Description of the function of demonstrator.
Create a future sustainable Net Learning Network between
University ,Colleges and SME's Industry, as an effective
stable Virtual International Advanced Laboratory ("VIAL")
working as a diversity promotional Agency for stimulating
the creation of multilingual courseware in Long Distance
e.learning in a wide cultural diversity; enhancing innovative
Knowledge Management promotion to SME's, at local, regional
and international levels, that will be able to co-operate
and contribute in setting up and evaluating guidelines
for understanding the strategic choices on Information
Society development and the acquisition of the emerging
trends and needs of knowledge driven economy.
The development of the SH-SK project will allow the participants
to transform its basic functions and operations in such
a way that greater effectiveness focus with to create
opportunities of e-education for the advance of Informational
Society in a way that:
a) the participants increased their relational intellectual
capital with multiple connections in synergy both, with
"IS" National policies and with other IST based e. Education,
in Europe and in America Latina.
b) to organize the participants in a way that they will
be able to design the continuous implementation of e-learning
tools for real life/working activities, specially for
persons working in SME's to facilitate their integration
to the Third Millenium Economic structures, promoting
a real understanding between citizens of EU and LA regions.
c) to help EU-LA citizenship to define and articulate
a wide vision of Knowledge Economy taking into account
the need to promote skill building to move faster addressing
the challenges of the future Information Society.
d) to exchange experiences between Latin America and Europe
aiming to identify and to capitalize the previous experiences,
best practices trough international benchmarking, giving
in this way a contribute for creating extended community
added value and Latin America Regional Integration.
Estimated impact on target groups
- The stakeholder- SME's organizations and people who
receive the services of SK-SH will get instruments practical
to elevate their performance, to create greater value,
to take advantage of their resources own knowledge and
to participate actively in the interchanges between European
Union and Latin-America dialogue with a view to stimulate
the promotion of wide competition and investment.
- The creation of a virtual permanent forum (VIAL) linked
to regional and sub-regional fora in national languages,
will permit to the SK-SH program to develop a wide EU-LA
convergence both in cognitive and technological levels
and also to an open discussion to policies/ regulation
for the future "IS" Citizenship Alliance.
-The design and implementation of e-learning tools for
real life/working activities, specially for persons working
in SME's will be extensively diffused and disseminated
to facilitate their integration to the Third Millenium
Economic structures, promoting a real understanding between
citizens of EU and LA regions not only in the membership's
Countries but also in a great extension of listeners on
line in the World Wide Web and through six "face to Face"
international meetings of the SK-SH Milestones Program
that will be organized in the following countries (Italy,
Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, Chile).
Publications and other outputs.
The SK-SH demonstration project is well programmed for
developing shared knowledge and disseminating the intermediate
and final results of models and units and multimedia technology
information coming out by the SK-SH networking activities
The SK-SH project will develop to a strategy of spreading
in e.magazines and newsletters specialised in the subjects
of e.learning on demand interest.
SK-SH demonstration project will promote the publication
of the memories of the events that it has programmed.
and to diffuse publications and other out-puts in a VIRTUAL
LIBRARY organization :
- E-publishing , multilingual courseware models and units
proposals and multimedia technology will be disseminated
on line and out off line activities in a way to incorporate
a varied and wide segment from the society aiming to share
knowledge that will allow them to develop communication
abilities and the application of computer science.
Will be published also articles, educational materials
that reflect the acquired experiences starting from the
execution of the project, using for that, the infrastructure
established in it.
- To elevate professional and general culture of the target
groups: women, young, peasants, adults of third age, managers
and in particular the university professionals by means
of the foreseen lifelong e-educational needs of overcoming
To strengthen the active participation and aware of the
citizens in the social life and in their own "e.brain
work" starting from the elevation of their scientific
and technological culture.
To diffuse the regional and national information of the
European Union (EU) politics and its program guided to
the society informatization development and the invigoration
of the alliance European Union - Latin America, bettering
the existent relationships between the @LIS program, and
the local governments.
Telematics Services for Result's diffusion
The SKILL SHORTAGE (SK-SH) project will customise and
apply several web services for project's results diffusion.
Based on the past experience of all partners, several
web services could be used for this scope. These services
which could be used in the dissemination activities of
the project are:
1) A web portal with remarkable collection of prototype
content (information, laws, state of the arts etc) covering
e-strategies in Europe and Latin America, and information
about the Project.
2) A system of "courses" available through Internet accosting
to companies and organizations of private and public sector,
which wish to educate their employees, as well as to educational
3) An e-publishing environment providing information in
an organized form over Internet. It will act as a mechanism
to keep in touch citizen communities with the necessities
and problematic of their partners on foreign regions.
4) A knowledge database (Gender Reusable learning objects)
will be organized and published, to house e-learning demands,
requests, best practices recommended by specialists and
any other knowledge object that could be a seed for the
promotion of e-democracy .
Sustainability of activity after the end of Cofinancing
The dynamism of IS, the influence of the ITC is factors
that allow to prolong the life of the long term project,
with the gradual inclusion of new members and the fortification
of the networks of stake-holders.
The auto-sustainability of activity after the end of cofinancing
could be possible through the commercialization of the
e-learning on demand products and know how resulting from
the SK-SH activities were become important the wide Stakeholder
relationships developed during the project and giving
assessment to developers of future e-learning on demand
projects that could make use of this new knowledge management
methodology and know-how for informal Life Long Learning.
The sustainability will be possible starting from the
incorporation of other institutions besides the contribution
that will continue making the synergy with the other EC
programmes especially RTD programmes, and also the local
governments future grant possibilities. Computer software
will be obtained whose commercialisation will contribute
to the financing of the program. A final session (Dec-2004
- April 2005) of the SK-SH project will be dedicated specifically
to the self- sustainability of the project SK-SH where
the "VIAL" infrastructure structure for e-education activities
, will be programmed for a permanent action that will
be given their promotional activity at least for five
years after the end of the @LIS Grant.
Socio cultural impact
The social and cultural Impact of SK-SH this determining
by the confluence of the factors before indicated and,
in addition, a great amount of people is in favor of an
alliance but it narrows between Europe and Latin America
with the purpose jointly of taking advantage of innovative
opportunities in the e.learning in cultural diversity.
.Socially it will represent, starting from the improvement
of the qualification of the citizens, their more effective
acting, what will rebound equally in the national and
territorial economy, considering that people linked to
the project will be incorporated for the most part, to
economic entities of their municipalities, what will provide
an multiplier effect toward the interior of those companies.
In the same way, it will represent the enrichment of the
cultural wealth of the citizens, starting from the exchange
among diverse cultures, as well as the recognition of
the contribution of the UE to the invigoration of the
co-operation knots with Latin America
The socio cultural impact of SK-SH proposal will be oriented
to :
a) To define and articulate a regional vision, taking
into account global developments, while addressing national
interests aiming to accelerate on developing a vision
and addressing the challenges of the Information Society
through an "Inducator" of "e- educational strategy" building
up the appropriated "e.brain working skills" to capitalize
on the use of various languages of the EU-LA regions,
and promote the use of indigenous languages as far as
possible. The effort of the SK-SH demonstration project
will be based on a regional vision and a bottom-up approach,
taking into account the contemporary global development
and enhancing "BUSINESS ETHICS" predictable strategy with
a view to promoting competition and investment
b) To promote co-financing strategies and of sustainability
actions in which government organize themselves in addressing
an EU-LA co-operation the challenges of the Information
Society to give an added value on the experiences of European
regional integration and the related policies information
c) to stimulate Knowledge management "e-education on demand",
addressing the needs of citizens by involving them, as
well as communities and the civil society on the new ICT
technologies for developing the Knowledge economy aiming
to ensure that regulatory networking framework will be
harmonised with a view to creating economies of scale
and integrating Latin America in the Global Information
and evaluation
The predicted mechanisms of monitoring, evaluation and
control must allow the consotium members to develop a
continuously efficient Knowledge Management System The
execution can be checked with a high frequency from the
Applicant .and from the headquarters of the participants,
equally its evaluation has been foreseen starting from
the indicators that appear in the logical mark
Availability and reliability of the project program will
be objectively verified step by step in conformance to
goal and objectives in a coherent method reflecting the
needs and expectations of the @LIS program
At the end of each of the eight working plan, a monitoring
activity will be reported by the Monitoring Committee.
To the Applicant and will be disseminated after the Applicant
control. In fact it will be a conscious declared responsibility
and reputation of the Applicant (TUSCANY REGION ITALY)
to improve a co-operative shared activity with all Consortium
Members of the SK-SH project to systematically evaluate,
avoiding a bureaucratisation of quality management processes,
the excellence of the SK-SH demonstration program within
a criteria of "Total Quality Management", starting from
an Ex ante Evaluation and also in itinere monitoring reports
that will be diffused during each international meetings
described in the SK-SH working plan (2003-2005) . Measurable
Indicators and elements in quality chains will be considered:
1) a systematic design and conformance any re-design and
re-evaluation of planning in relation to new entry of
additional modules and also in relation to any need of
a dynamic re-organisation;
2) the convergence of sub-project to the main goal and
3) the e.mail and other ITC tools communication efficiency
and the integration of e.learning operation platforms
and portal;
4) the quality the accuracy, completeness and maintainability
in relation to the affirmation and the audit expectations
of the dissemination and diffusion of the SK-SH demonstration
activities and of the documentation outputs.
Director of LRE / EGO-CreaNET
c/o - Education Research Laboratory / EGO-CreaNET
Via Maragliano 77 -50144 - Firenze - Italia Tel//Fax.:+39/055/332549
handy GSM ;+39//335/6760004
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