The "SKILL SHORTAGE" - @LIS ACTION PLAN for an e.learning in cultural
diversity will be finalised to a co-operation -partnership for
of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) in a context of Internationalisation
of "Markets" between Europe and Latin America.
The SKILL SHORTAGE, is born from the belief that in one world-wide
scenario, always more integrated, also as a result of the reduction
of the trade-barriers, combined to the increase of the logistics
of the transports, the productive delocalisation of SME's can
represent a remarkable resource of global development and moreover
a good opportunity for the intellectual job of the University's
graduated, to generate a synergetic conditions of increase of
the quality of SME's production sustainability in respect of ecological
principles in the challenge of the contemporary evolution of the
society post-manufacturer of the "KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN ECONOMY" .
The ACTION PLAN main topics of the SKILL SHORTAGE would be in
short a preliminary proposal about the issues to be studied for
improving creative models and units for an "e.Learning on demand
system "for the renewal of the Knowledge Management, in a way
that the SKILL SHORTAGE pilot project can bee seen likewise a
plan of growing creative sensitivity improving a mutual "e.learning"
between Universities and SME's to favour one renewed production
of a shared knowledge bettering a collaborative development between
Europe and Latin America.
following fundamental questions :
Question 1.)
What research & developmental aspects you
wish to tackle in the international Demonstration project between
EU and South American countries?
The key topics of the SKILL SHORTAGE action plan for improving
the economic knowledge driven society it is the following :
- a) Knowledge Management innovation of SME's on innovation in
science & technology
- b) Knowledge Management innovation of SME's on food quality
& safety traceability
- c) Knowledge Management innovation of SME's on bridging gap
of "digital divide" (looking for a way to bridge the gap between
knowledge content production and consumers utilisation through
an e.learning on demand knowledge building model.)
- d) Knowledge Management innovation of SME's on "eco-economic"
The main goal of the above action plan is devoted to a new understanding
of Knowledge Management organisation of SME's diminishing the
uncertainty and insecurity of the market globalisation by means
bettering "knowledge sharing" among University and SME's networks
and through growing up the internationalisation of the market
transparency by means an extension of Information Communication
Technology work-space. A second important objective is to given
a strong effort to increase positively the relationship between
intellectual employment and SME's internationalisation growth
though an net-learning strategy finalised for co-ordinating SME's
competencies and University research advanced knowledge.
Question 2.)
How would you see an international incubator
facility between SME's and Universities has a concrete added value
in real life transactions?
The Skill Shortage @LIS action plan would like to develop, through
a Co-operative Virtual e.Editor ( see for instance a model in
: ) to contribute to an new emerging
conception of " brain organisation" for developing a "Glocalized"
(i.e. Global + Local developmental integration) economic development
among European and Latin American Countries.
As well as a forecast result, the pilot project SKILL SHORTAGE,
(before the end of the financial aid of EU), will give a demonstration
on the implication of societal change in " international
organisation of KM " on education and training in lifelong and
vocational learning for SME's special needs and associated business
a) FIRST Priority TOPIC
Goal: understanding the impact of Science on Society for meeting
the Knowledge Management challenges in a Global Networked Knowledge
Economy.- The goal of such topic will be to understand the Restructuring
Strategies for "KM"- SKILL BUILDING
- Internationalisation of SME's need of the improvement of innovative
Knowledge management for giving a significant investment in intellectual
expansion able to overcome the difficulties due to the structural
changes in the global economy and environmental risks.
Hence the Internationalisation of SME's undoubtedly performs the
main and very delicate task of assisting the enterprises in identifying
and choosing technological/business "eco-economics" strategies
capable of enabling them to present themselves as protagonists
of culture & science improvement on the international scene.
Therefore by internationalisation of SME's the LRE/EGO-CreaNET
of the University of Florence, means " not only " to promote the
commercial penetration of SME's into the new global markets, but
also to generate a deeper exchange than before among Science &
Society among University & SME's, for bettering a very high cultural
and scientific level of science popularisation opening the mind
of the W.W.W.citizenschip.
In conclusion the research & development of innovative acquisition
of these new markets for the internationalisation of SME's in
the contemporary scenario of the third millennium "KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY",
are gaining prominent importance, in the field of improving SCIENCE
& SOCIETY developmental understanding.
Now, for developing and ACTION PLAN we must open a debate to foresee
a partner's different analysis in a cultural diversity context
on topical issues of SCIENCE impact on SOCIETY strengthen links
between productive SME's, University Centres Research and Society.
In fact scientific progress is an essential challenge for common
future competitiveness and also for enhancing quality of life.
Therefore starting from those considerations the SKILL SHORTAGE
endeavour requires a great deal of effort in terms of R&D for
the development of innovative Knowledge.
Management networking e.learning strategies for on the job permanent
It is important to underline that for the goals of the SKILL SHORTAGE
ACTION PLAN on Net-Learning, it will be essential to develop a
greater diversity on scientific and cultural perspectives.
Diversity in science can be encouraged through a multidisciplinary
integrated approach of Net-Learning objects, oriented to set out
a differential system on science popularisation in relationship
to different aspects of local cultures of citizen in a way that
the Pilot Project would be able to improve responsible science
avoiding potential negative impact of Science & Society by means
a well prepared KM on ethics for human health and on environmental
b) II° Priority TOPIC
Goal: Keeping the Traceability problem as well as an opportunity
for bridging the gap between intellectual unemployment and the
development of Knowledge based Society.
The "SKILL SHORTAGE " proposal for the call @LIS on e.learning
in a cultural diversity ,aims to improve an international incubation
facilities and appropriate promotional means growing up a partnership
consortium in Knowledge Management (K.M.) networking for e.learning
among Universities and SME's aiming to support SME's competitiveness
in the internationalisation of production and retailing into the
evolution of global communication system.
Henceforth for SME's competitive strategy it will be important
to open a priority issues for a K.M. innovation in some multidisciplinary
issues of "SKILL SHORTAGE" TASKS for developing a innovative
The second priority issue that the LRE/EGO-CreaNET concerns the
thematic priority of : "FOOD QUALITY & SAFETY" for improving traceability
processes along all production and transformation chains . The
issue of "FOOD QUALITY & SAFETY" for the future ability to co-operate
in a international context of SME's marketing between Europe and
Latin American Countries and for getting successful to this goal
it will be necessary reinforcing a web-based multidisciplinary
co-operation among Universities and SME's.
In fact "FOOD- TRACEABILITY" means to trace food from "FARMS to
FORK" through all stages of production and distribution.
As a matter of facts "All Stages" means that, in the next market
and marketing future, it will be indispensable a complete transparent
commercial sustainable environment inclusive of primary agricultural
production food up to its transformation and sale or supply to
the final consumer consumption.
The ability to trace down animal or agricultural foods origin
through bio-technology DNA fingerprinting to any further food
chain transformation today constitute an extremely relevant web-based
data system for the quality food's certification and in respect
to the safety of people all over the world.
Hence the growth of Food's Traceability systems it will be important
for SKILL BUILDING of new team professions because need a multidisciplinary
and multi-enterprise net-working approach that need to integrate
scientific, legal and productive capabilities co-operating in
a way to be able to reply to a quick and efficient retrieval of
transparent information finalised to guarantee and to control
and to certificate the quality and safety of any food. For the
above reasons the SLILL SHORTAGE @LIS proposal of EGO-CreaNET/LRE
of NET-Learning in a cultural diversity, will develop an Action
Plan for skill foresight in the field of FOOD TRACEABILITY, aiming
to support a K.M. innovation anticipating the identification of
future needs of SME's responsibility and decisions in food standards
traceability at the international level for improving a transparent
productive and commercial environment in the global market space.
to consider a strategic priority for K.M. of the future SME's
& University co-operation.
See for instance:
See also:
c) III° Priority TOPIC
Content: Bridging "Digital Divide" into
a net economy co-Intelligence digital age strategy
Goal: Understanding and implementing the "DIGITAL DIVIDE " overcoming
strategy, as well as a priority area to bridge the gap between
science production centres with knowledge consumers.
The notion of a 'Digital Divide' originally arose in the context
of the internet boom of the 1990s; we need to remember that at
that times the international dialog on this issue was focused
to the strategies for enhancing access to Information Communication
Technology for reducing the international "Digital Divide" gap
between an elite people and the technology deprived new poverty.
Today we live in a coming Internet depression, so that most recent
reports understand that a tech driven economical recession of
will cause layoffs among the skill shortage of educated and skilled
"brain e.workers" that are the dominant force for improving networking
digital economy.
As a matter of facts it is extremely visible that in the countries
where the digital gap is reduced this do not open a dynamics of
growth of cognitive forces driving the Networked Knowledge Economy
Hence the key message here is : web integrated ventures forwarding
the "Digital Divide" gap need to start looking at this as a mass
development useful for renewing the knowledge management net-learning
Therefore the notion of "Digital Divide" in the contest of cultural
diversity development among Europe and Latin America, is changed
from the initial effort in the technological innovation to the
question how it will be possible to get ahead, the big problem
of new knowledge management in a way that it will able to ensure
that some large people - groups in society were not left behind
by the prosperity into a developmental Knowledge Economy.
This is a problem of a fundamental importance all over the world
because if there are no possibilities to diminishing the gap though
a new economical intelligence useful for the KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN
SOCIETY, the traditional world- economy slows and perhaps goes
into a deep recession.
Because information technology evolves a mind boggling rate, it's
becoming more important for people to have the skills to evolve
with it.
Therefore extended education models and program experimentation
and demonstration in net-learning, are extremely a contemporary
need to explore strategies for improving literacy and learning
opportunities for decreasing the effectively DIGITAL DIVIDE in
spite of this if we cannot cultivate these Knowledge Management
creative skills, ....................... the digital divide will
This challenge is enormous: in fact any effort to reform an organisation
requires examination of the reform effort's underlying assumptions,
social and historical contest for the reform, and how reform is
congruent with the values, ideologies, and goals of the constituents
criteria for a new concept of restricted inequality dominance,
therefore need to be critical to understanding how productive
organisations change or fail to initiate change their cognitive
traditional solutions of knowledge management.
The goal of giving a contribution for Bridging "Digital Divide"
into a net economy co-Intelligence digital age strategy it will
be important for getting a contribute to the poverty reduction
outcomes through knowledge management on the job, long life education
and for vocational education innovations in the contest of networking
e learning extended programs especially devoted to the improvement
of the productive internationalisation of SME's .
d) IV° Priority TOPIC
Content: Knowledge management Issues for
Goal : steps to growing up shared cognitive contributions of sustainable
economy to ameliorate environmental damage before the future earth
life collapse.
The Pilot project "SKILL SHORTAGE" starts with the assumption
that Small and Medium sized Enterprises networking with Universities
(by means SME's-UNIVERSITY knowledge based net-economy agreement),
among European and Latin American Countries, will be one of the
principal driving sustainability.
The focus of a joint programme strategy for improvement of "Eco-Economy"
it will be finalised in building networks of knowledge-based international
enterprises, that will correspond to an agreement between University's
team members and SME's that can collaborate in research and development,
of advanced management interactive "e.learning" systems, for improving
a sustainable environmental economy.
The environmentally sustainable economy - (i.e. "eco-economy")
is a problem of strategic importance all in the world; in spite
of this it is evident an insufficient management skills for a
good manage of "Pollution Earth Policy".
As a matter of facts many SME's demonstrate the lack of managers
with scientific and technological international experience and
foreign cultures skills.
Therefore the project SKILL SHORTAGE, will develop a new developmental
models improving the human capital in foreign trade oriented SME's
through management and workforce net-learning programmes and through
improving scientific/cultural incentives for recruiting recent
graduates, and also programming on the job activities which could
be organised together with local educational institutions in favour
to redesign a well defined environmentally sustainable economy.
Steps to ameliorate environmental earth's ecosystem damage before
its collapse, can be seen as well as a challenge to redesign the
materials economy in a way that it includes a restructuring of
industrial process of goods in a flexible network so that products
can be easily disassembled and recycled to eliminate the high
waste generation of air, water and top-soil and so on… , that
normally is the too vast output of large scale industry.
SME's in co-operation with the research centres of Universities
can develop a new dematerialised management information systems,
finalised to a new global computer-aided management for a networked
computer-aided manufacturing.
One result of this SKILL BUILDING practice will be the emergence
of what some call the "world SME's factory phenomenon."
Therefore building an "eco-economy" new model of global development,
primarily depends on restructuring and redesigning agricultural
crops and good- SME's industrial production, so that it will be
compatible with the eco-system survival.
The big change to fulfil the above goal is no in the change on
the market structure but primarily consists in the cognitive way
that the market is managed.
The challenge here is to create an "e.learning" international
model in a cultural diversity scenario for overcoming the "SKILL
SHORTAGE" to better manage the NATURE-CAPITAL.
For example… by increasing the number of SME's advanced networking
factories and industries with University centres of research ,
for the toxicity control of chemical and biological pollutants,
etc…. but also creating new on the job modules of science-popularisation,…etc..
and new professions and specialisation etc.. in order to maximise
the environmentally sustainable economy , i.e. … recycling materials
etc … utilising wind and geothermal localised energy generations,
for reducing the dependence from gasoline and carbon energy production,
because their high pollution and environmental devastation etc.
All those changes are greatest necessary for converting the traditional
economy in a future "Eco- economy" knowledge driven society. Hence
the project "SKILL SHORTAGE" will give a contribute to close old
times where the design of the old economy normally forget the
risk of broken the solidarity with the natural "eco-system", so
that viceversa the "SKILL BUILDING" net-learning procedure of
innovative knowledge production , can stimulate a concrete benefits
in for a new coherent economical and technological intelligence,
aiming to avoid to the continuous and accelerated damage of natural
environment of the contemporary obsolete industrial society.
Education Research Laboratory / EGO-CreaNET
Via Maragliano 77 -50144 - Firenze - Italia
Tel//Fax. +39/055/332549
handy GSM +39//335/6760004