e.learning @LIS CALL 2002


According to the dynamic nature of eowork the SK-SH proposal is based on e.brain work skills building an leveraging for proposing and implementing an incubator of e.learning strategy for bettering the Alliance between Europe and Latin America.

Following this goal the key factors of the applied methodology for developing a virtual community that can be able growth up sharing knowledge method by means an co- working in internet in a remote context it will be important to analyze the networking methodology.

To monitor the e.working efficiency it will be an important the utilization of a methodology on "Brain-based Learning" that will be useful for growing up a virtual community of "e.brain workers." Brain's natural learning processes. has two memory functions :

1) Short term memory
2) Long Term Memory.

Those functions work as well as a parallel processor, meaning it can perform several activities at once. As a matter of facts we have two natural types of memory engaging the whole brain "e.learning" physiology. and those parallel functions need to be simulated in the co- working on line, in a way to represent both: the short memory processes that can used in the e.mailing lists dialog ,and at the same time it is necessary to utilize a web-site structure, daily adjourned, the can be a simulation of a "Long Term Memory Mosaic Interface" in the World Wide Web.

Thus, working for building up a virtual community using ITC technologies, this means to select a group of people who are able to share knowledge in a "Brain-based Learning Method" of interacting in essence of problems and in short memory approach, when they utilize an e.mailing interactivity, but this it is no sufficient for getting a correspondence to the natural brain processes wholes and functional parts simultaneously.

Hence in order to favor the Long Term Memory learning people in a Virtual Community need to get external "Memory Mosaic Interface" to obtain the continuous possibility to have a simple memory look at the previous database generated by the interactive e.mailing dialog; in fact the last need to be organized into a good syntheses and to an efficient database in a Web Site, that need to a continuous dynamically adjournment, to permit to people to simulate an ITC method of e working in parallel with the mailing list debate.

The previous method to seed a virtual community or a permanent forum using both of Internet mailing and WEB site, is well experimented by the SK-SH proposal for the @LIS call, so that the Consortium 's membership became able to build up a partnership alliance. This "Brain-based Learning" method can be optimized when the Consortium members' will get the opportunity to implement the Skill Shortage e.learning on demand project in a cultural diversity domain. for sharing knowledge with an efficient and qualitative reliability.

Certainly it is important to look to the following considerations to better, on "Brain-based Learning" methods, the contemporary effective condition where people are accustomed to work in a traditional fixed local- space and in a defined period of working time.

The "e.brain work" in fact corresponds to a new way of work and learning at distance in a virtual dimension not more localized in space and conventional time. Therefore utilizing an internet - interface were the methodology of "e. brain work" is completely atypical because the new working dimension of space/time in an extended communities (or enterprises) in the WWW, people need to consider an workable arrangement, substantially different of the traditional ones Hence it is important analyze the new working situation and collect their user "e.learning on demand" requirements. defining the identification of actors modality into new skill building abilities of " e.brain work" and also requirements to propose their replies on line with an interactive characteristic and a proactive capability to propose innovative solutions and experiences.

From those considerations about the methodology of "e.brain work", the SK-SH project will be organized some brainstorming "net-meeting" of the Consortium Members open to the stakeholders adhesion list coming from different cultural approaches, but all finalized to similar problems, and goals. Those "NET-Meeting" will be monthly co-organized in order to compare Consortium membership's experiences, in respect of the possible solutions in a "face to face" meetings, in a way to be conscious for optimizing the relationship between problem saving and problem resolution and to establish new methods of IST management. during the implementation the SK-SH Project with an effective efficiency oriented to enrich the goals and objectives of SK-SH proposal in producing sharing knowledge results giving a contribute to the EU-AL stable alliance.

The above described methodology of sharing knowledge will be applied with the following strategy :

"saving problems before searching for new solution
getting creative skill with knowledge sharing"

Therefore the SKILL SHORTAGE project methodology will be applied as follow:

S1 team --> will share advanced knowledge on problems of understanding the necessary cognitive changes in relation to the work and economy coming from the development of future information society citizenship's The creation of an electronic value chain method helps accelerate the integration of IT dialog into the business decision-making process, making Citizen a full partner in the business instead of simply consumer.

S2 team --> will share technological know how in relation to building educational on demand e.learning platforms and e.publishing tools to take advantage of the collective ITC knowledge base. Also S2 team will develop an organizational method for the integration of virtual long distance net-meeting come together at a moment's notice, conducting voice or video conferences, text e.mailing, sharing documents, and rapidly solving stakeholders problems as easily across European and Latin America Continents.

TP's Sub-Projects --> will generated an innovative methods particularly adapted to SME's international networked enterprises expanding their operations globally and electronically , need to -building extended supply or value chains e.brain working -methods -where the need to embrace and share knowledge throughout the organization becomes critical. It calls for the creation of a new type of knowledge management methods and business culture, which some refer to as a value-chain culture of "business ethics".

Those innovative methods in contents and technology sharing for improving innovative styles of knowledge management can provide a way to break old barriers of the industrial division of labour and to promote an interactive an proactive methods of "e.brain work" skills diffusion able to share knowledge that can bring suppliers, customers, and employees closer together improving the Knowledge Economy in the future Information Society.

Assumption and Risks

Skill Shortage proposal need to get a mission to solve critical processes because the processes of innovative skill buildings need to foster the best possible development in networking learning of human competence and behavior characteristics in a developing a strong, mutual proactive interaction into a virtual permanent community on line. It will be a very complex enterprise for stimulating the advances of Information Society and to contribute to better a long term Alliance between Europe and Latin America.

The above is enclosed in a wide scenario cultural diversity and in an extended dominion of ITC utilization therefore it is sure to prevent the probable risks that the SK-SH proposal need to develop both strategies finalized to problem saving and to problem solving in a way that it will be possible a flexible crossing over the risks also if the streamlines of the traditional approaches and challenges of a less complex endeavor are overtaken.

Therefore the establishment and maintenance of patterns of progressively more complex interaction of SK-SH proposal need to provide to an well co-oganized monitoring and testing approach for the building up models useful to improve of human resources management opportunities in Lifelong Learning system and also in the complemented field of sharing informational ITC -tools for e.publishing and e.learning. into a short and long term perspective.

An Informational Resources Strategic Framework of Quality standards for 2003/2004 will be tested to detects difficulties and or failure of any critical function of the SK-SH working plan program within a semestral cadence in relation to each Sub-Projects (TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4) and the Technological team by the Co-ordinators and the results will be publicized on line, also an Information Resource on Strategic Management intermediate and final report of the entire SK-SH program will be prepared for the first year 2003/2004 and for the second year 2004/2005 by the Steering Committee and will be publicized on line and in two report books.

Finally the concepts of "risk" and "flexibility" have been raising significant attention in defining the SK-SH project timetable. As a matter of facts given a changing times in the evolving Information Society and tacking in consideration the rapid innovation of ITC technology , a critical measurement of risks can be possible only in a short term decision making flexible solutions. Hence the flexibility of the working program can be achieved in a short term periods of e.brain work that alternate the "S1" common e.brain working of all partners with short periods of the SK-SH SUB-project implementations (TP's), followed by a new section of S1 always dedicated to a continuous monitoring an evaluation of all the functions of the complex infrastructure of the program. In this way can be possible to reorganize within an high flexibility the working program for maintaining fixed the goals, objectives and expectations.

In practical terms the SK-SH consortium will get careful attention to the risk and flexibility in the implementation of the proposed program considering a methodology hat can avoid a priori and also permits to forecast the difficulties of knowledge sharing in different cultures and within a context complemental partnership's function of a complex and extensive net-learning program in a wide geographical environment organized for strengthens the alliance between EUROPE and LATIN AMERICA.

© Linda Giannini e Carlo Nati - LRE-EGOCreaNET 2002
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