degree or equivalent level of education
good command of the English language
at least intermediate level of the Italian language, which will
be the working language during the three months Course and Internship in
Access to computer and internet, availability of personal e-mail
We herewith kindly ask you to
provide us with a preview and summary of potential candidates.
The chosen 60 (sixty) candidates
(20 each for the three seminar topics) will be expected to start the
Course within the premises of CIRPS – University of Rome “La Sapienza”
on September 1, 2003 and will be eligible to a scholarship provided by
CIRPS, covering:
a contribution to the monthly accommodation and living costs
Health and civil insurance
Flight ticket from and to the closest international airport of
the participants’ country
We furthermore kindly ask you to
promote the information on the NeBaMe project to all applicable central
and regional authorities and institutions together with the brochure you
will shortly be supplied with by CIRPS.
Please forward all incoming
applications by June 10, 2003
to Direzione Generale, Ufficio IX, and via fax
to CIRPS : +39-06-77 20 31 92.
In order to be considered, the
applications need to consist of:
the duly filled application form, stating the seminar topic of
interest and degree
the candidates’ Curriculum Vitae
a photocopy of the passport
a declaration confirming the candidates’ intention to return to
his/her home country after having finished the Course
a complete attestation of personal data (full name, home
address, passport no. etc.)
The selection of the candidates
is incumbent on a Commission, represented by members of CIRPS –
University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We highly trust in an effective
cooperation with you and are very much looking forward to meeting our
above mentioned objectives and to receiving the first applications via
With kind regards
Laura Bottà
Consigliere MAE
Comunicazione MAE |