Concorso Internazionale ThinkQuest®

Anno 1999-2000

Un concorso in Internet per studenti dai 12 ai 19 anni




ThinkQuest Newsletter
Agosto, 2000


Congratulazioni ai partecipanti Italiani che hanno portato a termine i propri lavori .

La lista completa dei lavori 2000 e' all'indirizzo: 

La lista dei partecipanti Italiani a Tq2000




---) ThinkQuest Internet Challenge 2000 Entries: Online!

---) TEAM TQ & ThinkQuest e-News Archives on Site

---) ThinkQuest Policies Posted

2. COACH'S CORNER: A ThinkQuest Presentation

is a Two-Way Educational Experience!


---) Korea Among Leaders in Local ThinkQuest

Competition Formation


---) Worth Noting: Interns at ThinkQuest: VIPs!

[ Valuable Intern Presence!]



---) TQIC 2000 Entries: Now Online!

You can see the TQIC 2000 sites :

Congratulations to all teams who completed their entries.

They are already winners in the "Perseverance" Category!


---) TEAM TQ & ThinkQuest e-News Archives on TQ Web Site

You can find the TEAM TQ e-Notes, with information provided

to all teams for the preparation of their sites. Several articles

that expand on topics, such as judging, educational value,

paraphrasing, and citation practice are included:

Also available are ThinkQuest Electronic Newsletters,




---) ThinkQuest Policies Posted


The "Terms of Use" provide educators and commercial users

with a form for inquiry about linking or use

of specific materials in the ThinkQuest Library of Entries:

The "Library Use Policies" include information about the duration

of maintenance of guest books and message boards in the sites.

Also posted are standards for keeping entries in the Library:




A ThinkQuest Presentation : A Two-Way Experience

Robin Opperman, South Africa

I am a Teacher at Ningizimu School for the Severely Mentally

Handicapped in KwaZulu-Natal. I am not a computer expert and

I learn something new each day. I guess that is why I remain

interested in computers and the amazing process which

ThinkQuest has set in motion.

Penny Busetto (the South African National Partner) asked me if

The call came from the Valley Trust. They were holding a

training workshop with Principals and Educators from the

Valley of a Thousand Hills ( a 'rural' area adjoining Durban).

I had a very clear vision in my mind of exactly what would

transpire. I would save the day; I would bring technology to

the disadvantaged.

What a surprise I had when I arrived at Kersney College

( a nearby well resourced school)! I did my presentation

for ThinkQuest, distributed CD's to the audience and found

commitment to participating in the 2001 International Challenge.

But this was not a one-way learning experience. I had to confront

my prejudices and learn from this experience. My audience,

although from a 'rural' area, were far more technologically savvy

than I had imagined.

The presenter prior to me spoke of his school in a secluded

valley and their satellite link to the net. I hurriedly revised

my speech from being "Here I am to save you" to "Here I am to

learn from you."

I found that doing a presentation is not only about informing,

but also being informed by others.


Other coaches and trainers are encouraged

to send contributions to



---) Korea Develops Second Local ThinkQuest


Korea finalized their plans for a local ThinkQuest Korea 2000

Contest. The Application deadline was July 15, with results

more satisfactory than the first local contest, held last year.The Primary

School Level (K4-6) has 63 teams with 228 students; the Middle

& High School Level (K7-12) has 205 teams with 567 students,

and 70 teachers are working with 23 teams. A ThinkQuest

workshop at the Annual School Net Conference on Aug. 04-05

was held, attended by TQ participants and teachers.

The entry deadline is the end of September. The Semifinalists

will be announced on Oct. 20, 2000. The Finalists' interviews

will be Nov.17, 2000. The Awards Ceremony is expected to take

place in the beginning of December. Feedback from

several organizations indicated that ThinkQuest is seen as a

valuable contest for students and educators and will contribute

positively to the educational environment in Korea.


Keep up the good work, Korea, and all the other National

Partners implementing local TQ Competitions!




By Patricia O'Brien Libutti, Ph.D., Cybrarian

---) Worth Noting: Interns at ThinkQuest: VIPs!

[ Valuable Intern Presence!]

During the summers, ThinkQuest has wonderful interns working

at Headquarters in Armonk, NY, USA. Often an intern was a

former contestant, but sometimes, interns "surfed in", seeing

employment opportunities on the Advanced site.

In the past, interns such as Jennifer Grey, two time contest winner,

built CD's, designed the present web interface, and worked with

database maintenance problems.This summer, four interns were on site.

Some of their thoughts about the experience are noted.

Anthony Sun, starting Princeton University in September.

"Learned: Whew. The most educational part of

the internship was not just technology, learning how to work with

people and function as a single entity is experience that school

cannot teach you. School is competitive, a job is more cooperative.

Thought: I remember placing 121st in the inaugural ThinkQuest

of 1996. As I look through the list of partners, this contest

exceeded my wildest dreams of what it could achieve. "

David Russcol, starting at Yale in September. Third summer

working for Advanced/ ThinkQuest.

"While I've been here, I've learned about dealing

with HTML, Perl, and the UNIX world. I've learned the things

about the Internet that very few people know and even fewer

want to.This has been my introduction to the

corporate world. I enjoy the sense of completion I get when I

finish something-- whether it's getting a program to work completely

as it's supposed to, or finishing a database. Until I got here,

I never really saw what potential the Web held."

Kevin Boda, going to school, part-time work for ThinkQuest.

"I have learned to work as part of a team

and fit into a professional environment. Answering Help Desk

questions is interesting and satisfying because of the variety of

questions that come in and knowing that you are helping people

directly. A lot of my work in the past two summers was on the

ThinkQuest CD. The most exciting experience I had with ThinkQuest

was going to the Awards Event in November to provide technical support."

Kim Hobby, Management of Information Science student at

State University of New York, Binghamton, New York, USA.

Kim left early to spend a semester in Florence, Italy, studying

Art History. She assisted with user support, upgrades, hardware

support and inventory management. The ThinkQuest staff remarked

on her professional attitude, thorough method, and

resolution of problems.

The learning experience was two-way, similar to Robin

Oppenheim's article above. Staff members were enriched by

the intern's ideas and approaches to problems.


This issue of The ThinkQuest E-Newsletter was written and edited by Patricia Libutti, assisted by Andrea Papa.
Technical assistance was provided by Paris Treantafeles.
ThinkQuest is a program of Advanced Network & Services, a non-profit corporation whose mission is to advance education by
accelerating the use of computer network applications and technology.

(C) Copyright 2000 Advanced Network & Services, Inc.

All rights reserved.


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