Concorso Internazionale ThinkQuest®

Anno 1998-1999

Un concorso in Internet per studenti dai 12 ai 19 anni




TQ99: Elenco Partecipanti Italiani

Segnaliamo un gruppo di lavori elaborati per il concorso Think Quest, da gruppi con almeno un componente italiano.
Questo č solo un primo gruppo; invitiamo i partecipanti a segnalarci il loro lavoro, in modo da poterlo comunicare su queste pagine.

NB: Riportiamo in rosso i tre semifinalisti italiani dell'edizione 1999 del premio:

Visitate le loro pagine per incrementare il loro punteggio!


    Virtual Restoration
    This site provides students the opportunity to take a virtual walk inside the Carracci's Cloister in Bologna, Italy and the Spanish Pavilion from the 1937 World Exhibition in Paris. VRML technology is used to rebuild environments that were destroyed or are no longer in existence. Join this project by submitting a restoration of your own, and become a virtual architect!

    There are several theories on what killed the dinosaurs. Five theories of extinction are presented: temperature, death by suffocation, wiping out by egg muck, supernova explosion, and impact theory. A map of the world pinpoints locations where dinosaur fossils have been found. An explanation of what DNA is, what it does, and why we cannot recreate dinosaur DNA like they did in the movie Jurassic Park.

    Virtual Restoration
    By rebuilding historic sites that are in ruins or no longer exist, the visitor to this site takes a virtual journey through a lost culture. Understand cultural history by rebuilding the past. Using VRML, his site sets out to completely rebuild the Cloister frescoes painted by Carraccis in San Michel in Bologna, Italy, the Spanish Pavilion at the 1937 Paris World Expo, and Italia. Some of the site is in English, Italian, and German.

    Welcome to Fashion Passion
    This site examines fashion trends in order to identify the changes in women's roles in twentieth century society. The sketchbook provides a look at day and evening fashion and explains the historical trends. View the decades section and learn what was happening at the time and what roles women played during that time period. The site is in English, Italian, and French.

    Dealth Penalty
    Dripping blood and rotating skulls "welcome" you to this site on the controversial subject of capital punishment, or the right of the government to take a human life. Available in both English and Italian, explore the history of the death penalty from ancient times to the present. There is a gruesome section on methods applied and a collection of movies, books, and lyrics about this topic. Should the death penalty be illegal? What do you think?




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